
With the sound of the door opening, Yun Feng walked in slowly.

Then the prison guard closed the door skillfully and locked it.

In front of him, there was a cell with twelve bunk beds.

It was full of unbearable things... crowded... dirty... even the air smelled salty.

After disappearing for just one day, Yun Feng returned to the cell where he had just lived when he entered the prison.

Walking forward slowly, Yun Feng's eyes were very calm.

He remembered his mood that was on the verge of collapse that night.

It was really desperate.

If it weren't for the arrival of the system, he might have died again, or maybe......Another time?

Who knows.

When Yun Feng was halfway there, a voice suddenly came.

"Hey, who is this?"

Soon, someone answered

"Hahaha, isn’t this my little wife?"

"Cao, Da Zhuang, you are so fucking disgusting. Are you crazy about women?"

""Haha, I think you should just spend your wedding night with your young wife!"

As he said that, a man stood up and blocked Yun Feng's way.

He looked to be in his thirties.

In fact, Yun Feng had roughly observed this cell at the beginning.

There were a total of 12 beds, which meant 24 people.

In addition to him, there were 23 people, with an average age of around 30.

Most of them had been here for a long time, at least half a year, and they were already very familiar with each other.

Only Yun Feng, who had just been here for a few days, naturally became the object of their play.

Besides,...Yun Feng is not ugly, and has fair skin. In the eyes of these people, he is delicate and tender!

So Yun Feng has become the object of their boredom.

At this moment, the man stood in front of Yun Feng with a sloppy look. Yun Feng stood there and looked at him calmly.

"Get out of the way."

The man who was about to speak shuddered subconsciously when he heard this!

However, he soon reacted.

"Are you fucking talking to me?"

"Hahaha, Wang Guanghe, can you do it? If not, just come down. We are all jealous of you."

""That's right, I can't stand it any longer, hurry up!"

The other prisoners were watching and teasing.

On the other side, the man named Wang Guanghe was a little embarrassed.

So, his face immediately became fierce, and he rolled up his sleeves.

"Boy, kneel down and sing Conquer! Even if I forgive you for what happened today,..."My fists have been thirsty for a long time!"

Wang Guanghe threatened fiercely.

Time passed by, and Yun Feng just stood there, staring at Wang Guanghe, without a trace of fear in his eyes.

The others were still smiling, and even opened a bet to see if this hippie and tender-looking pretty boy could withstand Wang Guanghe's punch.

Basically....They all bet on Yun Feng to lose.

Because most of the people present had experienced Wang Guanghe's boxing skills....Moreover, he is considered an old man here.

He has been in prison for three years, how can he not be old?

He continued to look towards the middle.

Wang Guanghe's face became more and more gloomy, because he found that this kid was not smart at all!

A sharpness gradually flashed in his eyes.

He saw that his left palm clenched into a fist instantly, and almost at the same time, he raised his arm and hit Yun Feng in the face.

It is no wonder that other prisoners bet on Wang Guanghe to win. Just looking at the punching technique, you can see that this man is really good.

If there are martial artists at the scene, they will find that Wang Guanghe's action from raising his hand to punching, and then to punching out, seems to have designed the route.

Steady, accurate and ruthless!

Seeing this, the others subconsciously closed their eyes, but curiosity still drove them to look over.

And looking at Yun Feng...Without blinking, when the fist was about to reach him,

Wang Guanghe saw...Just as he was about to throw the punch, he was suddenly blocked by two fingers.

Seeing this, Wang Guanghe, who was originally planning to use 50% of his strength, increased it to 90%!


He heard a scream.....It echoed throughout the cell.

If you listened carefully, you could even hear people gasping for air..........

The next day.

Kyoto, Puhua University.

One of the top schools in the country.

In the principal's office, if anyone was here at this time, they would be shocked to find that the principal of Puhua University, the number one person!

At this moment, he was standing!

In front of him sat an old man, and the principal's expression was so respectful.

It can be imagined, the identity of this old man? ?

"Mr. Ming, you are old..."

Before he finished speaking, the old man interrupted him and handed him a piece of paper.

The principal did not dare to neglect it and quickly took it.

"Cloud leaf?"

"Take my husband to see her."........... ps: Hello everyone, I am the mysterious girl Yunye:

There are so few flowers...Please support!

Evaluation votes are very important...Please support!

Monthly ticket...I welcome everyone who comes! Please urge me to update... give me rewards... I dream of it!!

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