
Bingbing was stunned in the studio.

She wanted to tell the professor what he said, because the scene was really scary.

But before she could say anything, she heard those two simple words.

Bingbing was so scared that she almost died.

In the live broadcast room, netizens were even more stunned.

"Oh my god, can anyone tell me if that is a show effect or is it real?"

"Damn, is that black smoke real or fake? It makes my scalp tingle!"

"Is this really an archaeological live broadcast? Are you sure it's not a horror live broadcast? ?"

"Run....Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, you're worthy of it!"

"I support Yun Feng this time! I told you in advance not to touch it, but you didn't listen. Now that something happened, you come to ask, who do you think you are?"

"Upstairs...be careful with your words!"

"What the hell do you mean by being careful? I'm angry for Yun Feng. This damn archaeological team is still pretending to be cool. If you have the guts, just stop asking!"

"Support Yun Feng!"

Netizens still have different opinions, each with their own insistence.

But there are still many people who are questioning whether the black smoke is real or fake?

If it is real...Why is that?

You know, this kind of thing has never happened in previous archaeological live broadcasts, or any archaeological events that were not live broadcasts!

Could it be that it is really the same as what is said in the book, that the ancient corpse in the coffin has undergone some special conditions and some abnormal changes?

The screen is full of questions that deeply surround the hearts of netizens.

As expected, another wave of public opinion that is about to explode is set off.

However, what is different from others is.

In a small cell in the First Prison of Yuncheng.

In front of the computer desk, Yun Feng was too lazy to watch the live broadcast room after replying those two words.

He was thinking that he had also gone live and given the guiding opinions....They should all be counted, right?

There is only one thing that Yun Feng cares about.

That is commutation of sentence.

As for how the archaeological team is doing, that is not his business. After all, they are so arrogant, how could they listen to a tomb robber like him?

And the guiding opinions are purely because Yun Feng wants to commutate his sentence!

As for why he only said two words just now, it is because Yun Feng is willing.

Yun Feng has seen this live broadcast clearly.

The official is very tough, but the team they found is not tough!

Maybe the live broadcast will be closed in the next second.

Yun Feng also admitted that this has a lot to do with himself.

After all, who can tolerate the image of a tomb robber becoming glorious and great.

Haha...But who knows that this tomb robber wanted to give his sister a good life?

In the inherited memory.

Yun Feng read it carefully, to be honest...The tombs that the original owner had robbed were mostly small and insignificant tombs.

The original owner was also a good person. It is said that thieves never leave empty-handed, but he was different. He only took a scoop of the contents each time he entered a tomb...... well...Who can tell right from wrong, merits and demerits?

As an outsider, Yun Feng doesn't care, but since he has occupied someone else's body, he has to bear something.

Eight years?

Maybe this is the price.

Yun Feng, who just saw the true faces of the archaeological team, suddenly felt relieved.

If the sentence can be reduced, then reduce it.

If not, just love someone else.

Anyway, I have the system, and maybe I can get some surprises in the future.

To put it more seriously, at most I will have to serve eight years!

Just think of it as something I owe to the original owner, and I will pay it back.

As for bootlickers?

Yun Feng would never lick the archaeological team.

Don't even think about it.

Some words are not said to the archaeological team, but for themselves.

Do you really think you will have a conscience and give advice to the archaeological team?

Haha...If given advice, Yun Feng would directly tell them that this tomb is different from the tombs you have seen before. Is it necessary to waste time talking to them?

Seeing their faces, Yun Feng felt that it was unnecessary.

At this moment, regarding the black smoke in the video and the jumping sarcophagus.

Yun Feng may feel that this world still has a hidden side, an unknown side.

But it's just maybe, he doesn't care.

Or the only thing that makes him care in this parallel world is his sister.

Whether it is the obsession left by the original body, or Yun Feng's guilt for occupying the original body.

But it is undeniable that this allows a wanderer who is wandering alone in a foreign world to have a piece of pure land that makes him feel at ease.

In short, Yun Feng thought a lot during this day.

Getting out of prison is definitely the first priority, but he is not too paranoid!

Second, it is his sister.

She must still foolishly think that she is working hard outside.

This silly girl is always reluctant to spend money.

What else to say..."I want to save all the money my brother gave me and use it to help him get married in the future!"

Good girl, those memories made Yun Feng doubt whether he really had such a sister.

But, it is true.......

Unlike the quietness on Yunfeng's side, the archaeological team...Something happened!!

And a person died in public!!

The official live broadcast was also shut down!!

It is foreseeable.

A storm sweeping the entire network is coming!

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