I Am a Saiyan

Chapter 174:

"Sun Wuming, you really are wild! I'm going to blow your **** out today!"

"I hide, I hide, I hide... Hey! Can't hit, can't hit!"

Kiki: Angry!

"Wu Ming, don't provoke Qiqi!"

Sun Wukong realizes that the meal in the future may be a little dangerous!

"And number 21! What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to call them home before?!"

The 21st was stunned, yes!

As soon as I got here, I was taught by Liuli Dongla. I was so excited that I completely forgot about Qiqi's request!

"Yes, sorry..."

"Tsk! That guy from Yamucha told me that he came to the temple to practice... Humph! Eighty percent of the time, he went to someplace to fool around!"

Bulma clicked her tongue and stopped paying attention to the family comedy over there. The more she watched, the more upset she became. She turned her head and said, "God, your spaceship is almost repaired by me. Through deciphering, there is indeed a specially marked planet on the star map called Namek."

Tianshen slammed his cane and nodded lightly: "What do you think?"

"What do I think? Don't you mean that space navigation technology? It's not a good thing to get that thing out, and it's meaningless. Humans haven't even finished measuring the land under their feet, and they fly out of the universe. If you encounter any bad people, wouldn't it cause trouble for Lao Sun and the others?"

Bulma rolled his eyes: "It's boring for you to test me."

The **** of heaven was revealed, without embarrassment, he just remained silent for a while, and said slowly: "I am the **** of the earth now, I opened my eyes when I was young, I was on this land, and later inherited the throne... I have a responsibility in my body. , I don't plan to go in person, someone will take my place to see my hometown..."

In the distance, Piccolo moved his ears, frowned involuntarily, and then loosened it again.


"Judging from the speed of your spaceship and the distance from the star map, it will take two months to go there."

Bulma shrugged and said, "That's all we can do, you decide what to do."

"Well... this is also a personal matter of mine."

The gods coughed and turned to the crowd who were either practicing or making a fuss: "Everyone, I have one thing. I wonder if anyone is interested in visiting aliens?"

Qiqi's broom swung out an afterimage, and Sun Wuming quickly dodged with ease and took time to ask, "Are there any powerful people on the alien planet?"

Sun Wukong hid behind Sun Wuming and asked curiously, "Why are we going to the alien planet?"

Sun Wufan was a little curious: "That - Lord Tenjin, are you talking about Namek? The hometown of Uncle Piccolo?"

Piccolo snorted coldly, did not refuse, did not answer, which fully reflected his dislike of the gods and his tacit attitude towards going to his hometown.

Member +1.


Ke Lin smacked his lips and stabbed the man in the cloak with his elbow: "Tianjin Fan, are you interested?"

"Tianjin Rice?"

Sun Wuming was distracted and was knocked on the head by a broom. He frowned thoughtfully: "Tianjin Rice...it seems a little familiar..."

Qiqi was stunned for a moment, then she threw the broom and pulled Sun Wuming's hair to see if there were any wounds. She frowned and muttered, "You kid! Don't you call your practice every day? No matter how you practice your broom, you can't escape..."

The cloaked man coughed: "There are countless people with the same name in the world."

Sun Wuming suddenly said: "Yes, many fathers have the same name, and many Gohans are also the same name."

"I'm not going."

The cloaked man, who did not want to be named, raised his hand and pulled the hat: "I have learned a lot recently, I am going to retreat for a while, and by the way, I will also consider the problem of the road..."

On the 21st, he asked curiously: "If the spaceship is to be driven automatically, right? There must be someone who knows how to drive a spaceship as insurance, right? In case of an accident, it will be in space."

"I go!"

Bulma said angrily: "I want to see what the guy at Yamucha can do after I have been gone for two months!"

Member +1.

Chapter 195 Namek Tour Group

What would an alien planet look like? There are green-skinned monsters like Uncle Piccolo everywhere... ahem, I can't be influenced by my brother!

Sun Wufan shook his head and raised his small hand: "Well, can I go take a look?"

In the blink of an eye, Qiqi came to Sun Wufan, and immediately rejected: "No! It's been two months once you go out, isn't that a good deal?! All of you are going to be mad at me, right?!"

Sun Wufan laughed dryly and automatically skipped Dad - in front of Mom, Dad was speechless, unless it was something very important.

Then skip the elder brother—the elder brother will not wrestle with the mother because of his own affairs, and in the style of the elder brother, it will only make the time worse and worse.

Sun Wufan secretly gave Liu Lidong a wink: Sister Dong, it's up to you!

Liu Lidong coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Aunt Qiqi, if you travel to other planets, you can increase your experience. Gohan is studying at home all day long, although he has made great progress in his studies, but only reading is not enough, he has to apply what he has learned... This time, let's give Gohan an exam, how about that?"

Kiki came interested: "Exam?"

"Well, if Gohan wants to go, I'll go with him, and teach him his homework along the way. Every day Gohan has to write a diary of no less than 800 words, and by the way, he can also learn about spaceships with Bulma. high-tech knowledge like that.”

