I Am a Saiyan

Chapter 152:

Te Meidou shook his head and said, "No, what I mean is-how can I become stronger faster and walk faster on the road."

Sun Wufan frowned and thought, referring to his own experience, and tentatively replied: "The teacher's teaching, his talent, and... the stimulation of the enemy?"


Ugh? Sun Wufan is a little puzzled, if it's not these words...

Sun Wuming thought for a moment and said, "Work hard!"


Te Meidou was speechless for a moment, and asked: "For example, without considering such things as talent and potential, the same teacher teaches and has the same experience, but why are some people far better than others? people?"

Sun Wufan subconsciously thought of his companions... Uncle Bick, Uncle Tianjin Fan, Uncle Kelin, Uncle Yamucha.

To say whether they are strong or not, among the earthlings, they are strong, right? But this comparison is meaningless. In terms of strength, compared to themselves, Uncle Vegeta and Dad, the gap is too large, which makes them unable to become the main combat members in the battle.

Sun Wuming was also recalling and retorted: "No, Dad has always been strong."

"The answer...is the road."

Te Meidou shook her head slightly, and came to a conclusion.

"Theoretically, all beings have the possibility to become strong, there is no so-called limit, but to become strong, you need a lot of things - persevering perseverance, the awareness of stepping on the martial arts, not dying on the way, etc. There is one item that a lot of people tend to ignore.”

"the way."

Temeidou emphasized the word again.

"Race, ego - the former is a natural thing, each race has different talents and characteristics, if you want to train yourself to become stronger, naturally you can't break away from your natural body and spirit, unless you transform yourself or become something else, And every race has a different path."

Te Meidou looked at Son Gohan and asked, "Answer, I know some of your experiences, so where do you think Saiyans and Earthlings have completely widened the gap in strength?"

Sun Wuhan suddenly said: "Super Saiyan!"


Te Meidou nodded lightly.

"Someone, the road is opened, and the latecomers see the road, have a direction and a goal, and of course they can stride forward... Most of the time and space, the cosmic people use the 'strength of qi = strength' as ​​the benchmark, this benchmark is for Saiyans It is a concept that is closer to the racial path, but it is an incompatible concept for the people of the earth.”

"If a bird doesn't try to spread its wings and just tries to learn to swim, it will just drown in the sea."

Sun Wuming asked curiously, "Then the bird can't swim?"


Te Meidou replied calmly.

"When it gets stronger, flies faster, flies higher, out of the universe, and cuts through the sea with its wings -- who's to say it can't swim?"

Chapter 172 The Path of the Saiyans

the way……

Sun Wufan has a vague understanding, yes! It was my father who opened the door called 'Super Saiyan' by chance, and my father became a role model. I and Uncle Vegeta naturally followed in my father's footsteps and tried to become a Super Saiyan. direction.

Even if the direction is very vague 'anger', there is a direction.

This is the road. When I walk on this road and continue to move forward, although Uncle Vegeta is based on the concept of 'intensity of chi = strength', he has successfully figured out the super saiyan power type, and he is getting 21 Inspired by No. 1, the mimic demon Saiyan transformed into another door...

On this road, Dad opened the door for himself and Uncle Vegeta, and he and Uncle Vegeta continued to explore through various experiences.

Others, such as Uncle Krillin, were not Saiyans, so of course they couldn't take this path, but they didn't find their own path.

Influenced by the idea of ​​cosmos and Saiyans such as myself, the most common training is simply exercising the body, meditating on the spirit, trying to increase the strength of qi... The path represented by this concept is not suitable for them, their progress Naturally very slow.

Sun Gohan looked at Te Meidou with some admiration.

"Um... the road..."

Sun Wuming also understood a little: "It just means that you can get stronger faster by exercising somewhere."

Te Meidou continued her class.

"The path, after finding the path of your natural race, you can create a different path according to your different self. Words alone may not allow you to understand the meaning. I will show you for yourself."

"Look at the way some Saiyans have walked since time immemorial."

Te Meidou snapped her fingers lightly.

She released a little anger, entangled Sun Wuming and Sun Wufan, and penetrated their spirits.

In an instant, before Sun Wuming and Sun Wufan could react, they found themselves in a pure white spiritual space, with a road spreading into the distance with no end in sight.

Temeidou stood before them.

"First of all, Saiyans are neither a fighting nation, nor a way to protect a nation or race. There is no definition of what is right or wrong for humans. It is just a path, and one can walk up and become stronger, even if it is not. What is to be defined should also be the meaning contained in this road..."

Sun Wuming looked around curiously, followed Te Meidou's footsteps, and suddenly he saw a black-haired Saiyan with a long tail, who was staring at the full moon in the sky.

