I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

89. Super Brawl! Revenge! Repay A Favor! (Four Major Chapters, Updated! Go And Subscribe To Get The

"Luffy?!" Luffy and others looked at them as if they were trying to land on the beach.

Garp suddenly felt dizzy.

How did Luffy escape from Impel Down?

No, escaping from Impel Down is a good thing, but why come to Marine headquarters?

Such a battlefield is too early for Luffy, who has not even mastered Haki yet.

Even if he has defeated someone no less powerful than the Vice Admiral.

But that was achieved after a lot of hard work and bloody battles, even a desperate effort, and some luck.

But on this battlefield, there are more than six or seven strong men who can kill Vice Admiral instantly.

Luffy will inevitably suffer disaster if he meets anyone casually.

And his identity is also very sensitive. Luffy was imprisoned during Impel Down.

Garp actually visited Luffy once and tried to convince him to join Marine.

As long as he joins Marine, Garp will try to find a way to get Luffy out.

If it were normal, Garp would know that there is no chance, but he has seen the horror of Impel Down.

Garp still holds out the ten thousandth hope that Luffy will know how to be afraid.

He hopes to be able to find his way back, although he knows that, given Luffy's character.

It's unlikely, but Garp isn't going to try.

Even Garp was determined to pay attention, if he couldn't talk to Luffy for a few days.

Then try it every month after a few months, or even years.

Even take him to see what a real pirate is.

Although it may not be effective, because Luffy is silly.

But in fact, since he was a child, Luffy has seen what a real pirate is——Mr. Blue 5.

It is the normal state of life for people to change after experiencing something. People can still maintain their original intentions after experiencing something. "580" is very valuable.

Garp had planned his future life, but he didn't expect Luffy to successfully escape from prison.

Garp was indeed worried and troubled, but when he thought about the things that neither Kaido nor the red-haired man had accomplished.

Luffy did it, and he couldn't help laughing: "As expected of my grandson!"

"Hey... Garp, this is not something to be proud of."

"Don't worry, Xiaohe, our..."

"Shut up!" Crane Vice Admiral gave Garp a sharp look.

"Yeah, don't worry, that brat Luffy doesn't look like a short-lived person!" Garp nodded sharply.

But after laughing, all that's left is worry.

"Luffy!!" Ace also noticed Luffy.

Luffy is brave now.

Under the cover of Jinbei, Sand Crocodile, Ivankov, Rayleigh and others.

If you enter a deserted area, quickly approach the square.

Although Rayleigh didn't recover much from his injuries, he still has a monster-level body.

Even though he is old, he still cannot be underestimated. Now he has recovered a little.

Ordinary Marine generals can't do anything to him.

Together with the other 10 supernovas, they are basically equivalent to the combat power of Marine Rear Admiral to Vice Admiral.

For an average Marine, it is already quite powerful.

They shouldn't be in this fight.

But they had no other choice. When the warships left, they only captured one.

After entering the high-speed current, they did not dare to jump into the sea casually.

And see how powerful Marine Admiral is.

These unruly people hope to fight on the battlefield and strengthen their strength.

If you die in battle for this, most of the bloody and enlightened people can still accept it.

"We're going to find an opportunity to sneak away!" At the same time, there were some new humans and small fish who escaped with them.

For example, there is Buggy and MR.3, and there is an extra Bentham.

Luffy escaped from the sixth floor all the way to the top, with such great momentum that it was hard not to notice.

And at the beginning, they were able to escape all the way.

Many prisoners were released, creating a commotion.

It was Buggy the Clown who spoke, because giants like Rayleigh and Jinbei Sand Crocodile were coming to the Marine headquarters.

They little miscellaneous fish have no choice at all.

Or just jump off halfway and leave.

Or you can only follow the warship to the Marine headquarters.

But Buggy the clown may not have noticed that the eyes of many pirates around him were already looking at him with admiration.

What they just saw was that Buggy the clown was so familiar with Pluton Rayleigh.

They turned out to be crew members on the same ship.

Although Rayleigh's atmosphere is easy-going.

But others thought of the famous Pluton Rayleigh.