Liu Lidong stretched out her finger and said softly, "No matter what society becomes, industry will always be the foundation. Maybe it's time for Gohan to learn all kinds of industrial knowledge and theories. Miss Bulma is a genius. At her level, she teaches Gohan. There is more than enough, even if he learns 20% to 30%, Gohan will become a great scholar in the future, the truth will not be eliminated by society, and the things I know are more inclined to the category of literature, which is not suitable for Gohan."

Kiki was lost in thought.

"And I can also transfer, if Gohan gets homesick, or Aunt Kiki wants to see Gohan, I can teleport back and forth anytime, anywhere—it's like Gohan just goes out every day and comes home anytime."

Kiki was persuaded.

Sun Wufan's face was filled with joy, and she was really reliable as Sister Dong.

Member +2.

Kelin poked Sun Wukong: "Wukong, do you want to go?"

"Well, I want to study how to restore the normal body to a little balance. The road theory is really interesting..."

Sun Wukong said hesitantly, "Go to another planet or something..."

"Dad! Come here!"

Sun Wuming suddenly pulled up his father and ran away for a distance.

The two crouched down and whispered.

"Dad! I suddenly remembered that there is a very strong guy in the universe, what is Frieza!"

"Strong? How strong?"

"In general, it's better than Dad's ultra-limited king boxing, and that guy hasn't exercised since he was born, so there is a lot of room for growth."

"Hey—that sounds amazing, is he a good guy or a bad guy?"

"Bad man, but he can't beat me now."

"what do you mean…"

"Let's fight Frieza in space."

"it is good!"

Snapped! The two gave a high five, then walked back.

"Kiki! I'm going to supervise Gohan's studies!"

"Mom! I'm going to supervise Dad to supervise Gohan's studies!"


Kiki folded her arms, her brows jumping with murderous intent: "Would you like to supervise yourselves? Forget it, if you want to follow along, just follow along—you must not disturb Gohan's study, otherwise..."

"There will be two less bowls at home."

Kiki smiled very kindly.

Member +2.

Seeing this, Ke Lin felt relieved, raised his hand and said, "If that's the case, I'll go along too! Maybe seeing the martial arts of aliens will give you some inspiration."

The path of the Saiyans is definitely not related to the people of the earth. At least the people of the earth will not change in size. At most, they are like the tortoises. There is a difference in muscle mass between the full strength and the usual state. What path is suitable for the earth people? Krillin felt that he might not be able to figure it out just by pondering it on his own.

Or go outside to see if it's reliable, and Wukong has gone, isn't it safe?

Member +1.

No. 21 ran over with his hands up: "I'm going too! I'm going too!"

spacecraft! Outer space! That's the romance of a scientist!

Qiqi frowned: "You will also go on the 21st? Am I alone in the house? Forget it! Isn't it just a trip? I'll go back and pack up! If you want to go, let's go together!"

Sun Wukong and Sun Wuming showed their stunned faces at the same time... Qiqi went along with them. Isn't the matter of secretly going to Frieza to fight? How to do? !



"Huh? What's your opinion?" Qiqi looked at the two suspiciously, "Isn't it just traveling? You..."

Sun Wukong and Sun Wuming: "No opinion!"

The two talked quietly.

‘I can’t say it now… is it too late? ’

'The mother is sure to be very angry. ’

‘Yeah. ’

The plan collapsed.

Member +2.

"By the way, take this guy, go to an alien planet, and let him get out."

Piccolo raised his finger to Naba.

Your uncle's! How dare you point at me! I will definitely turn you into a meatloaf! But is it finally coming? Is the day coming to get out of this hellish life? !

Naba was excited and nodded with a smile on his face: "Yes, yes... I promise, I will never do bad things in the future!"

Member +1.

Bulma confirmed the number of people and said: "Okay, since the staff is confirmed, then... about ten days later, come to the capsule company... The structure of the spaceship needs to be slightly modified to be suitable for human habitation. Although there are a few people, the universe of the gods boat, and room for expansion.”

God is speechless, what kind of illegal modifications have you made to my spaceship?

A slightly peculiar cloud streaks across the sky.

Sun Wukong sat in front, Qiqi grabbed his back, carrying a large package on his back, Sun Wuming and Sun Wufan sat on the package, Liu Lidong was held by Sun Wuming, and No. 21 turned into a mass and lay on top of Sun Wuming's head.

A somersault cloud indicates severe overloading.

"Wukong, when are you going to get a driver's license?"

"Driver's license? What? Roast... what kind of roast?"

"I mean a driver's license for driving! When you get your driver's license, we can buy a car and the family can go on a trip!"

"Drive a car, can't somersault cloud?"

"Of course not! Don't you think it's overloaded now?"

"Let's talk later."

The somersault cloud slowly flew into the western capital, and Sun Wufan looked down at the scenery of the big city, a little surprised and curious: "Is this the big city my mother said?"

Kiki smiled and said, "That's right! Gohan has to study hard, and later become a scholar and live in a big city to live a more convenient life."

Sure enough, Xiaodong said it right, the child should be brought out to see the world... Well, Wuming runs around all day, but he has a calm and accustomed expression, and Wuhan is a little less prudent.

Sun Wufan blinked: "Then will my mother move to the big city?"

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