With a heavy heartbeat and a low growl, the Saiyan body swelled and his hair grew, turning into a huge scarlet-eyed ape, roaring loudly.

Son Gohan recognized it: "The Saiyan's giant ape transformed..."

"I call this the Saiyan Giant Ape."

Temeidou continued to lead the way.

The Saiyan Giant Ape disappeared, followed by a reappearance screen.

The scarlet-eyed giant ape roared up to the sky. In the scarlet eyes, golden pupils emerged little by little, and its body began to shrink slowly, and finally turned into a Saiyan. At first, the Saiyan was full of black hair. With the change, the hair disappeared little by little.

A strong, black-haired, golden-eyed Saiyan with no hair at all, quietly looking up at the full moon.

"This is the posture of Isaiah's giant ape to regain reason and completely integrate the power of the Saiyan giant ape with itself. It is called the Saiyan ape-man."

Sun Wuming and Sun Wufan, watching intently - this is the road!

After the screen disappeared, it reappeared. The black-haired and golden-eyed Saiyan ape-man let out an angry roar while fighting an enemy. Instantly, golden flames surged, whistling, and lightning and thunder.

His body swelled again, becoming a golden giant ape.

"Isaiah's ape-man's posture inspires the power of Super Saiyans and transforms into a golden giant ape."

The picture changed again. In the scarlet eyes of the golden giant ape, reason slowly emerged, shrinking back to human form, with some hair attached to the surface of the body. Beneath the darker hair with a deeper luster, the golden eyes were bright and peaceful.

"Retrieve sanity from the golden giant ape, successfully control all power, and transform into a super saiyan ape - there is also a way, a certain saiyan first becomes a super saiyan, and then stimulates the giant ape Li, the name over there is Super Saiyan IV, but they are basically similar things."

Going forward again, the Saiyan in the super Saiyan ape posture controls the hair on the body to completely retract into the body, and the dark red hair on the body seems to have dyed the hair, making the hair color from black to become. The dark red, golden pupils also slowly turned into calm blue.

"This is a posture that is based on the Super Saiyan Ape. After choosing the human posture, it completely integrates power with itself. It is called Super Saiyan Crimson - the fork of this position, and the other road is The foundation of the Super Saiyan Ape, I chose to transform into a giant ape..."

A scarlet ape roared in the universe, exuding an unspeakable viciousness. Next to him, there was a planet about the size of it, and the next second, the planet was kicked into a cosmic fireworks. .

Sun Wufan and Sun Wuming couldn't help but move their brows. Even if it was just a picture, they could feel the terrifying and savage power of this ape... and its ferocity.

"This gesture is called the Scarlet Giant Ape, and it is a Saiyan who gave up intellectual wisdom and returned to the wild road in order to gain the power to do certain things - now, let's go back to the beginning."

The picture disappeared, and it was still a vast white spiritual space. Te Meidou looked at the two little Saiyans and asked, "Road, what did you see?"

Sun Wufan said hesitantly, "Is it... a transformation?"

Sun Wuming scratched his hair: "I think, is it getting stronger...or what kind of evolution?"

"All right, but a more accurate statement is - Saiyans have the power to evolve, but how difficult is the evolution of all things in the universe, let alone a trivial racial talent, so many times, the evolution of Saiyans, It's all done in a transforming posture, and you can also call it 'temporary evolution'."

Temeidou said: "The more you develop the characteristics of this race, the stronger this characteristic will be... Don't think that the transformations I showed you just now are things that Saiyans have in their books, those transformations. It’s all a gesture of Saiyans developing themselves, constantly becoming stronger, and naturally transformed.”

"The stronger the Saiyans develop this innate characteristic, the more often they can naturally create different transformations by contacting certain 'realm', 'power', 'special qi', 'spirit' and other media— Like this gesture."

Te Meidou gently waved.

An image reappeared, a Saiyan who couldn't see his appearance was panting, and there was some kind of quiet silver flame flowing on the body surface.

In the next second, the airflow suddenly expanded in all directions, turning into a galaxy like a twinkling of light.


There was a clear sound of inhalation flashing in the silence, and the spreading galaxy shrank instantly and was incorporated into the body.

Saiyan figure reappeared.

Silver hair, silver eyes, and fluttering on the surface of the body, like the silvery white breath of light smoke.

The two little Saiyans felt a kind of... inexplicable quiet feeling expressed in the image. The other seemed to be integrated with the environment, with an extremely strong sense of existence, but with a bit of ethereal charm.

"Freedom and extreme intention - a skill of the gods, this Saiyan himself only completed the concept of primary free extreme will, but with the characteristics of the Saiyan, he deduced the higher realm of this skill, and finally in his own Gradually developing and realizing this transformation, the ultimate freedom is a skill of touching the realm, not a transformation ability, but the path of the Saiyans makes this skill a transformation."

