Shin County, hotel!

After the two finished eating, Xie Wanqing did not speak, mainly because Zhao Yang was very worried, and she couldn't actually experience the pain of the death of her relatives.

After all, her parents are there, but...

She has not experienced it, but she can imagine it, so all she can do is accompany.

"Are you all right?"

From the village to the county seat, it actually took about twenty minutes.

This is because the two went not to the county seat of Ling County, but to the county seat of Xin County!

Qucun is located at the junction of Ling County and Xin County, compared to Quling County, Xin County is obviously closer, so the people of Qucun go to the county to buy large items, basically go to Xin County.

And along the way, Zhao Yang has not spoken, and even after eating, Zhao Yang has been silent.

"It's okay!" Zhao Yang looked back at Xie Wanqing, smiled at her, and said, "These people are really not happy, you let him survive for many years, but if he is allowed to live a good life, maybe the people will be gone in less than a month!"

Xie Wanqing didn't understand, confused, and didn't understand the meaning of Zhao Yang's words.

It was in the evening, it was still early before dawn, Zhao Yang said: "Let's go, I'll take you out for a spin!" "

The small county has its own unique way of running.

The same is true in Shin County, although it may not take twenty minutes to ride a bicycle from east to west, but... Although the sparrow is small, it has all the organs!

In addition, the development of small counties in recent years is also good, after all, Xin County has developed mining, the greening of the county is very good, coupled with the construction of water gathering facilities, the county seat is close to the mountain, is a lake.

The sun is tilting to the west, the lake is sparkling, there are cruise ships from time to time, and on the square on the side, square dance music sounds, and there are many people dancing.

Xie Wanqing couldn't help but sigh: "It's so cool!"

Zhao Yang said, "Can it not be cool?" In this small city, the real heat time is only about a week every year, and the rest, as long as you don't go out to the sun, you can't feel the heat!

"In addition, the temperature difference between day and night is also relatively large, and in recent times, if it rains, it can reach 14/5 degrees at night, and you must wear a jacket in the morning and evening!"

"As for the high temperature of 323 degrees at noon, there may be a high temperature of 323 degrees, but as long as you don't go out and stand under the sun, even if it is 323 degrees, you won't feel the heat!"

Zhao Yang sat on the square chair, looking at the middle-aged and elderly women dancing in the distance, and sighed for a while.

"When people are alive, they always want to step on thousands of miles, but when they reach a certain age, even if they are in a big city, the range of activities is only around the community."

Xie Wanqing's unexplained uneasiness appeared again, and finally he couldn't help but ask, "You... You okay! "

Is it so obvious?"

"Although we haven't known each other for long, even... At first, the way of interacting was more peculiar, but... After all this time, I think I still know something about you!

Xie Wanqing sat up straight and stared at Zhao Yang with a serious face: "Putting aside our somewhat deformed relationship, we can be considered good friends!" "

Good friend?

Zhao Yang thought about it carefully, and then nodded.

Xie Wanqing got an affirmative answer, and continued: "Since they are good friends, they shouldn't say everything, but they shouldn't say a word!"

Zhao Yang smiled and said, "Actually, I... I am indeed very saddened by the death of my father! "

Zhao Yang told a lie, but it is not a lie!

He was sad, but not so sad, after all, a familiar stranger to be precise.


"I went up the mountain in the afternoon and saw something!"



A flash of anger flashed in Zhao Yang's eyes: "The landslide, I'm afraid it's not that simple, there is a residual spiritual pressure aura on the mountain, perhaps, it's man-made!"

As soon as these words came out, Xie Wanqing's face changed slightly: "How is this possible?" "

Although Xie Wanqing doesn't understand spiritual pressure, but...

Because of Zhao Yang, she also knew something about Xuanmen Alien Art.

And this man is ....

"I also wish I was wrong, but... Eight-nine is not far from ten, and, I'm sure, people haven't gone yet! Hearing

this, Xie Wanqing's complexion changed again.


Xie Wanqing's brain was confused.

However, her question is also Zhao Yang's question.

So when he left the village, Zhao Yang kept thinking.

Finally came up with some reasons!

"If I have to say it, it may be related to me, it may be related to you, it may be... And some people in the imperial capital!

Xie Wanqing's face turned a little pale, and she suddenly remembered that Zhao Yang had said before that she didn't want to go to the imperial capital.

But for the sake of her grandfather, she still forcibly asked Zhao Yang to go to the imperial capital.

But I never expected that he would hurt Zhao Yang's father because of this.

Xie Wanqing blamed himself and said, "It's my fault!"

Zhao Yang glanced at Xie Wanqing and said, "Don't take the blame of others on yourself!" "

His father is gone, he is sad, but more often it is the anger after discovering this.

Anyway, the other party was also the one who gave him this body.

In addition....

Since he took Zhao Yang's body, then this cause and effect could not run.

"You shouldn't have come this time!"

Zhao Yang is now a little worried about Xie Wanqing, which is why Zhao Yang told Xie Wanqing about this.

According to his guess, the person may not have left yet, since this is the case, he will definitely meet, but Xie Wanqing is by his side, he is afraid that he will not be able to take care of it!

Xie Wanqing was silent and said, "Since you said that the person did not leave, maybe my arrival and the other party already know, and you can't leave if you want to leave at this time!"

Zhao Yang nodded, and he also took this into account: "So you have to be careful yourself!" After

telling Xie Wanqing about the stakes, Zhao Yang took her to buy clothes again.

When I returned to the hotel in the evening, I had a lot of WeChat messages on my mobile phone.

They are all classmates who go to junior high school and elementary school together.

It seems that something happened at home and has already been spread.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yang took Xie Wanqing back to the village.

When such a big thing happens, the village government, the township government and even the county must not turn a blind eye.

Therefore, the official side also carried out condolences on this day.

Zhao Yang found the old village chief and began to prepare for his father's white affairs.

The spirit ended up in the field outside!

This field, basically every household, is generally used for drying grain.

In the countryside, there is no need to invite people, everyone comes spontaneously.

Fortunately, it was summer, so several sheds were erected on this side of the field.

Until the third day, Zhao Yang lifted the coffin and went up the mountain.

The rules are all set by the old village chief, and Zhao Yang is basically like a walking dead and has been doing it! By noon, finally, the burial was over.

The white affairs in the field have also begun, and the village knows that there is only one single seedling left in the Zhao family, so most of them are helped by neighbors.

At this table, Zhao Yang also met several classmates, but most of them knew that Zhao Yang was busy, so they met, said a few words of comfort, and left quietly.

The white affairs under the mountain are blowing and beating.

And the new grave is alone.

Until the evening, the sound of the mountain still did not stop.

On the mountain, it is becoming more and more secluded.

At a certain moment, the lonely grave seemed to sound a muffled sound, and then a hand peeled off the dirt!

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