I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

91. Who Is The Best In The World? Death Is Not The End! A Choice For Whitebeard! (Please Subscribe,

"Open it!" Whitebeard was like a mythical giant at this moment.

Being pressed down by Levi's Reiatsu tsunami made him feel as uncomfortable as an ant in a storm.

Reiatsu is continuous and getting stronger.

After Whitebeard resisted, he realized how terrifying this power was.

Whitebeard roared, and the power in his body exploded instantly. Every cell, every inch of flesh and blood seemed to explode.

The arm muscles swelled a bit, making the whole person look taller and more powerful.

Then the earthquake shock wave was followed by a sharp and majestic sword energy bursting out from Cong Yunqie.

This Reiatsu tsunami is split into two with its ferocity, which is really spectacular.

Peng! Whitebeard's movements instantly became extremely vigorous.

The whole person swept towards Levi like a ray of light.

The speed is indeed much braver than the slow and sickly movement at the beginning.

"Dad, what's going on? Why do I feel like I'm back when I was young?!" Marco felt extremely curious.

From Dad's Conqueror's Haki.

Marco felt a surge of vitality.

According to this aura, Dad should be fine even if he stays with them for another ten years.

At the same time, Dad was actually filled with joy, the joy of fighting, something I hadn't seen in Dad for a long time.

"It's really fierce!" Levi looked at Whitebeard, who was rushing towards him at the speed of light.

There was no panic at all, Whitebeard was certainly powerful.

But it still can't compare to two Four Emperors joining forces.

The only thing to note is the destructive power of Shock Fruit.

Whoosh! Two black wings flew out and struck Whitebeard jumping in mid-air.

Then a black beam of light enveloped Whitebeard.

Whitebeard's figure seemed to be frozen in mid-air.

The pressure generated by soul deterrence is enough to solidify the atmosphere and everything within a certain range.

After immobilizing Whitebeard, Levi focused an ordinary Cero between his eyebrows, and the ultimate flash beam burst towards Whitebeard.

But even the most ordinary Reiatsu Cero is enough to flatten a mountain.

It seemed that the high-energy beam was blasting, and countless shock waves suddenly appeared around Whitebeard.

He is an earthquake man, and it is not only his weapons and fists that can cover the power of earthquakes.

Earthquake force can be released throughout the entire body.

Just concentrate a little before attacking.

More destructive.

Relying on the shock wave released from his body, Whitebeard also shattered the Reiatsu beam of light just before Cero hit him.

Then he used his backhand skills to use Levi's Cero and guide it to the sky.

Cero exploded in the sky like a bright planet.

Lighting up the entire Marine headquarters.

Then there was a crash...a majestic heavy rain, which came just as soon as it came.

But it cannot extinguish the smoke of the battlefield at all.

Everyone is still fighting.

"Wang Xu's flash!" But Whitebeard just took a breath.

A stronger black Reiatsu Cero burst out.

Faster, more powerful, and chosen at this moment after Whitebeard attacks!

No matter how quickly Whitebeard reacts, there will definitely be a momentary stop at this moment.

This momentary stop prevented him from making the next dodge move.

When King Cero comes, Whitebeard can only use abilities, Haki, and sword skills, all three in one!

Use your sword to block!

Boom!! A terrifying explosive mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The two are within a radius of five kilometers, except Akainu.

Others had already subconsciously evacuated.

Marine is evacuated by Akainu.

The pirates knew that Whitebeard's posture was to use his Shock Fruit ability with all his strength.

I had already hid far away and started to prepare for the earthquake.

And they discovered that Dad's earthquake power was even stronger than before the war started.

But when Whitebeard blocked this Cero, the mushroom cloud of flaming energy that shot into the sky was too terrifying!

Everyone can't help but worry.

Peng! Whitebeard was a little embarrassed and the atmosphere was shattered by the explosion, and he quickly escaped!

The injuries that had already recovered now have new wounds added!

But this time, it's a real showdown, and Levi will no longer heal Whitebeard.

Seeing this scene, Akainu silently stepped back a distance.

He took it out on the nearby pirates, but Observation Haki still kept an eye on the battlefield here.

"Gulu la la la...so happy...!" Whitebeard hasn't felt so comfortable in a long time.

As he finished speaking, he kept attacking Levi, but was repelled by Levi every time.

And every time he was beaten back, Whitebeard always had one or two more scars on his body.



