I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 140: Chen Fei's Great Change

Seeing Erina's unbelievable eyes,

Chen Fei smiled bitterly and said:

"Does this sound incredible?"

"However, I didn't lie to you.

"Now, whether it's cooking by myself or eating someone else's food, I really don't feel excited at all.

"Although the cooking I made, the details have been polished to perfection.

"But... as if this outcome had been expected,""

"After the dishes were made, I felt as if I had simply completed a task. 99

"There is no 'joy of completion' at all!"

"This is what a 'great cook' said to me. 35

"I cook dishes that lack emotion. 35

"Before I can do this, the first step is to get back my passion for cooking.

"If I explain it like this, you should be able to understand where the problem with me is!


Hearing Chen Fei's explanation, Erina fell into speechless silence at this moment.

15 In this world, how can such a strange thing exist?

I don't feel like facing other people's cooking!

I don't feel at all in the face of my own cooking.

However, Chen Fei's strength is a well-deserved number one in the world.

How did he grow up?

He didn't even have the passion for cooking, how could he have accumulated such a strong strength?

Not knowing what she thought of, Erina raised her head and looked at Chen Fei:

"When you're cooking, is there really no turbulence at all?"

"For example, when making a delicious dish, when thinking of a good idea, 95

"Don't you feel any surprise in your heart?"

Hearing Erina's question, Chen Fei shook his head slightly:

"It's because I don't have this feeling that I have no idea how to improve myself next.

"Now, you know what the problem is with me."

After hearing Chen Fei's answer, Erina's face showed a strange expression:

"Listening to your description, how do I feel that you seem to have become a robot?"

"Feel like I've become a robot?

Hearing this, Chen Fei was stunned for a moment,

Before he could react, Erina said:


"Like you said, if you're really not emotional when you cook, 99

"Isn't that the same as a robot?"

"In this world, only mechanical cooking equipment can produce dishes that are completely devoid of any emotion."



After hearing what Erina said,

Chen Fei repeated these three words repeatedly.

At this moment, it seems that in my mind, there is an inexplicable spiritual light that quietly emerges.

Chen Fei's breathing suddenly became a little faster at this moment.

"how so?"

"How did things turn out like this!?"

"Really...is that really the case?"

"No...no way!"

"I... I obviously worked hard enough to grow to where I am today."

"How could I have become like that? 39


"But....but besides that, is there really any other explanation??"

Seeing that Chen Fei's current state is "extremely wrong",

Erina immediately supported him nervously:

"Chen Fei, what's wrong with you?

"What were you talking about when you were there just now?"

"How did it get like this?"

"You...you wake me up a bit!

"You...you don't mind!

Seeing Chen Fei muttering to himself, as if completely immersed in his own world,

Erina was really panicked,

What happened to Chen Fei?

How did it suddenly become like this.

Just when Erina felt a little overwhelmed,

Chen Fei suddenly stood up:

"Sister, I may have to leave. Nian

Hearing Chen Fei's sudden voice, Erina instantly panicked:


"Where are you going?

Chen Fei pointed to the kitchen:

"I'm going to the kitchen to make a few dishes. 35

"There's something I have to figure out now.

"Where is your biggest kitchen, I need a big venue with lots and lots of ingredients.

"Can you help me prepare these?

Hearing Chen Fei say that he was just going to go to the kitchen to cook,

Erina breathed a sigh of relief in her heart:

"Chen Fei, what the hell happened?""

"Why, do you think about cooking now?

Seeing Erina's puzzled eyes, Chen Fei said calmly:

"I just thought of something very important."

"I have to figure this out now!"5

"Have someone help me prepare a big kitchen.

"I feel like I might know what I'm missing."

Seeing Chen Fei's calm eyes, Erina took a deep breath:

"Go to my culinary kitchen No. 1.

"The place over there is huge!

"Do you need a lot of ingredients?

"I'm just asking someone to send the ingredients over.

Ten minutes later, Chen Fei came to what Erina called "Kitchen No. 1".

Due to the notification from the lady, the staff delivered a large amount of ingredients to 593 as soon as possible.

Chen Fei walked towards the cooking area, and at this moment, his aura became extremely terrifying.

For the first time in his life, he exuded such a terrifying aura.

With a serious look on his face, and no words in his mouth,

Walking to Chen Fei in front of the cooking area, he took the ingredients and quickly processed them.

The culinary skills that have been carved to the peak are really vivid at this moment,

It seemed that even the air was infected by this strange feeling.

Erina came here with Chen Fei,

She was holding the table, and at this moment, her eyes were really at a loss.

What did Chen Fei think of?

Why is it so good, and suddenly it's time to cook?

Also, what the hell is going on with this aura that he exudes?

Erina thought about it for a long time, but couldn't understand.

Before Mingming, she was just chatting with Chen Fei normally,

In the blink of an eye, Chen Fei became like this.

Biting her thin lips tightly, after hesitating for a while,

Erina took out her phone and made a call to Senzaemon and Alice:


"I'm here in Kitchen 1 right now! 35

"Can you come over here?

"Yes... it's Chen Fei!

"His current state seems very wrong!"

"I...I don't know what happened!!!"

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