I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 225: Fighting started

Chapter 225 Fighting

"You are really noisy!"

As the sound just fell, in the horrified eyes of the people, countless stone bees directly hit the bald head.

The screams of the bald head suddenly aroused the vigilance of the entire camp.

"Not good, something went wrong! Hurry up and pick up the weapon! Alert!" As the roar came from the tent, the entire camp suddenly became messed up.

"Damn! Who is on duty today? Come out soon!"

Just as the Skyfire Mercenary Corps was preparing to come out of the camp, and Kronos and others were surprised to see the coming, suddenly a fist-sized fireball flew directly to the camp.

The fireballs were so conspicuous in the dark nights, they carried a red tail, like a meteor, and slammed into the tent when everyone in the Skyfire mercenary group did not respond.


With the sound of a sound explosion and screams, the entire camp suddenly burst into flames, and many people who were on fire ran out of the tent, screaming, cursing, and lingering in this peaceful night.

“Anqi? Hall?” Kronos and others immediately exclaimed after seeing the situation. They couldn’t believe the scene, especially the dense bees in front of Hall and Angie. Fire ants!

"Brother, I am fine! Hall is saving me in time!" Angel went to the prisoner and explained to Cronus.

"Let's talk later, An Qi, you take these medicines to treat your brother, here is it for me!"

Hall interrupted them and glanced at a figure that had just rushed out of the burning tent with a smile on his face.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time! Does this gift like it?"

Lester, the head of the Skyfire Mercenary, who had been awkwardly attacked by a sudden attack, after hearing Hall’s ridicule, the whole person’s eyes suddenly became red, and the anger seemed to be sprayed directly from his eyes. of.

"Hall, I didn't think that you actually lived with my men..." He said that he suddenly stopped, and then his eyes widened and looked at the dense stone bee. The whole person couldn't help but hit. A chill.

"You... have you conquered the wasp?"

Lester did not think about this problem, but until the summoner wants to conquer so many stone bees, at least it should reach nine battles, so the most he thinks about these days is that Hall may be lucky to hide. In a place where a stone bee can't find it!

But today, Hall actually took the thousands of stone bees directly to take revenge, how can this not let him chill?

Is this the most fourth-rate summoner? It can be seen how terrible his growth is. If he continues to develop like this, then the future will definitely have a hegemony on the mainland!

People like this are too late for him, how can he be offended?

Unfortunately, what is said now is over! There is only one way to live! That is to keep the Hall has not grown up, kill him directly!

Lester, who was somewhat timid, thought of this. The whole humanity suddenly changed. He glanced at the men who were concentrated behind him and shouted at the big sword.

"Life and death are at this moment! Kill Hall, only kill him, we have the future... otherwise everyone is ready to be chased by this enchanting!"

After finishing Lester's whole body strength, the vindictiveness was completely released, and the whole person was suddenly surrounded by a green light. As the foot exerted force, it was like a spring loaded and rushed toward Hall.

"The head of the team is right! Kill him!"

The people of the Skyfire Mercenary are not fools, although the dense bees and fire ants in front of them make them a bit timid, but after seeing Leicester rushing over, they will understand, this is indeed their last chance.

Looking at Lester, who was about to return to his eyes, Hall’s mouth suddenly showed a sneer.

This expression was clearly seen by Leicester. I don’t know why. He suddenly felt a feeling of guilt. He felt that he had had it before he took risks. He knew that this might be the danger that the body would automatically give him feedback. signal of.

If he changed a place or changed his opponent, he would probably stop and even turn and run away, but he still had some luck in his heart, and thought it might be the reason why he was too nervous.

It is also his hesitation that he lost the last chance to escape.

"Good to come!"

I saw that Hall was finished, and suddenly there was a wave of fluctuation in a certain space on his body. Then a green body image crossed the space. After a wave of fluctuations, the war tree again appeared in front of Hall.

"This... what monster is this? Big tree?"

Lester’s eyes were unbelievably looking at the big trees that suddenly appeared in front of him, especially the big tree with eyes and nose and a huge pair of hands. The whole person suddenly fell in the air.

The ancient trees of war come from the elves. If you don’t often deal with the elves, there are really few people who will know each other.


Lester stunned, but the old tree of war did not. When it came out, it obeyed Hall's command, and waved directly. Several arms-like branches directly entangled Leicester, and also waved. With both hands behind them, those with horror eyes were all flying.

The power of terror directly shot some people into the rock. Some unlucky guys were photographed directly on the cliff, and they saw the beautiful movements of their blood spurting in the air. Cronus and others could not help but chill.

"I guess it was just that, they are not dead or seriously injured!"


At this time, Lester, which was entangled in the branches, broke out. He was originally a fire warrior~www.readwn.com~ just got caught off guard by the war tree, after hearing the cry of his man’s tragic death, The whole person was furious, and the elements of the fire suddenly broke out from him.

The branches of the arms were burnt directly. If the ancient trees of the war did not take the initiative to cut the branches, the flames could be burned directly along the branches.

However, after the outbreak of Leicester, it suddenly fell into a moment of pause, just when he had not slowed down, a black shadow suddenly covered from top to bottom.

"You can't think about it!"

Lester looked up and saw that the black shadow was the palm of the old tree that flew under his own hands.

He refused to take the sorrow from his chest and violently forced his luck, and suddenly a blood spurted out of his mouth.

Just as he forcibly moved his body to avoid the huge palm, suddenly there was a tingling in his mind, and the whole figure suddenly eased.

The giant palm accurately pressed him to the ground and made a loud bang.


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