"Host, this is the situation on the scene. More than a dozen rescue teams are searching for the underwater tomb where the archaeological experts are trapped day and night!"

In the studio, Bingbing looked at the rescue scene with worry.

Bingbing thought it was difficult enough.

After all, six rescuers were missing, so you can imagine how difficult the rescue scene was.

But Bingbing didn't expect... that the underwater tomb has not been found yet!

You know, the longer the time drags on, the more dangerous the lives of the twelve archaeological experts will be!

And there are six rescuers on the scene whose lives and deaths are unknown.

Where have they gone?

Will they be swept into the underwater tomb by the sea water?


Bingbing did not dare to think too deeply, and could only pray silently in her heart.


When she heard that the rescue workers on the scene had not found the tomb in 24 hours, thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room started to quarrel!

"Damn, with so many people around, why hasn’t it been found in 24 hours?"

"It's over. The human body can only hold its breath for a dozen minutes at most at the bottom of the sea! 24 hours!!! How desperate must the archaeologists be!"

"Damn, can you not be so unlucky? Believe in the motherland, okay? Besides, who told you that archaeologists would die from lack of oxygen? Undersea tombs! There must be a water-proof space! Maybe the archaeologists are in a space right now, waiting for rescue!"

"Are you talking nonsense? Seeing how many words you typed, I almost believed it!! First of all, you should know that this is the first underwater tomb discovered in my country. How do you know that there is a so-called water-proof space under the tomb? That is the bottom of the sea!!"

"Yes, you have never been to the sea. Let's not go too deep. Just diving 50 meters is difficult for ordinary people to bear. Even if the tomb is below, there is a so-called water-proof space. After such a long time,...Do you think this space is still intact?"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing! We are all family, let’s think of a way to find that underwater tomb!"

"It's difficult...Professional rescue workers couldn't find him, not to mention that even the Third Master was missing....well"

"What happened to Master San? Did he find the underwater tomb and go in?"

"Very likely, but...A night has passed..will we be trapped too?"

"Shit, can someone tell me how to find that damn underwater tomb!!".............

The live broadcast room was like this, and the outside world was even more excited.

It can be said that the entire network was boiling.

Weibo, Toutiao, Zhihu and other well-known software were almost all broadcasting the official rescue live broadcast of the Imperial City.

At the same time, everyone who saw it was concerned about the missing 18 people!

Twelve archaeological experts and six rescue workers.

The former for the country, the latter to protect the former.

They...They are all good........

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

The live broadcast of the archaeological rescue is still going on.

It is still under the attention of tens of millions of netizens.

It's urgent, everyone is so anxious.

Because until now, the underwater tomb has not been found.

The longer the time is delayed, the less hope those people have of survival!

The rescue workers at the archaeological site are also anxious. They dare not rest for a moment. People keep going into the water, and then they have been searching in the sea.

You ask me why technology is not used?

One sentence is enough to explain.

The ocean is the only place that humans have not conquered!

Speaking of land, humans are definitely at the top of the food chain.

Even large animals that are several times stronger than humans are no match for human technology!

But what about the ocean?

In addition to some large deep-diving equipment, has any high technology been used?


That's why there are so many ships and rescue workers at the archaeological site.

Because there is no technological assistance...We can only rely on humans to check bit by bit!

You can imagine how difficult it is..........

Two hours had passed since the rescue.

Suddenly, a video posted by a netizen on Weibo was among the top ten hot searches.

And its popularity grew so fast that it jumped several places in the blink of an eye!

Clicking on it, it was a live broadcast.

Clicking on the video, the hearts of netizens suddenly trembled.


Because the screen played was exactly the official archaeological live broadcast of Yuncheng a few days ago!

And the clip captured in this video was the scene of the prisoner Yun Feng directing the archaeological team to find a way out in the interconnected tomb passages.

The people who watched... there were newcomers and old ones.

After watching it, the newcomers were all dumbfounded.

"What the hell??? What kind of monster is this?"

"Damn, this is fake, right? How is it possible to achieve zero mistakes?"

"Whoever seems to have nothing to do and makes such a fake joke at this time, damn it!!"


People who saw this video for the first time were all in disbelief.

However...When those who witnessed this scene in the official live broadcast room of Yuncheng a few days ago saw this video again, they were silent. There was only endless silence.

Thinking back to that day, that person used his own strength to live broadcast and command the archaeological team to go down to the tomb!

He turned the tide many times!

In the end, he commanded the archaeological team to find the hidden main tomb chamber accurately.

Amazing, right?

But...But at the end, he refused to answer a question, which directly angered the netizens in the live broadcast room....In an instant, endless blame was thrown at him.

At that moment, it seemed that everyone had forgotten the man who had been trying to save the situation.

All they remembered was him refusing to answer questions.

In the end, he calmly left the show, and even the host couldn't stand it anymore, and was the only person who spoke for him at the scene.

However, netizens didn't buy it, and continued to blame him for being irresponsible.

So...Now, a few days later, they were somewhat silent when they saw this video. What made them even more silent was the sentence in the title of the video:

"I beg Yun Feng to be released from prison... to find the underwater tomb!"


How powerful is he? How he finally found the main tomb chamber has been witnessed by millions of people!

But now the underwater tomb has not been found after so long. What if... Yun Feng comes?

The man who guided the archaeological team to find the main tomb chamber without any mistakes through the live broadcast.

Thinking of this, a sentence emerged in everyone's mind.

Yun Feng may be the last hope!

Silence...Endless silence........

The rescue is still going on, and the underwater tomb has not been found.

At about 5 pm, Weibo suddenly became a hot search again because of an apology message!

Clicking on it, a shocking scene happened

"Yun Feng, I scolded you a few days ago. I want to say sorry to you! Now... I ask the authorities to let Yun Feng out of prison and go to find the underwater tomb!"

"Yun Feng, I scolded you a few days ago. I want to say sorry to you! Now... I ask the authorities to let Yun Feng out of prison and go find the underwater tomb!"

The apology messages were all the same. Soon, they reached one million, shocking the entire network!

One million people petitioned for Yun Feng to be released from prison, just to find the underwater tomb!

And that's not all. The number of apologies is still increasing at a crazy rate.

This scene made the entire network full of questions.


Who is this Yun Feng?

Why did he want to be released from prison?

And...Why do you think he can find the main tomb?

What is going on?

This forced everyone to start searching for Yun Feng's information on the entire Internet. After a long time, when they finished watching the official live broadcast of Yuncheng, they were silent....Shock...They were amazed.

Without thinking too much, they all joined the petition!...Directly reach tens of millions!.............

Yuncheng No. 1 Prison.

Yun Feng had just finished his exercise and was sleeping in his cell.

But two prison guards came and asked him to go to the warden's office.

Hearing this, Yun Feng raised his eyebrows. Could it be another archaeological live broadcast?

Although this thing is annoying, it can reduce the sentence! It

's a waste if you don't go, three years left and three years right....Eight years turned into half a year!!

With an expectant heart, Yun Feng entered the warden's office.

After a while, he heard an extremely shocked voice.

Suddenly, a voice came out of the warden's office.

"What? Out of jail?"............. ps: It’s the seventh chapter, a 3,000-word chapter! And more!!

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