They didn't even have the courage to speak to him.

Naturally, we can only move to Buggy.

Lord Buggy must be a hidden god-tier.

"I didn't ask you to save me. Do you think I would be happy if you saved me? Luffy!!"

Ace held back the tears of emotion, but he didn't want Luffy to risk it.

Luffy is now rushing all the way, and many nearby Marine elites react.

They all attacked Luffy. If Luffy dealt with it alone, it would take two or three moves for any Marine to deal with it.

Some generals even greatly delayed Luffy's speed.

As the blade flew, a trace of blood streaked across Luffy's face.

Obviously in such a battlefield, Luffy is still very immature, especially running all the way from Impel down and starting a fight.

And he had just been beaten severely by the jailers in the morning.

He hasn't recovered yet, and his combat power is not even at its peak.

"But you are my brother! No matter what, even if it means death, I will save you!" Luffy roared hysterically.

It immediately caused many people to scream in horror.

"Impossible?! How is it possible? Didn't Portcas D Rouge die after giving birth to Fire Fist Ace? Does Fire Fist Ace have a younger brother?"

"Is it possible that the Straw Hat boy with a bounty of 300 million beli is also the blood of the Pirate King?!

"If you think about it carefully, such a brat is actually offered a bounty of 300 million beli. That is a high bounty that only the captain of the New World has! Does he also have amazing talents?"... Many Marines There was also a commotion.

"Don't panic, that's not Roger's bloodline, but it's also a dangerous factor in the future. He's the son of the revolutionary dragon! You can't let it go easily." Akainu's cold voice sounded.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. The Revolutionary Army Dragon was no less harmful than the Pirate King.

And he is still alive. The Straw Hat boy has such a big background.

But the more this happens, the less he can let Luffy go.

"Alala... we still have a lot of fighting strength. If we let you pass, it will be very troublesome..." Luffy and others sprinted for a distance.

A gust of cold air suddenly passed over countless pirate Marines, and with a clang, an ice nail was nailed directly in front of Rayleigh and others.

"Ice ball!" Whoosh, two pieces of cloth-like cold air and ice shot out.

Very fast, at least except for Rayleigh and Jinbei.

It's not that easy for others to avoid.

After the battle until now, the black crow has returned.

Whitebeard should be almost exhausted and must not be allowed to join the battlefield.

Sabotage their impending victory at Marine Headquarters.

It would be okay if there was no Rayleigh in this camp.

But if there is.

Aokiji even temporarily gave up Jozi as his opponent.

You also have to come and intercept.

As for Jozy, Hancock looked at him and then at the man on the high platform.

I always feel like his eyes are on me.

In order to make the guy speechless, Hancock took the initiative to attack this powerful enemy.

"Marine Admiral, Aokiji!" Everyone was shocked, watching the overwhelming cold air spreading, and the ice chain was about to freeze them.

They felt a huge pressure.

But it doesn’t seem as scary as the black crow

But it was still very powerful, almost suffocating them.

Rayleigh held a sword in his hand, holding a sword flower, and swept the sword across, cutting off all the cold air.

But there was a roar, and a fortress-like ice wall was erected behind Aokiji.

After all, it is a bit troublesome for one person to stop so many people.

"When people get old, they should find a place to take care of themselves. Why bother after finally escaping from Impel Down and then dying again!"

"Young people like to make troubles, so I would go with them. I also want to see what direction the world will take in the future. The older people get, the more they always want to spread some light and generate some enthusiasm.

"But be careful not to risk your own life."

"Then we have to see if you juniors have this ability."

"Some things... are not so easy to try... Ice Sword!"

Aokiji said calmly, and with a touch of his hand, an ice sword was condensed and held in his hand.

Then the black Haki covered it. Facing Rayleigh, he didn't dare to be careless at all.

The sword was swung, but there was a loud sound, and Aokiji was surprised to find it.

Rayleigh was knocked away several steps by his sword: "It seems that you are about to impel down again."

"I can't see... Brother Jinbei, please take them forward. It's a while here, and it may not be solved so quickly.

"I haven't said anything about letting them pass!"

"Let them go!"

