Things came to this point, Xing Mei was ready to take Zhao Yang away.

But Zhao Yang didn't want to leave.

Sat back again, leaned back in the chair, bent his legs, and said lightly: "Let's find out clearly, after all... I can't always be brought to the police station for no reason!"

Xing Mei was also stunned, and immediately said: "Vice Bureau Liu, since this matter is a frame, then we have to make an explanation, it should be no problem!" Vice

Bureau Liu looked embarrassed, and quickly said: "Of course, of course!"

Actually, he really didn't know what happened, but...

At this point, fools can see that there is someone behind this, and...

He turned his head to look at Liang Guowen, and shouted outside: "Come!" "

Give me surprise interrogation! Besides, Liang Guowen, don't you want to say something?"

Especially after Xing Mei revealed her identity

! Xiangjiang Xing! As a Xiangjiang person, who does not know Xing Caobing!

let alone people in their policing system, even if they do not have the opportunity to contact this level, but for the surname Xing

, it is quite sensitive.

I was afraid of encountering people from such a super family, but I never expected that I would really meet it.


Looking at this, Xing Mei was almost obedient to Zhao Yang.

Liang Guowen knew that he was finished, and it was not as simple as the so-called temporary suspension as expected.

What Xu Qiang gave was not enough to compensate.

Therefore .

. There was no need for interrogation at all, Liang Guowen was like pouring beans, and directly explained the specific matters one by one.

Deputy Bureau Liu's face darkened, although he knew that the people below had a good relationship with some people, but...

If you don't find out before you make a move, you deserve to suffer!

And the most terrible thing is actually just beginning.

Deputy Liu's mobile phone kept ringing.


when he finally received a call from the bureau chief, Vice Bureau Liu heard a news that made him sweat.

Mr. Xing personally called and asked.

After answering the phone, Deputy Bureau Liu found himself in a cold sweat.

Immediately looked at Zhao Yang with a look of horror.

Previously, he thought that Zhao Yang could get involved with the Xing family because of Xing Mei.


He realized that he was still guessing too easily.

This Zhao Yang is only afraid that it is not Xing Mei who has a relationship, but a relationship with Old Master Xing.

Old man Xing personally called the above to inquire, then I am afraid that there is no possibility of this matter.

At the same time, Tsim Sha Tsui is in charge, and the major departments have begun to run to this side of the peninsula.

What firefighting, police, epidemic prevention, etc.!

You know, the police come for a valid reason.

After all, if this kind of thing happens on the peninsula, then forensic investigation is required.


To say that it is an evidence investigation is actually pressure.

After all....

This kind of thing happened on your peninsula, and... The initiator behind it turned out to be the son of a director of the peninsula!

If it were just an ordinary person, this matter might have been fooled.


The old man of the Xing family asked, even if he just asked, it would not work.

When the police, firefighting, epidemic prevention, etc. arrived on the peninsula, the front hall manager of the peninsula was also dumbfounded.

She hurriedly came over to negotiate, but this time it was all strange faces! She

immediately realized that something was wrong and quickly called the above.


general manager of Peninsula has already got the news.

After all....

The peninsula is not an ordinary hotel in Xiangjiang, and its general manager is himself a member of the upper circle of Xiangjiang.

So I asked what was going on.

"The news from above was personally asked by Old Master Xing, you'd better hurry to the scene!" Peninsula's

general manager Huang Jinwen hung up the phone and hurriedly got up from the bed.

"Oh, Mr. Huang, what are you doing!" the

woman on the bed looked lazy.

It's a pity that Jin Wen didn't have time to answer at this time, got dressed, took the car keys, and hurried to the hotel.

When I arrived at the hotel, I happened to see several departments of vehicles parked in front of the door.

Huang Jinwen's face changed slightly, you know, so many public cars parked in front of the hotel have a great impact on the reputation of the hotel.

Not to mention that there are still many people living in it, so noisy, those masters above will definitely have to be appeased tomorrow.

And when he arrived at the hotel lobby, he finally saw several familiar faces.

It's just...

When he saw these familiar faces, Huang Jinwen knew that he was in big trouble.

"Yang Zhi!"

Jin Wen changed his smile and handed it over with a cigarette.

The middle-aged man known as Yang smiled and said, "It's also a sin to disturb President Huang this big night

!" "Ouch, where is Yang's place!" Seeing Yang Zhi take the cigarette, Jin Wen leaned a little closer, and whispered: "What happened!" Yang

Zhi rolled his eyes when he heard this, and then briefly said the matter.

"Your hotel is really bold, and the monitoring on the top floor even dares to move!"

Someone on the top floor to monitor,

or someone inside the hotel?"

"How do

I know, but since Xing Sheng asked, it must not be an ordinary person, you better think about how to deal with it!"

After all....

Old Mr. Xing spoke, if they didn't run, wouldn't they not give Mr. Xing face.

But the people behind the peninsula are not simple, and it is impossible to seal the peninsula because of such a thing.


The key point is still on Huang Jinwen himself.

Since it is a matter within your hotel and the director, then hurry up and deal with it, it is best to let the parties open their mouths, or end the scene as soon as possible.


The more the peninsula drags on, the greater the loss!

"Good, thank you Yang, go to the hot spring another day!"

After a while,

all kinds of vehicles came to the peninsula.

are all large and small shareholders of the hotel.

Jin Wen stared at one of them, his eyes almost spitting fire.

Finally, the group entered a temporary conference room, and Jin Wen shouted: "Xu Laohu!" A

somewhat chubby man was stunned, and then stood up dumbfounded: "How...

"What's wrong?" "What's wrong, your son has done a good deed, do you know how bold he is, he dares to move the monitoring of the top floor, and dare to set the guests on the top floor!" As

soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at Xu Laohu with a surprised face.

Xu Laohu also frowned, but in his heart he was thinking about the scene he encountered below.

Could it be that the son provoked someone he shouldn't mess with this time?

This rebel must be taught a good lesson when he goes back.

But the next sentence of the golden text directly frightened Xu Laohu's legs and sat back stunned.

"Do you dare to take chances? Mr. Xing has already personally inquired about this!"

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