I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 1367: Durenci’s helplessness

Chapter 1367, Durench's helplessness

The two old hooligans ran away, and the finished products made by Hall himself ran away. It is estimated that the two daggers will not come back.

However, Hall doesn't care. These two are just works that he knows how to enchant after the second enchantment. Now he can guarantee that the second enchantment has at least 50% success rate, not only half, but this is The results that have been achieved after many exercises in this month.

Changed to other people, can be 10% is already very great, replaced by those master enchanters, with their experience, it is estimated that this is the level of Hall.

Hall believes that as long as he continues to practice, he will be so confident after he has reached the level of enchantment like President Leddy, even if he is more than president.

Although the test of Tamra City is part of the plan, President Leddy also said that this time Hall needs to go all out to get the first place but a hard task. There is nothing unexpected about Hall. He remembered the fifth-class holy magic crystal in the hands of President Ledi!

During this time, the Dragon People soldiers were very stable. During this period, many people wanted to inquire about some news from their mouths, but they had hopes that they were there. These people did not return.

It's not that they don't dare to use strong, but in the case of knowing Hall's temper, they don't dare to do this. In case of angering Hall, this guy is completely dare to fall out of disregard of the task.

The security captain in the enchantment union is the best example!

It was another month. During this time, Hall was getting quieter and quieter. Except for President Leddy and Pierce, he came here only once.

The former is to discuss the second enchantment, and the latter, in addition to the first time to face the fierce and fierce to give Hall dividends, after Hall gave several new dishes, the next few attitudes are slightly better then some.

One time Mark also specifically asked Hall about what attitude Jaina had. At this time, Hall naturally would not talk indiscriminately. When he told his true thoughts to Mark in a serious way, Mark did not hesitate. I have never mentioned this again.

Hall learned from Mark's mouth that the Mark Hotel developed very rapidly at this time. In addition to Wuhua City, several cities in the Rustin territory and some surrounding towns have branches of the Mark Hotel.

Because of the uniqueness of the food, plus the green light of Rustin's token all the way, except for some uninhibited guys, the other nobles would not dare to touch.

Of course, those who don’t know how to live and die have become dead. For this, Mark is definitely not soft-hearted.

It is precisely because of such a guarantee that the business of the Mark Hotel is getting more and more prosperous. In just one month, the Mark Hotel has earned almost more money than in the previous half year.

Hall is also divided into the money of this month, two second-class holy magic crystal!

For this, Mark smashed Hall for a long time. If it was replaced by money, it would definitely be more than this. However, there is no way. Whoever wants Hall is to want magic crystal, so Mark can only exchange magic crystals from other people's hands.

Two second-class holy magic crystals, Hall did not hesitate to lose a black to the black, when the little black eats, the eyes of laughing are almost invisible, showing how high his happiness at that time.

The other second-class holy magic crystal Hall is to promote the Golden Eagle to the second class.

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It is not that he does not want to advance to the powerful Ada, but in the land of the wanderer where the holy power is everywhere, Hall feels that escape is the first choice.

"It's still too poor!" Looking at the hand, in addition to a fourth-class holy magic crystal and a third-class holy magic crystal, there are only a few low-level magic crystal Hall, I could not help but sigh.

If someone else knows that Hall thinks so, he will definitely squirt him in a sip of water!

Not to mention anything else, that is the fourth-class holy magic crystal, it is enough for a big family for a few years of living expenses, he even said that he is poor?

Maybe Hall is really poor, so poor as long as it is the Holy Magic Crystal, this is not actually poor, but his heart!

In his opinion, how many holy magic crystals are few, and only after he is truly satisfied, he will not feel that he is not poor.

After three days of receiving the dividend from Mark, this time Hall had just completed an intermediate enchantment. He had not had time to observe the enchanting equipment, and a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Hall, come out, President Ledi finds you!"

Hall heard that there was no way, and he had to collect his own things and get up and open the door.

"Well? It's you."

The coming person is not someone else. It is this time that I have to play with myself to participate in the test of Durenci.

Durench didn't care about Hall's attitude~www.readwn.com~ or he just wanted to care about Hall, but his attitude was not so good.

"Let's go, President Leddy, they are already waiting."

"Oh, let's go!" Seeing Durenchi's face was not so good, Hall did not care, and he was ready to leave after closing the door.

When Durenci and Hall walked one after the other, the enemies who met were still the same as before, and they saw Hall and Durenqi say hello.

There are still many of them who are enchanted old men. Durenchi sees the blueheads on his forehead. He thinks this is a very shameful thing, but it is already the case, unless he can learn the lesson or fight Hall’s arrogance. An arrogance, otherwise this situation is expected to continue for a long time.

But Durench didn't do this, because one thing - Hall's second enchanted dagger!

After the return of President Leddy, Obrist also naturally had the opportunity to study the dagger, and as a disciple of Obrist, Duranci naturally also had this opportunity.

During this time, Durench also tried to try the method of the analysis of the Rydy president. The result was a failure and a failure. One time, almost the enchantment equipment energy was responsible for the increase and caused an explosion, scaring Durham. I haven't tried it for a long time.

It is precisely because of this that Durench hates and admire Hall, so what lessons Hall has blown against his arrogance, he is thinking about it.

And the man who had this idea, Nicklaus, Nicklaus smashed him a few times, and saw that Durham of Nicklaus’s purpose was to ignore him directly. He was not stupid and didn’t want to be the cannon fodder of Nicklaus!

Both of them did not talk and walked, so at the speed of their walking, the two soon came to the office of the enchantment union.

(End of this chapter)

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