"Void King Flash!"

Puffy Puffy!!

Levi modifies his soul so that his energy will always be abundant.

The powerful high-energy beam attack is several times more terrifying than Kizaru's laser!

But it’s the same as flat A, again and again!

The area where the two of them are located ranges from heaven, earth, and the sea!

Just like a dead end, if ordinary people accidentally step into the fighting range of two people.

The aftermath alone was enough to turn the powerful Vice Admiral into a ball of blood mist.

Extremely terrible!

"This little monster! Even in my heyday, he is no match for me?! Was he so confident just now!" Whitebeard was beaten and suppressed. The more he was beaten, the more frightened he became. His opponent seemed to have adapted to his counterattack!

His own rhythm was completely controlled by the little monster Black Crow.

Whitebeard wanted to break away from Levi's attack rhythm.

But Levi's high-energy beam condensed in front of him, and then blasted out one after another!

Every shot cannot be ignored. It is almost equivalent to a person of their level hitting with all his strength!

But isn’t this little monster’s full blow too much?

"Whitebeard was beaten by Black Crow Admiral!! We can win!"

"Yes, we can win!"

"This is not okay, Whitebeard can't fall now!" Rayleigh heard the excited shouts of Marines on the battlefield.

Very worried and wanted to help Whitebeard.

If Whitebeard falls, Fire Fist Ace may no longer have any meaning in existence.

He will be executed directly by Marine in the next moment. The reason why he has not been executed yet.

It's because I haven't found an opportunity to influence Whitebeard's psychology.

Keep Fire Fist Ace still useful.

And Marshal Sengoku also has selfish motives.

What if something happens to Levi during the battle with Whitebeard?

If you make good use of the Ace card in time, you may be able to rescue Levi from some kind of crisis.

Even turning defeat into victory.

Although it seems now that Whitebeard is being beaten more unilaterally.

But Sengoku has a deep memory of Whitebeard's strength.

In Sengoku's impression, even when he faced Roger, Whitebeard had won many battles.

Although overall, he loses more than he wins.

But in the era when Roger is not around, he is definitely the king of no-guests.

It may bring danger to Levi.

The two fought fiercely, watching Whitebeard's living space being gradually compressed!

Sengoku felt slightly relieved.

After recovering from Whitebeard, he has been within Levi's Reiatsu range.

The energy surging in this range.

With just a thought, Levi can carry this energy and rush high into the sky.

If this were not the case, the two of them would fight unscrupulously, and the entire Marine headquarters, except for a few Shichibukai-level powerhouses and Admiral-level powerhouses, would probably fight.

If others cannot escape the island in time.

They will all be blasted to pieces by the ripples of energy caused by the collision between the two!

"Dad..." Marco was restless, unable to accept the reality in front of him.

Dad's aura is obviously stronger than when he first arrived at Marine headquarters.

But why is there no advantage at all?

If this continues, Dad will soon be the same as before.

In danger.

Damn it! How could there be such a powerful monster in this world!

"The Black Crow Admiral is the well-deserved uncrowned king of this war!!" Sabaody Archipelago, a reporter, was writing down something in his notebook!

Their newspaper is about to publish an edition predicting that Black Crow Admiral will defeat Whitebeard!

If the prediction is correct! Then their newspaper office will likely usher in a period of rapid development.

"I really didn't expect this to happen. Although Whitebeard's body has recovered strangely, it seems that he is still defeated by the black crow Admiral. It seems that Marine will win this battle if there are no accidents!" An old reporter also said with emotion.

In his life, he has devoted his life to interviewing Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, about the footsteps he has walked and the things he has done.

He even once saw Whitebeard show off his power in person.

That kind of power is still fresh in his memory. He never expected that such a man would be pressed down and beaten.

And it's a bit obvious, even a person with average strength like him can see it.

It was not easy for Whitebeard to resist. Blood splattered and injuries continued to accumulate.

If this happens to Whitebeard at the beginning of the war.

There will be doubts about Whitebeard all over the world.

They would think that the title of the world's strongest person is not real, but now they don't think so.

Because during the time when Black Crow Admiral left, Sakazuki Admiral was suppressed and beaten by Whitebeard.

And I almost got punched to death several times!!

There is no doubt about Whitebeard's power!

"Rescue Ace!!" The pirates gradually went crazy.

Rayleigh wants to break through Aokiji's interference.

