I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 259 Don't mess with children (2 more)

Here are seven poor little devils.

But when their parents gave birth to them and raised them to that age, they suddenly wanted to kill them.

Chu Feng asked: "Humans make trouble, but what about ghosts?

They also don't want to have problems with their intelligence.

"The heaven and the earth are natural, and the filth is scattered. The cave is mysterious, and Taiyuan is swaying.

On Halloween, it kills whoever it sees destroys the jack-o-lantern and who doesn't give candy to the child.

Chu Feng didn't even know if this was a ghost, or if the pumpkin had turned into an essence.

Those mischievous children died tragically at their hands.

A few mischievous children went to the lake, pretending to be ghosts to frighten their companions, but they attracted the real ghosts.

They all wore strange and terrible masks, and their bodies were wet, covered with moss and water plants, and looked evil and terrifying.

Those men thought they had an affair, but before they could enjoy it, they were turned into a werewolf and killed.

The last mess is a pumpkin head kid.

Now seeing that they have really turned into corpses, Chu Feng has no joy and no Fei, and there is no fluctuation in the heart lake.

The second group of dirty things are seven ghost children.

"Okay, you guys stay here and don't go out, I'll take a look.

However, Chu Feng was already mentally prepared, and at this time it was more pitiful for them.

Among them are the female werewolf, and the custom of trick-or-treating.

However, in this movie, it's not "trick or treat", but "kill if you don't give sugar"

The power of all directions makes me natural. Lingbao talisman, general notice nine days.

They didn't make mistakes, but they suffered unwarranted disasters.

"Chu Tianshi, what's wrong?"

Following his voice, silhouettes walked out of the darkness on the right.

After the ghost kid jumped on Chu Feng, he was directly ejected without hurting Chu Feng in the slightest.

At this moment, Chu Feng moved his foot, took a step, and quickly pinched the dharma in his hand.


The movie didn't explain the origin of this pumpkin-headed kid, and Chu Feng naturally didn't know either.

If I were to be an ordinary person, I would have been frightened by seeing such a scene.

They were all children with some intellectual problems, and their parents were fed up with them and didn't want to continue raising them.

One of them is those female werewolves, also called bloody wolf girls.

Strange thing, they cast the wrong child into such a family.

Chu Feng interrupted them to continue, and walked towards the door.

According to the five mountains, the eight seas know and hear. The Demon King ties his head and guards my Xuan.

Chu Feng said: "Don't you know the customs of Halloween? Trick or treat if you don't give candy."

The "Pure Heaven and Earth God Mantra" was recited from Chu Feng's mouth, and the power of shock appeared.

The same prompt sounded seven times in a row, causing Chu Feng to collect another 7,000 merit points.

The wickedness dissipates, and the Dao Qi lives on.

A ghost child even rushed towards Chu Feng.

The outside of its head is covered with a rough sack of cloth, with two buttons as eyes, which looks cute and a little scary.

"Ding, save the ghost and get 1000 merit points.

Soon, he saw several corpses lying on the ground.

There are three dirty things in this movie.

He drove the school bus into the cliff, the car sank into the lake, and seven 077 problem children dressed as ghosts died in the car, and then turned into real ghosts.

Chu Feng opened his mouth and said, "Don't resist, just let it be, and I hope you can join a good family in your next life."

"Ah, why?" Jerry Bruckheimer asked.

But Chu Feng didn't have any candy for them, and he said, "Today I have surpassed you, I hope you will not suffer from this crime in the next life."5

After seeing Chu Feng asking about the candy, he was silent, and Jerry Bruckheimer became nervous.

They looked at each other in horror, and there was a begging look in the eyes of Chu Feng.

As these seven ghost children were overtaken by Chu Feng, the yin around them gradually dissipated.

Needless to say, it was the seven poor ghost children.

"Ding, save the ghost and get 1000 merit points.

Chu Feng sighed for them in his heart, with a hint of sympathy on his face.

At this time, Chu Feng heard that Jerry Bruckheimer refused to give candy to children, and combined with the previous female werewolf, Chu Feng has determined that it is "Don't mess with children".

Chu Feng sighed: "You shouldn't give candy.

The bodies of the seven ghost children began to fade, becoming more and more faded, and finally, they all disappeared into the air.

The seven ghost children suddenly found themselves unable to move.

On Halloween that year, the school bus driver really did that.

Suddenly, he stared to the right: "Come out."

Chu Feng stepped forward and walked towards the place where the Yin was the most intense.

They are very beautiful beauties in human form.

They couldn't understand what Chu Feng was talking about, but seeing that Chu Feng didn't give them candy, the yin energy on their bodies suddenly became more intense.

So, they scraped together a sum of money and gave it to the school bus driver, who asked the school bus driver to kill the children.

"I know, but I've already apologized to them. Besides, they shouldn't kill people if they mess up," Jerry Bruckheimer said.

Chu Feng counted silently, exactly seven.

"Ah..." Jerry Bruckheimer and the people in the room were startled: "This..."

This horror movie is about Halloween.

So, with the appearance of a beautiful woman, I lured some men to go to a remote place to spend Halloween together.

They exuded a strong Yin Qi, and as they approached, Chu Feng (adfd) felt that the surrounding temperature was slowly decreasing.

"These ghost children have actually reached the strength of primary resentment, which shows how much resentment they have."

It had a pumpkin head, and when it was hit by a gun, it splattered with flesh and blood, like pumpkin flesh.

There was also a strange resonance in the air.

Chu Feng sighed again.

But you can also guess with your toes, it's definitely these people.

Although Chu Feng didn't see it with his own eyes, it was these people who escaped from the hall just now.

The seven ghost children walked up to Chu Feng, opened the bag they didn't know where they came from, and said gloomily, "Trick or treat if you don't give sugar. 99

"Trick or treat if you don't give candy." Seeing that Chu Feng didn't take out the candy for a while, the ghost children said again.

Chu Feng's mouth was agitated, and he recited aloud:

Pushing the door to the outside, Chu Feng felt the yin spread in the darkness.

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