Aokiji wanted to stop him, but was blocked by Futuri's sword energy.

"Hmph... Our alliance is here for this. Next, let's fight on our own!" But the Sand Crocodile had no time to cover Luffy.

Even he was touched by Straw Hat Luffy's spirit in rescuing his brother.

But the purpose of his escape was to kill Whitebeard and avenge his former shame.

"Is that Ace's younger brother... Gu la la la la... he's really energetic!" Whitebeard also glanced sideways.

Although he is very reckless, he does not dislike being reckless enough to risk his life.

"Straw Hat! There are so many strong men around you...it's interesting." Hawkeye stood on the path that Luffy and others must pass.

"What a troublesome guy!" Jinbei and Ivankov suddenly felt a headache. If they took a detour, it would be a battlefield.

It's not that easy to break through the past.

And the eagle's eyes are already looking here.

Zoro also held three knives and looked at Hawkeye again, looking at this destined enemy.

How far is the distance between you and him this time?

"Three Thousand Worlds..." Zoro rushed forward without hesitation.

He wanted to clear the way for Luffy, even if it was just for a while.

As soon as he comes up, Zoro explodes with all his strength!

The other nine supernovas began to fight individually.

Some people challenge the famous Marine generals, and some people challenge Shichibukai Doflamingo, such as Luo.

If it were a head-to-head confrontation, Luo felt that he was not a match for Brother Ming.

But in chaos, anything can happen.

For example, when Brother Ming and Whitebeard are close, you can teleport Brother Ming to Whitebeard's knife or earthquake fist.

Although it is very difficult to operate, now that I have encountered it.

Luo didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Feeling the cold murderous aura permeating the air.

Brother Ming also looked over and showed a slightly crazy smile.

Bonney even sneaked towards Akainu's location.

Apparently if she gets the chance, she will turn Akainu into a child or an old man, rendering him incapable of fighting.

"It's really numb

It's annoying..." Drake "killed" towards Kizaru.

Although I am being served delicious food and drinks in prison these days.

He was originally going to prepare for a prison "transfer" and then be robbed outside so that he could continue to be a pirate.

Scored by Beasts Pirates.

But is it necessary now? Beasts Pirates Kaido have all been beheaded by Admiral the Black Crow.

He is now going to find Kizaru, his old boss, and ask if he can return to the team.

Being a pirate is so difficult!

"Straw Hat boy, we are neither relatives nor friends, but since you let me go at LV5, let me clear a way for you..." Monk Urouge fights for Straw Hat.

Although he was released by the way when he rescued Zoro.

But 3.9 Urouge is still remembered in my heart, even though it is called a monk who breaks the precepts.

But he still believes in karma and the like.

Because his boxing is called Karma Boxing.

"The Black Crow guy is hard to deal with, so let's see if we can kill a Vice Admiral!" Kid focused on the Dauberman Vice Admiral.

As the prisoners joined in, the battlefield became increasingly chaotic and crazy.

No one's opponent is fixed.

New enemies are added at any time.

"Whitebeard, go to hell! Sandstorm!" Sand Crocodile killed Whitebeard with MR.1.

A super sandstorm tornado was condensed.

"What a bad boy..." Whitebeard glanced slightly out of the corner of his eye, not caring.

Then a slender figure pulled out the ice sword and chopped the tornado sandstorm into pieces with one sword stroke!

She is the Ice Witch, one of the 43 captains. The Ice Witch has higher qualifications than Marco.

I also followed Whitebeard earlier, but women are not encouraged to fight in the Whitebeard Pirates.

That's why she didn't become the captain of 16, but became one of the captains.

But in terms of strength, he is also among the best among the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

"Sakazuki, stand down...there is no need to drag this war on any longer!" Levi took a look at the Marine headquarters and the attitude of many Marines towards Whitebeard.

I completely understood, "During the period when I was in Impel Down.

Whitebeard unleashed Kamui and beat Akainu very badly, letting the world fully realize how powerful he is.

Many people are afraid of Whitebeard.

In this case, there is no need to wait any longer.

The time has come, take off Whitebeard's head and achieve your own success!

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