"This gift was given, your father is afraid that he can remember it for a lifetime!"

Seeing Xie Yongsheng's happy face flushed, and even Feng Peiyao was happy, Zhao Yang couldn't help but say.

When Xie Wanqing heard this, he suddenly said with a serious face: "Zhao Yang, thank you really!" "

This kind of family reunion, I really can't give enough gratitude.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Yang shook his head with a smile, hesitated, and still said: "Your father's fiftieth birthday is over, let's go to the imperial capital to see your grandfather!"

Xie Wanqing's face changed suddenly, and he stared at Zhao Yang deadly: "What do you mean..." Zhao Yang

said: "Eighty is up, enough!" When

Xie Wanqing heard this, tears were about to flow out all of a sudden.

Seeing that her mother and sister-in-law were talking, she hurriedly walked outside the banquet hall, afraid that her tears would be seen by her mother.

Seeing this, Zhao Yang also shook his head helplessly and quickly followed out.

Inside is joyful laughter, and today is worth having fun too.

But outside, Xie Wanqing had a complicated mood.

While she was happy for her father, she was sad because she heard what Zhao Yang said.

"The first time I met my grandfather, I still remember when I was five years old!"

"At that time, I often heard my mother say that my grandfather had been angry with him and could not enter the house, so I was also very afraid of my grandfather!"

"Unexpectedly, after meeting, my grandfather was very kind, and I still remember that my grandfather had a big beard, but over the years, my grandfather's beard has become whiter!"

"Oh, yes, I used to pluck my grandfather's beard when I was a child!"

Xie Wanqing had red eyes, and while talking to himself, he walked forward against the wall.

Zhao Yang didn't speak, following her as she walked and listened, counting the grids on the wall.

At a certain moment, Xie Wanqing, who was talking to himself, suddenly stopped and looked back at Zhao Yang: "Your medical skills are so high, can you let my grandfather live more, even if it is a day!" Zhao

Yang rolled his eyes, good fellow, you just caught me alone and eat wool, right!


Isn't my help a little too much, how are you going to pay it back?


I don't lack it!

Xie Wanqing estimated that he felt embarrassed, so he lowered his head after speaking, but it was about his grandfather's life.

She still gritted her teeth and said, "Is it okay?"

Zhao Yang was helpless and said, "In fact, your grandfather is considered to be at the end of his life, it is really a joy and a mourn, and forcibly continuing his life will not change much!" "

No said no!

Then there is a way.

Xie Wanqing was overjoyed and said, "It's okay to live one more day, maybe... Grandpa himself has some unfulfilled wishes!

Zhao Yang pouted, saying in his heart that when I left in my last life, I also had unfulfilled wishes, why didn't I miss such a granddaughter.


"First of all, I have to tell you, I won't go to the imperial capital!"

Xie Wanqing was stunned.

The emperor does not go?

She understood, hesitated, and said, "I try my best!" "

Since Zhao Yang doesn't go to the imperial capital, then he can only let his grandfather come to Shanghai, but... My grandfather's stubborn temper didn't know if he would follow.

Although Zhao Yang's side can help, Xie Wanqing's heart is still heavy, thinking about how to tell his mother the news after today.

And at this moment, suddenly the elevator clanged, and then a couple walked out.

It's just...

When Zhao Yang looked over, the other party looked over, and for a while, he was a little stunned.

"Mr. Zhao!"

Second Sister Qing returned to her senses, her face was full of joy, and hurriedly walked over.

And beside her, is Chang Yucheng!

"Mr. Zhao, you... You guys are?

After arriving at it, Second Sister Qing found that she seemed to be presumptuous.

After all, although Xie Wanqing wiped her tears, her eyes were still red, and she had obviously cried.

A woman cries in front of a man....

That's a big deal.

However, Second Sister Qing was also a smart person, so she didn't see it and asked, "Mr. Zhao is here to attend the wedding?" "


Zhao Yang raised his eyebrows, remembering Liao Huaisheng's father and son who left, and said, "I'm afraid you went to the wrong floor!"

Second Sister Qing looked stunned and asked, "Isn't this the 24th floor?"

Zhao Yang shook his head: "This is the 21st floor!" Second

Sister Qing slapped her brain: "That's the wrong press!" "

21 and 24 happen to be together.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Zhao, you said before, you want some Xuanmen books, and the Achengtuo people brought back a few from overseas, I heard that they were the only books that were lost overseas during the war!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yang's face was overjoyed!

In times of war, the unique book lost overseas, if it is a genuine work, to him, the wall is extremely valuable.

However, the other party came to attend the wedding, otherwise, Zhao Yang would be almost unbearable now.


Since Second Sister Qing brought good news, Zhao Yang was not stingy, looked at the two and smiled, and said: "Congratulations, congratulations, in April next year, the two of you are afraid that they will add babies!" Second

Sister Qing and Chang Yucheng were both stunned, and then their faces were full of ecstasy.

"Mr. Zhao, you mean..." Chang Yucheng looked excited and expectant.

Zhao Yang nodded: "The time is relatively short, go to the hospital in three or five days to check, the instrument should be able to find out!" Second

Sister Qing couldn't contain her excitement and held Chang Yucheng's hand desperately.

And Chang Yucheng also tightly held Second Sister Qing's hand, patted it heavily, and said to Zhao Yang: "No need to check, since Mr. Zhao said it, it is a real hammer!"

Zhao Yang smiled, whether he checked later or not, this was said to be true.

Zhao Yang said that Second Sister Qing was pregnant, and the two obviously couldn't hold it, and for a while, Second Sister Qing looked at Zhao Yang and Xie Wanqing with some embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Ah Cheng and I have wanted children for too long, so..."

The two slowly calmed down when they heard this, and only then asked what Zhao Yang was doing in the hotel.

"I almost forgot, my girlfriend, Xie Wanqing, her father is the big boss of Eternal Life Equipment, today is holding a fifty-year-old birthday banquet, all the elders in it, let's come out and go around!"

Chang Yucheng heard this, and quickly said: "Ah, so it is, since he is the father of Mr. Zhao's girlfriend, then he should be congratulated!"

Zhao Yang hurriedly stopped the person: "Now forget it, you still go to the wedding first, if you have free time, you can come down for a drink!" Xie

Wanqing had red eyes at this time, and it was not easy to say if he went in.

Second Sister Qing understood in her heart, said a few words to Zhao Yang, and then pulled Chang Yucheng to leave.

"They are?"

Xie Wanqing looked puzzled, she basically didn't speak much, but she was also observing others.

The couple is clearly not an average person.

Zhao Yang said: "That man is the principal of Nanshan International, I helped them deal with something before, oh, it is related to her wife's pregnancy!"

Xie Wanqing was abrupt, no wonder these two were so excited to see Zhao Yang.

Hey, no!

Nanshan International?

How is this name so familiar!

The next moment, Xie Wanqing finally remembered.

Immediately stared at Zhao Yang with a surprised face, even this kind of person knows him?

You are a courtesan in Shanghai, right?

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