Dr. Liu was stunned, stared at the woman in front of him, and frowned: "Junhao, you come and say!"

The young doctor pointed at Zhao Yang and said, "Today's Hwaseong Road car accident, when we arrived by car, there were many people helping!"

"After all, it was a large-scale car accident, so the medical staff quickly took over, and I saw that this person was rescuing Yang Wei, and the technique was extremely unprofessional!"

"Especially at that time, he also gave chest compressions to the injured person!"

As soon as these words came out, the doctors behind all stared at Zhao Yang with unkind faces.

You know, Yang Wei originally suffered internal injuries, and there were broken ribs and even a ruptured chest cavity.

You are good, at this time also do chest compression first aid, no wonder just on the operating table directly chest bleeding person is gone.

Fortunately, Chang Junho left his phone number and name, otherwise this pot of hospital would have been reneged.

"Zhao Yang, I know you want to save people, but if you do something bad with good intentions, then you have to be responsible!"

The operation is the person he is responsible for, but the person dies, and the pot must be divided at this time.

Of course, this is not a pot, because according to Chang Junhao, Zhao Yang does have an unshirkable responsibility.

It can even be said that if he hadn't done chest compression first aid, Yang Wei might not have died.

Zhao Yang finally understood.

Immediately looked at Chang Junhao with a strange look.

Someone died in this car accident?

But that's normal!


If the person he treated died, he did not admit it.

As for who Yang Wei is, Zhao Yang really doesn't know, in addition, chest compression first aid, Zhao Yang did do it, but to whom did it, he really doesn't know!


He would never give chest compressions to a person with a ruptured chest cavity.

Well, I have to calculate myself when I go out in the future.

The Li family made a game and jumped in by themselves, which is called Chang Junho and relied on himself again.

That's interesting!

And the sister-in-law of the Song family and others also understood clearly, and Xie Wanqing immediately smiled: "Are you sure that the death of that person is related to Zhao Yang?" "

Zhao Yang's medical skills, Xie Wanqing should be the clearest present.

And the sister-in-law of the Song family and others also looked strange.

Not to mention that the continuation of life, Zhao Yang just woke up a vegetative person, and now you tell me that he is related to a medical accident?

Song Zijie was also straightforward: "Put your mother's fart, my brother-in-law's medical skills don't know where to go, vegetative people can be saved, but a car accident person can't be saved?" Will this mistake be made?

Dr. Liu was stunned, his face directly darkened, and Chang Junhao snorted: "What are you talking about?" Vegetable? Are you going to laugh me to death?

"Silly brother, don't talk about this Zhao Yang, it's our hospital, and I don't dare to say how long a vegetative person can wake up, and I can't guarantee to wake up 100%!"

Neurological things, many are unknown, even experts in this area dare not say that they can cure vegetative people.

But at this moment, another wave of doctors broke in.

It was a middle-aged man with glasses, and when he saw Zhao Yang, his face was full of joy: "Hello Mr. Zhao!"

But then, he found Liu Yang again, and couldn't help but say: "Hey, Doctor Liu, what are you?" "

Although it is a person from the same hospital, because it is a different department and the hospital is huge, the news of human life has not yet spread.

In addition, the hospital, how can it not kill people.

Liu Yang looked puzzled, seeing them moving the crowd like this, he couldn't help but say, "Huang Teng? You guys are?

Huang Teng's face was full of joy and said, "Big thing!"

Saying that, he introduced to the person behind him: "This is Mr. Zhao, the child of the Li family, he saved him!" "

Li Jun was diagnosed as a vegetative person, then it is impossible to wake up, if the treatment is appropriate, it may wake up in a few months, but if you are unlucky, maybe it will take several years or even ten years or even a lifetime to wake up!"


Less than a minute after Zhao Yang entered, the person actually woke up.

Everyone in the Li family was surprised, but Huang Teng was different, he was shocked!

As an expert in brain science, Huang Teng is still very authoritative in neurology, but after so many years of research, today he really broke the defense.

But more than a surprise!

You know, there are many existing vegetative patients, if Zhao Yang really has the ability to do this, once published, it will definitely cause a sensation and solve the misfortune of many families.

Therefore, he directly called the people in the department and came to find Zhao Yang.

Several doctors brought by Huang Teng stared at Zhao Yang, their faces full of disbelief, all of them were such young topics.

Liu Yang frowned, pulled Huang Teng, and asked, "What is the situation?"

However, when Liu Yang heard that Zhao Yang really solved a vegetative person, he was also stunned.

"You're not kidding? Just him?

Huang Teng said with a smile: "You don't believe it, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!" Huang

Teng didn't seem to notice Liu Yang's abnormality, mainly because he was too emotional.

And Liu Yang's side was affirmed, and he was a little silent for a while.

If Zhao Yang really has a way to treat a vegetative person, then...

"Director Liu, maybe Zhao Yang knows something about vegetative people, but... Yang Wei is a big hemorrhage caused by chest rupture, it is simply two departments! "

Your brain science is powerful, not equal to orthopedics, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology!"

Liu Yang nodded when he heard this, this is true!

It's just...

If Zhao Yangzhen could even treat a vegetative person, he wouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

"He's still too young, probably doesn't even have a doctor's certificate, or even a student!"

"So it may be lucky, after all, the vegetative awakening itself has luck." But the treatment of chest rupture requires experience, maybe he is inexperienced..." Listening

to Chang Junhao's transformation, Liu Yang believed three points, and then asked Zhao Yang: "Which medical school did you graduate from, and who is the teacher?"

Zhao Yang shook his head when he heard this: "I'm sorry, I'm not a medical student!"

As soon as these words came out, even Huang Teng, who was excited, was stunned.

Not a medical student?

So how do you treat it?

Speech therapy?

"I learned a little from my grandfather, my grandfather was a barefoot doctor!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room fell silent.

And the only one who is happy is Chang Junho.

He also thought about how to explain, but unexpectedly, Zhao Yang directly sent the words to the door.

And Liu Yang, who was originally a little hesitant, was completely sure.

This medical accident was caused by Zhao Yang's intervention.

Chang Junhao hurriedly said, "I still said it wasn't you!" Huang

Teng was still stunned, and when he heard Chang Junhao's words, he couldn't help but ask.

It wasn't until Liu Yang finished saying the whole thing that he frowned.

If it weren't for Zhao Yang's sentence that I didn't study medicine, I learned from my grandfather, and my grandfather was a barefoot doctor.

He definitely had to defend Zhao Yang.


Zhao Yang's words let him know that even if he defended, he was pale and weak.

Seeing that they were silent one by one, Zhao Yang said, "Having said so much, it's better to go to the scene first!"

Chang Junhao said: "Go, take a look!" "

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