In fact, Xie Wanqing really didn't notice the moon in the sky at first, but just followed Zhao Yang's fingers.

The fifteenth or sixth of each month in the lunar calendar is always the time when the moon is the largest and fullest.

If there is no light pollution in the countryside, a full moon of fifteen can illuminate the entire countryside.

And if you encounter a heavy snowy day, the moonlight shines on the snow, and even the phenomenon will appear bright as day.

Therefore .

. Such a large jade disk hangs in the sky, plus the sky is clear tonight, and not even a trace of cloud can be found.

So much so that the jade disk in the dark night is particularly conspicuous.


Under such a current situation, the full moon that was originally in sight suddenly disappeared, and in the next blink of an eye, it had disappeared!

Shanghai, a big city, has a strong lighting effect, has been internationally renowned, especially at night by plane, even at a glance.

And many people have become accustomed to the illumination of city lights, and because of the towering tall buildings and bright lights, so that they have long become indifferent to the disappearance of the Milky Way.


Some people don't know how long they haven't looked up at the moon, let alone felt the presence of moonlight.


At the moment when the moon disappeared, many people in the range still inexplicably felt that the surroundings were a little darker, but everyone didn't know what happened, and they thought that the strong lights suddenly turned off.

And then....

The people who should be wandering in the bar street are still in groups of three or five.


Eventually, some people noticed, especially those who stood tall or lay on their balconies to rest.

Some yawned and froze.

Immediately rubbed his eyes hurriedly.

Some people either put their arms around their girlfriends and pointed to the moon and swore at it.

But the moment a vow was made, the moon suddenly disappeared!

Of course, there is a scope for this.

That is, people with a radius of ten kilometers cannot see the moon, while others can see the moon.

After all....

Zhao Yang's skill could not make the moon disappear above the entire Shanghai market.

"Ah, why is the moon gone!"

Xie Wanqing finally came to his senses, and the next moment, he was so shocked that the jade hand covered his mouth, and then he realized something, and looked at Zhao Yang with a shocked face.

"This is one of the seventy-two techniques of the earth: covering the sun!"

It is said to cover the sun, in fact, it should be called covering the sun and the moon, and when it is unfolded, it can cover the sun and moon in a space and make it fall into darkness.

Of course, now in the city, this feeling is not strong, if you are in the mountains, the moonlight is hazy, once it is cast, it will completely fall into darkness, regardless of things, without distinguishing distance!

Xie Wanqing looked at Zhao Yang dumbfoundedly, only feeling that the soul had left the body.

Although because of Zhao Yang's appearance, her life has indeed changed a lot, and her world view has even been stabbed.


After all, it still didn't collapse.

After all....

That so-called fortune-telling, maybe it is also another science!

In addition, the medical star has been passed down for so many years, and it is normal for a little strange person!

Well, Zhao Yang is indeed not normal, such as this time in the imperial capital to renew his grandfather's life.

Before this, even if Zhao Yang could tell fortunes, she could accept it, but this continuation of life was really incomprehensible.

But after all, it is his grandfather who is renewed, and it does not matter whether he accepts it or not, the facts are in front of him.


At this moment, when she saw Zhao Yang casually waved his hand, she made the moon disappear!

The already fragmented worldview was finally overwhelmed, clicked, and shattered!

She pointed at Zhao Yang, and a pair of apricot eyes were about to fall out: "You... You are a fairy!

"Then you look up to me!" Zhao Yang shook his head and looked up at the ink-black void: "I'm just an ordinary person who knows a little bit of shallow Daoism!" "

Shallow Daoism?


Who did you learn from your ability to talk nonsense!

You look up at the void with your hands on your back, and you don't look like an ordinary person at all!

Zhao Yang's current Sun Concealing Divine Power can only be regarded as Xiaocheng, and it is extremely expensive to maintain this Divine Power!

So in less than thirty seconds, the suddenly disappearing moon reappeared, and upon closer inspection, its position did not actually change.

Of course, this is also because the time is too short, if you can really cover the moon for an hour or two, the moon will run away early.

Because it is said to cover the sun and the moon, but in fact it does not change the trajectory of the sun and moon.

Seeing the moon appear again, and it still appeared out of thin air, Xie Wanqing covered his chest, only feeling that this impact was too great.

"No, I have to take it slowly!"

In fact, that renewal of life had already shocked her and did not know how to contact Zhao Yang.

Now suddenly there is a bigger magical power.


In her opinion, this moon-covering ability is more terrifying than continuing life.

But above, before the Sun Covering God Power did not succeed, it was really not comparable to continuing life, no, to be precise, it was actually borrowing life.

Zhao Yang did not disturb Xie Wanqing, watched her sit down, and picked up the book again and began to check.


The city of Shanghai may be relatively young compared to some ancient capitals of thousands of years, but...

Because of its modern history, as well as the torrent of development, coupled with its unique geographical location, it has also made it a legendary city.

White Cloud View on the Sea!

Sandalwood, the little Taoist suddenly opened his eyes, and then quickly jumped out of the window like an ape.

He looked up at the sky!

His face changed drastically, and he quickly pinched his fingers and calculated.

"No, no, no!"

"Celestial phenomena? Artificial?

"How can there be such a powerful character, what kind of method is this?"

His eyes widened, and his mouth kept repeating what he had just said.

Almost at the moment when the little Taoist priest was in a state of confusion and lost his soul.

Another thin old Taoist priest galloped over, and then slapped the little Taoist priest on the back and shouted: "Wake up! That

sound was like thunder exploding out of thin air, causing the Daoist priest who had originally lost his soul to suddenly stiffen.

At a certain moment, the whole person was agitated, and then he gasped heavily, and beads of sweat left along his forehead.

"Thank you, Senior Brother!" He wiped beads of sweat, full of horror and shock, and with three points of fear: "If it weren't for Senior Brother waking up, I'm afraid that my Dao heart would be broken!"

The thin Taoist priest did not respond immediately, but just stared directly at a place under the moon, and his face became more and more solemn!

After a long time, the void was restored, and he couldn't help but exclaim: "Miracle!

"Senior Brother, what is that? Is it really artificial? The little Taoist priest looked eager!

The thin Taoist priest shook his head: "It's definitely not a celestial phenomenon!" "

It is not a celestial phenomenon, it is for man.


"What a Dao cultivation this is, could it be... Is it that the ancient alchemist has appeared in the fairy? The

thin Taoist priest shook his head again: "I don't know, but... Lately, it has become more and more peaceful, and some people are ready to move.

"Shanghai is extraordinary, there is no accident, I have to go to Beijing, you must remember to guard the White Cloud Temple!"

The little Taoist priest looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "Senior brother, don't worry, go early and return early!" "

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