If it were before, it would not be difficult, but now the strength has not been restored.

He himself was once suppressed and beaten by Aokiji.

Luffy, supported by many people, also rushed to the center of the square.

It's not far from Ace.

But he was suddenly kicked away by a Vice Admiral!

Jinbei and Zoro fight together with Hawkeye.

Clear the way for Luffy, now only Ivankov Lightning and Monk Urouge are left with Luffy!

But they also need to deal with pressure from the Marines.

It's impossible to protect Luffy all the time.

Luffy flew backwards and landed in the middle of the battle between Kizaru and Marco.

Kizaru looked down, his face expressionless, but he was very worried.

Damn it! Who the hell kicked the Straw Hat boy to his feet!

Don't you know Garp is watching the game?

Forget it, let Marco take action.

If he doesn't take action, he will blow him further away.

The current battlefield situation cannot be relaxed.

He is thinking about the overall situation.

If both of Garp's grandsons were killed.

The Garp family is desperate and cannot help but take action, and the entire war will be rewritten.

That's a big problem! Garp's defection will be fatal.

So at this stage, it’s better not to be too excited about Garp.

Straw hat boy, you are really unlucky!" Kizaru stretched out a finger to condense the laser, but the speed was not very fast.

Marco saw this and pounced quickly. As he flew over Luffy, he picked him up with his claws and threw him out of the fighting circle.

When Akainu saw this, he wanted to attack, but he now wanted to make sure that no one around him could support Whitebeard!

Because Whitebeard has to die!!

Holy place.

"What?! A pirate alliance incident occurred on Suixian Star Island?! Led by the Four Emperors aunt?!" Five Elders suddenly received a secret from Stussy


The faces of the Five Elders changed!

"These bastards! We just killed an old Four Emperors Whitebeard, and they can't sit still?!"

"If that's the case, it definitely won't happen. Kaido's death is probably a trigger. Also, the Black Crow is too powerful..."

"This is the most difficult disaster to deal with. If they use all possible means to get to the Marine headquarters, they will be in trouble..."

"Now I just hope that not many people will respond. Let Marshal Kong be in place immediately to take precautions. If this war starts, we will not be able to stop it. Only Whitebeard's death can threaten us."

Stop these fanatics! We must not allow other forces to interfere with the outcome of this war. "


Suddenly, a secret guard appeared in the office, bringing another bombshell news: "Sir, the test results of Kosas are out... He also lacks a soul. According to him,

Memories... He once shook hands with the black crow Admiral at Impel Down. At that time, he had some strange feeling in his heart..."

"Shake hands!!" Yue Laoxing also stood up suddenly.


(Money is good) "OK!"

"The Black Crow Admiral can't be kept! No matter how good he is, he must find a way to deal with him. It's easy to deal with him now that he's alone!" The Five Elders looked at each other and made a unanimous decision!


"Wait a minute, let Marshal Kong stand by when he arrives near the Marine headquarters. Maybe the pirate attack will be a good opportunity. Who do you think they want to kill the most when they come to the Marine headquarters?


"Judging from the current situation, Black Crow should be the most prestigious, followed by Garp!"


"I understand..." They had used the trick of borrowing a knife to kill people countless times.

Levi had no idea what was happening in the Holy Land.

After all, no matter how strong he was, he would never have thought that even if he shook hands, he would be found out.

But it does not rule out Levi making some arrangements.

The entire Reiatsu field within five kilometers of Levi was filled with black fog, and everyone could not see clearly the two warring parties.

Everyone's sight, hearing, and color are insensitive to Dongxi Mao.

As soon as Haki got close, he was brutally torn apart by Reiatsu.

It can only be seen that the power of the attack is still crazy.

Levi let Whitebeard get close to him, and a sky knife in front of him blocked Whitebeard's close attack.

But the man is one or two meters above the ground, floating gracefully in the air, without a trace of dust on his body: "I have a question for you. Although you will still die... but death is not the end, if you

If your answer satisfies me, I may give you another option. "

"What's the problem?" Whitebeard was filled with Haki and was full of fighting spirit.

Whitebeard didn't care about the choice. He didn't understand much of Levi's words.

But he was also curious about what Levi wanted to ask him.

"How much do you know about the truth about this world?" As soon as Levi said this, Whitebeard's expression suddenly changed. It was even more horrifying than the first time he experienced Levi's super strength!

Even such an expression should not appear on this man's face!

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