"Of course, this may also be because of my lack of strength, in general, with my current ability, I can only see through a person's lifespan of five to ten years!"

"That is, if a person is going to die in five to ten years, you can tell it?"

"That's right!"

"So it is!"

Xie Wanqing thought for a moment, and didn't seem to care very much, and said: "That's okay, if I go away due to illness, then living too long is not a sin, if my life comes to an end, it will inevitably be seven old and eighty, the face is old, for a woman, seventy and eighty, it seems that there is no difference!" "


"What a give!"

Zhao Yang gave a thumbs up to Xie Wanqing and said, "Don't tease you, this matter, you really can't do it, so to tell you, although you have the blood of the Song family on your body, the big head is actually in the Xie family, so if you are the person who makes this sacrifice and pays a year's life, your grandfather can't even get a quarter's life!"

"So, if you want to sacrifice, it is best to be a direct descendant of the Song family, the first choice is your uncles, followed by a few grandchildren, don't think that I am because you didn't say your mother, it's because of the sacrifice, preferably a man!"

"Well, to put it bluntly, in fact, your uncle is the most suitable!"

Xie Wanqing: ......

Isn't this just indetermination?

"In addition, you don't have to worry, it's only three or four days, wait slowly, as long as your grandfather dies no more than an hour, I can help him continue his life!"

"An hour? That's not two hours? In case it's night..." If

the big night goes to sleep, who can find out?

Zhao Yang spread his hands: "Then it can only be said that the destiny of heaven is so!" "

That's not going to work!

Xie Wanqing said and ran again.


Three days flew by!

On the second day, Xie Yongsheng and Song Zhihua began to keep vigil.

Qingyang Dao Elder didn't say anything, thinking that he knew that the limit was approaching, and wanted to guard until the last moment.

And this night.

The vigil was not only Song Zhiwen and Song Zhiyi.

"Third sister, you guys go to rest first, you all stayed all night last night!"

Song Zhiwen saw that the third sister and brother-in-law were there, and couldn't help but mention it.

Song Zhihua shook his head and said, "No!" Just

when he spoke, he glanced at Song Zhiyi.

Although Xie Wanqing did not tell the rest of the Song family about the matter, he told Xie Yongsheng and Song Zhi to paint.

Because they knew the limit of one hour, the two were very concerned.

Fear of missing the best time.


They had asked Zhao Yang before, the old man's limit, just tonight!

Song Zhiyi looked at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, he yawned, his heart was too outrageous.

Of course, not only him, but also Song Zijie, although he doesn't like to study, hang his children, but he doesn't mess around.

Look at the current situation of the Song family, one by one, it seems that the devil is stunned.

Song Zijie swiped his mobile phone from time to time, and time passed little by little.

At a certain moment, the Qingyang Dao Elder, who had been closing his eyes on the side, suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately said, "Zhiwen!

Song Zhiwen was full of excitement, and hurried over to check.

And at this look, his face changed instantly, and then he shouted: "Dad! With

this shout, the spirits of everyone in the room instantly tensed.

And Song Zhihua also hurriedly passed, this time, there was no breath, she quickly turned her head and shouted at Xie Yongsheng: "Eternal life!" "

I'll go!"

Xie Yongsheng walked away without looking back.

It's just that no one noticed the departing Xie Yongsheng at this time, because including Song Zhiyi and Song Zijie, who didn't believe it, all gathered around the bed and looked at their father/grandfather blankly!


How can it be?

Song Zijie looked at Qingyang DaoChang, and only felt that his scalp was numb.

"Let me recite the past life curse to Brother Song!"

Qingyang Daoist pulled away Song Zhiwen.

"Trouble Qingyang Dao is long!"

Although Song Zhiwen is sad, after all, he is the eldest son, and at this time, he can only stand up and preside.

And at this moment, Xie Yongsheng, who had just gone out on the front foot, returned, followed by Zhao Yang and Xie Wanqing.


Song Zijie saw Xie Wanqing and subconsciously said hello.

His head was a little dizzy at the moment, and he didn't know how to think at all.

Song Zhihua saw Zhao Yang coming, and quickly shouted: "Qingyang Daoist!" The

Qingyang Daoist who had already begun to prepare looked at Song Zhihua curiously when he heard this, and Song Zhihua signaled Zhao Yang to come over.

And Zhao Yang did not shirk, came over and said hello to the Qingyang Daoist first, and then sat on the edge of the bed.

"When the lights go out, Old Master Song has a safe life, and he can be free from disease and disaster!" Zhao Yang turned his head to look at Song Zhihua: "Are you sure?"

"OK!" Song Zhihua nodded, and then said: "I want to renew my father's life!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room instantly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Song Zhihua in unison, their expressions strange and shocked.

Song Zhiwen was the first to come to his senses and said, "Third sister, what do you mean?"

Song Zhihua said, "That's why I'm in such a hurry, because I knew that my father's limit was coming, but... Fortunately, there is a way to stay alive!

"Do you mean that?"

Song Zhiwen looked eager.

Song Zhihua said with a serious face: "I would joke about this kind of thing?"

Song Zhiyi only felt that his brain, which had just calmed down, was chaotic again.

What the heck?

Three views shattered overnight?

It is acceptable to be able to predict death, after all, some people really have a premonition before death.


What does this continuation mean?

Just now he looked, the old man was really out of breath.


Is this continuation the continuation of life that he understands?

Bring the old man back to life?

The coffin board of Newton, Nobel and other scientific leaders of the new era could not be suppressed.


As a son, he really hoped that what the third sister said was not delusional.

At this time, the Qingyang Daoist took over the topic, but the words were to Zhao Yang: "I don't know what secret method Zhao Xiaoyou has?"

He knew that if anyone could continue his life, it could only be Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang glanced at the several men of the Song family and did not speak, after all, this should not be allowed to say.

Song Zhihua really quickly recounted the matter briefly.

"Although Zhao Yang said that it is best to be a man, as a daughter, I am willing to continue my father's life!"

Song Zhihua's words stunned everyone.

That is, to transfer the life of posterity to the old man?

People from the Song family, you look at me, I look at you, especially on Song Zhiwen, Song Zhiyi, and Song Zijie and other men.

Qingyang Daoist seemed to have thought of something, slapped his thigh, and exclaimed: "It's not the Heaven Watching Lamp Technique!"

Zhao Yang raised his eyebrows, and looked at Qingyang Daoist with a little surprise: "It seems that Daoist also knows!"

Qingyang Dao Elder was obviously a little excited, and said, "Knowing is knowing, just a little knowledge, but... This Heavenly Keeping Lighting Technique is almost lost, and I heard that to cast it, it needs to be a high-grade real person..."

Qingyang Daoist suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Zhao Yang in horror.

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