The fighting method between the two sides began, but it was obviously a small fight, and the whole room was like an iron bucket, and those outside wanted to come in, but they were always blocked by the people inside.

On the ground, there are mostly yellow talismans, and sometimes you can see the light of the fire, and suddenly someone snorts, obviously accidentally attacked.

It was the first time that Zhao Yang had seen so many people fighting in the Xuanmen, and he looked at them with interest.

About everyone has their own good means, not like Zhao Yang learned a lot.

At a certain moment, the voice gradually weakened, and then it returned to calm.

"Open my eyes!" One

after another, someone opened the eyes, after all, the lights in the room had broken.

Although there is still a faint light, but....

No one can guarantee that someone has already mixed in.

This house also has only one exit, and there are not even windows.

Everyone stared at the gate, blocking Zheng Tianjian behind.


It's not clear

!" "It's not easy to get this money!" someone

said, gasping uncontrollably.

Indeed, Zheng Tianjian's trouble this time is not small, and after the transition, the golden dragon will take off.

So people are here to help, not just for the money.

While speaking, there was movement outside again.

The sound, as if a fingernail scratching the wall, made people shudder in such a dim room.

Immediately afterwards, a cold aura dispersed.

Someone exclaimed: "How daring, such a fierce soul, I don't know how many people have been injured!" but

saw that in the door panel, one after another phantom shadows floated in.

It is all the ghosts of artificial captivity, and it seems that the time of captivity is not short.

When Zhao Yang saw these ghosts, he immediately remembered the one who persecuted Guan Yumin.

Although the ghost Zhao Yang did not see it, it was also artificially captive, and the guy he met in Guan Yumin's villa area escaped.

Maybe it's the same people who appeared tonight.

In addition....

The person may not be targeting Guan Yumin, but Guan Yumin's son, Xiaobao!

The ghost rushed in and made a shrill cry, that sound can penetrate the soul and make people hallucinate.

And the stronger ones even have special abilities, such as one of the Daoists, who was directly swept away by the ghost that flew over.

The whole person smashed to the ground, causing the chair to shatter.

"Help me!" The

old man wearing Buddha beads suddenly jumped out, and then took off his clothes and put them on, but saw that it was a yellow Taoist robe.

In the back and chest, there is gossip each.

With the hat, he instantly transformed into a Taoist.

Immediately afterwards, he pinched his finger and silently said in his mouth: "The divine master kills, does not avoid the arrogant, first kills the evil ghost, and then cuts the night light." Urgent as a command! Curse the ghost!" As

the mantra was finished, the white light in the man's hand flashed, and with a finger of his hand, a white light shot out.

The light shot on the silver soul, only to hear the screams repeatedly, and the ghost actually dissipated directly.

"Elder Huang, these ghosts are pitiful enough, so let their souls scatter, it is against the heavens and peace!"

"Heaven and Tianhe, if you don't give a dead hand, Lao Tzu will be gone first

!" "Buddha Amitayus, this is a precedent set by Huang Lao Dao, I will wait for self-preservation, if I want to blame, I will blame Huang Lao Dao

!" The man said, suddenly stretched out his right hand, and then silently recited in his mouth: "I ask the three Qing ancestors, give me divine power, five thunders from the sky, those who follow me live, those who oppose me die, urgent as a command!"

After the mantra was recited , there seemed to be a tired point entangled on the right hand of the Taoist, and every time it was struck, a ghost dissipated.

Moreover, every time he killed a ghost, this person would shout:

"What Huang Laodao killed

, it's none of my business!" "Huang Laodao kills, it's none of my business!" When

Huang Laodao heard this, he couldn't help but scold: "Hey, you are a black bull, you slander me!"

Zhao Yang has not moved, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help it.

And soon, with the blessing of the Five Thunder Law and the Killing Curse, the number of ghosts decreased.

It's just...

"There are so many ghosts, how many people must be harmed by this!" Huang

Laodao's face was a little ugly, his killing curse power had decreased, after all, this thing was not inexhaustible and needed cooldown.

Looking at the old black bull again, his face was already red, and he was obviously unable to support it.

And at this moment, an extremely cold aura spread.

Huang Laodao's face changed drastically: "The weather is coming!" As

he spoke, several Daoists next to him flew out directly, and then vomited blood in unison, and some even fainted.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a shadow begin to solidify, and finally, it was impossible to even see whether it was a person or a trick.

Because that body, that face, is too real.

And seeing this scene, the faces of several people in Huang Laodao changed again: "Seven-point people, big wandering souls

!" "I'll take a go, who can stand this thing!" The old black bull was also startled, and quickly shouted at Zhao Xuande, who had been sitting without moving: "Zhao Niu nose, don't pretend to be dead, it's time for you to go!"

This kind of big wandering soul is no longer something that two can deal with.

Of course, if these people have not been consumed before, it is still possible.

Zhao Xuande got up and stared at the big wandering soul, also with a solemn expression, but he did not make a move at the first time, but opened his mouth.

"Why bother, it's so painful, it's better for me to help you!" The

big wandering soul was a woman, with long hair, raised her head, and her eyes glowed faintly.

When I was alive, why didn't anyone help me? When I was alive, why didn't anyone come!"

The one who was already injured couldn't stop it.

The next moment, I heard someone screaming.

"Hey... Scold...... Listen, listen, I was just like them, I screamed so violently!" Zhao

Xuande frowned, knowing that this big wandering soul should have pulled these peers into the fantasy realm.

Perhaps, that illusion is the picture of the woman's suffering.

"You people, high above, only know how to persuade people to let go afterwards, and whether to let go or not should be decided by ourselves

!" "So I now decide, whoever can withstand the pain we endure, I will let go of whom!"

On the ground, a Taoist priest who was originally screaming suddenly had his fingers broken.

The illusion combined with the pain in reality made the Taoist priest's screams even louder.

And then he saw that the fingernails of the Taoist priest were torn off abruptly.

The Taoist priest let out a sharp scream, and then passed out directly.

Immediately afterwards, a faint voice came: "Just this... You haven't sprinkled salt yet!"

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