The next morning, the scattered ships on the sea gathered together.

Many people gathered on one of the ships.

They were asking a woman questions.

"What on earth happened last night?"

"Yes, why would someone suddenly disappear? Is there really a ghost?"

"How could there be a ghost? I stayed underwater all night and didn’t see any ghost!"

"Yeah, yeah, me too."

"Shit, someone can explain this to me, could it be that those six people just disappeared out of thin air?"


The woman looked pale and listless, and it seemed that she had consumed a lot of energy....It was Aning.

However, she was the only one left in the team that originally had seven people, including Wuxie and Fatty Wang.

So after receiving the news, all the rescue boats around came over....After asking so many questions, she got nothing.

At this time, Aning slowly walked out from the crowd.

If you look closely, there is a trace of lingering fear in her cold eyes.

It's not that she doesn't want to talk about what happened last night.

Because she knows...Even if I told them, they wouldn't believe it.

They had just walked into the cabin, enduring the stench.

But at this moment, the team was suddenly attacked by an unknown species!

That thing moved too fast, and Aning couldn't hit it even after firing several shots.

In the end, she could only watch it... and carried all her men to the bottom of the sea.

And... Jiumen Wuxie and Fatty Wang!...........

At the same time, in the imperial city far away from here, in the official building, as the door of the office was knocked, Wang Ziling's heart trembled violently.

"Come in."

After a long while, Wang Ziling sent a message to the secretary.

It was roughly like this.

A press conference will be held at 10 o'clock this morning to announce the Xisha underwater tomb incident to the public.

And the list of missing persons will be made public. At the same time, the official of the Imperial City will take the lead and start the live broadcast of this archaeological rescue on the entire network!.......

At 10am, the official press conference of the Imperial City was directly on the top of Weibo's hot search.

It seemed that it had been silent for a few days, and today it was going to have explosive news!


Twelve archaeological experts, twelve lives!

All trapped in the Xisha underwater tomb.

Almost instantly.

The top three of the entire Weibo hot search list were directly occupied by this news.

And the popularity soon exceeded 100 million. It can be imagined that life is respected in Xiaguo.

Click on any of the top three hot searches.

There are almost no likes, all are comments!


"Oh my god, when did this happen? We must rescue them!"

"Damn, I'm already on my way to Xisha, just to save people!!"

"Twelve lives, not one less!"

"But please stay alive! The motherland will never give up on you!"

"Yes, the motherland will never give up any Xia people!"

"I really want to know what's going on at the site? Is there a shortage of manpower? If there is, I'll go there even if I have to quit my job!"

"Archaeological experts...After working for the country all your life, you end up trapped in a tomb. I order you to stay alive!"

"Live! No one can be left behind!"............

In an apartment not far from the Imperial City Official Building.

Bingbing, who was wearing a loose dress, frowned at this time, and silently shed tears while looking at the hot searches on Weibo.

Life is the greatest in front of everything.

And the motherland will never let the public down every time!

That is to continuously dispatch rescue personnel and start archaeological rescue live broadcasts at the same time!

Let the people of Xia pray together for the arrival of this miracle.

As a host who has hosted archaeological live broadcasts, Bingbing can really understand the difficulty of archaeology.

At the same time, she also wants to be the host of this archaeological rescue live broadcast!

Not for anything else, just to add strength to the group of trapped people.

But Bingbing knows...

She had no hope. After all, she had just arrived at the Imperial City and had seen so many faces that often appeared on TV....It's not her turn.

No complaints, even if she can't attend, Bingbing will pray for them in her heart!


At this moment, the phone suddenly rang. Bingbing saw that it was an unfamiliar number, but she also pressed the answer button.


"Bingbing? I am Wang Ziling, and I order you to come to the official building as quickly as possible!"


"The fastest speed! Live rescue broadcast..waiting for you!"

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