Temeidou asked: "Now, do you understand? Every Saiyan may take a different path because of different encounters, different experiences, different ideas, different learning methods... But if you want to To make yourself stronger and go further, you need to be based on yourself, and the premise of opening your own path is to step on the path of nature.”

Sun Wufan asked curiously, "Then what's the name of my transformation?"

Sun Wuming asked curiously, "Are there any other kinds of Saiyans?"

"The road, I can't show you too much, too much, the more difficult it will be for you to walk out of your own way, the more you will fall into overwhelmed choices, and choose and choose against different roads - but, the way of self, only If you can walk by yourself, I just tell you what the 'road' is, as for Sun Wuhan, your transformation..."

Te Meidou took a step and once again led the two of them into other differences on this road.

First screen: Saiyan transforms into Super Saiyan.

Second screen: Super Saiyan becomes Super Saiyan Strong.

In the third picture, the Super Saiyan is strong and becomes a taller Super Saiyan with green flames.

"This one, by intensifying the Saiyan bloodline, mimics the transformation of the demon Saiyan, with stronger qi and a stronger body... But this transformation has not been named yet."

Sun Wufan said in surprise: "Why?"

Te Meidou replied: "Dead, the first Saiyan to walk out of this road, he only came here."

Sun Wufan: "?"

Sun Wuming tilted his head, looked at the tall Super Saiyan in the picture, and wondered: "The green one of the Devil Saiyan is irrational, why do you want to go like this?"

Temeidou explained: "Power, he wanted to gain that kind of endless power, but he couldn't go too far. He tried to purify his blood and inspire stronger power, but he still hasn't transformed like a demon Saiyan. , has already embarked on the end of the demon Saiyan's self-destruction. Of course, the demon Saiyan is also a Saiyan, but that kind of transformation is natural. The creator of this road wants to transform himself into that To this extent, after all, it has not been able to bridge the gap between nature and nature.”

Sun Wufan's face turned pale.

"Remember, when I tell you this, I only tell you about these things."

Temeidou said seriously: "The Saiyans have the path of the Saiyans, but each Saiyan has his own path-I won't show you more paths, just for fear that you think you can repeat something. , for example, the other road I showed you just now... You know what Saiyans who created that road have experienced? What ideas did they have? What did they gain in the process of becoming stronger? What did they lose? What skills did they learn? What battles have you fought? How did you create the transformation?"

"You don't know, even if you know, you can't reproduce it."

Te Meidou said: "Listen, the road is your own, body, spirit, mentality, belief, direction, experience, experience, knowledge, received teaching... There will be no identical people, Sun Wufan, you Do you think the result of this transformation is doomed? If there are Saiyans who go further on this basis, do you want to say that it already exists?"

"Or - do you have the courage and perseverance to push this transformation further?"

"The path from weak to strong is unique to each person, from ignorance to knowledge to the unity of knowledge and action, from nothing to a farther place... What comes out is the your own way."

"In the next period of time, I will not teach you any specific transformations, nor will I teach you any special moves."

"I will only let you know the path of the Saiyans, and walk the path of the Saiyans with a clear understanding."

"How to get out of your own way after that is your own business."

Chapter 173: Temeidou Small Classroom

"Drink ah ah ah!"

Son Gohan turns into a Super Saiyan.

"Hey ya ya!"

Son Gohan's face was red and his ears were red, and he was transformed from a Super Saiyan into a Super Saiyan powerful type.


From the super saiyan power type, the body is pulled up and transformed into a super saiyan green flame.

Super Saiyan Green Flame, which is the name of Son Gohan, and firmly denied the naming of someone Super Saiyan Hunk.

Sun Wufan took a few breaths, his breath swelled and burned, and the pain from the forced expansion of his bones and muscles was very clear.

In the next second, Sun Wuhan's body shrank back to its original state and returned to normal. He endured the pain all over his body and continued to transform.

"The so-called Super Saiyan Power Type is just a transition from Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan Green Flame-Continue to repeat the transformation, keep going back and forth, pay attention to the separation of spirit when transforming, and understand the process of transformation To understand why you can transform like this, you must remember the process of transformation with your body and mind, and stabilize this change."

"When you can change from a Super Saiyan to a Super Saiyan Green Flame in one breath, that is the entry, and directly from the normal state to a Super Saiyan Green Flame, that is mastering."

Te Meidou's guidance is simple and rude, and Sun Gohan needs to constantly transform, recover, transform, recover, observe and remember the process of change.

Sun Gohan found that he was really not proficient in transforming. For example, once he was distracted to feel the changes, it would pull his energy and emotions, which would prolong the transformation time, and even sometimes couldn't change.

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