Land of Fire, Konoha.

Although it is already night, the most important thing for Konoha, the largest ninja village, is people, and the entire street is illuminated by shining lights, illuminating the dark night as if it were day, and pedestrians coming and going through the street.

A cold wind blew through, making Yuxia, who only wore pajamas and ran to the balcony to eat instant noodles, snort, and he couldn’t help but sigh:

“This time flies really fast enough!”

It’s been almost two months since I came into this world, and it was still summer, but now it’s autumn. But Yuxia still can’t adapt well to the current life, although the world also has the existence of computers and television, but the cultural industry has not developed, there are only a few works that can be watched, and he has completed all of them as of yesterday.

When he first crossed over, Yuxia was quite excited, relying on his own golden finger, he solved the problem of identity and language, and in just half a month, he changed from a house with a combat power of only 0.5 to the strength of patience. But soon he got tired of it, and after the freshness passed, Yuxia became a house that stayed at home all day.

Back in the room, Yunatsu changed his clothes, put the bowl away and went out. This month, who stayed at home all day with nothing to do, had already spent all the money he had saved before, and if he didn’t go out, he was estimated to be able to take away the title of “the first crosser to starve to death”.

After turning on the system, a map appeared in Yuxia’s mind, and the scenery in front of him changed slightly.

Well, his own goldfinger is the legendary system that stays in the top two of the Goldfinger ranking with the “Grandpa’s Ring” all year round, and the throttle coefficient is negative.

At present, the functions I have discovered are very simple, one is that after the “game perspective” is turned on, as long as you go to a place with a light point on the map, talk to someone or touch something, you can trigger the task, and you can get a reward for completing the task.

The second is the gacha machine, where you will get in-game currency after completing certain tasks, and you can use it to play a lottery.

Other than this, there is no attribute panel, redemption mall and the like.

Walking to Yuxia on the street, he casually found a relatively dim point of light and walked over slowly. According to his previous experience, such a dim white point of light is generally an errand running task, although the reward is small, but the task is simple, and he can do several times a day.

Konoha Village, as the largest ninja village, is quite prosperous, and it is more appropriate to call it a castle than a village. The area where Yuxia is now located is the commercial street on the east side, where the flower shop of the Yamanaka family is opened, and then walk left along the commercial street and walk left for ten minutes to one of the residential areas of ordinary residents, and the destination of Yuxia is that.


Suddenly, Yuxia stopped, because he was already standing in the area where the white dot was on the map, and after picking up his wallet, a mission prompt appeared:

“Ding-dong! Trigger Mission: Lost Wallet – Return the wallet to its owner. ”

This task is a bit troublesome, and there is no hint of who dropped it. There are so many people in Konoha Village, but how to find it, I don’t know if there are any clues in the wallet.

Yuxia opened it and looked at it, there was only a five-hundred-tael bill, and a hair card, which looked like some little girl’s pocket money, and there was no clue else.

“Yuxia, you’re finally out!” Just when Yu Xia was thinking about whether to wait for the owner to return in place, or go directly to find the next task, a pineapple-headed imp blocked in front of him, followed by a red-haired fat dun, holding a packet of potato chips in his hand and eating it non-stop. It is Dingji and Shikamaru, who will be known as the twelve little powerhouses in the future, but the current age seems to be a little young, and it will be a few years before they officially become ninjas.

By the way, Yunatsu’s time to travel over is the fifty-eighth year of Konoha, two years before Naruto and their graduation, which is the day the main plot begins.

In fact, when he first crossed over, even if there was a system, Yu Xia’s heart was still very urgent. You know, Naruto and their graduation, within a few months of Orochimaru’s Konoha destruction plan, when dangerous events will be one after another, in just two years, Yunatsu is not sure how long his strength can be improved, and whether he can survive in this dangerous ninja world by then.

In the first month, he was still doing a crazy task for this, and Shikamaru also met at that time. Although Yunatsu has only been settled in Konoha for a short time, he runs around all day to do tasks to help people, and it is difficult for others to know him. Of course, in the eyes of others, Yuxia is to quickly integrate into the village and establish a good relationship with other people

As for why later, it became salted fish, the reason is that Yuxia found a way to clear the level without injury, that is, when he encountered the dangerous events on the main plot, he immediately followed Ichiraku.

“There is no living expenses, and even food and clothing will be a problem if you don’t go out.”

Shikamaru and Dingji, who heard this, were really a little speechless, like Yuxia, who stayed at home for a month at a time, and waited until they ran out of money to go out, they were seeing each other for the first time.

“What about Ino? Aren’t the three of you together today? Yuxia asked with some curiosity.

“There!” Yunatsu looked in the direction Shikamaru was pointing, and Ino was standing next to the maruko shop in a somewhat depressed mood, staring at the ground and not knowing what to look at?

“Failed again today?” During this time, Ino is a loyal fan of Erzhuzi, and with her big grinning personality, she will show this expression, and nine out of nine is the reason.

“For the third time this month! I really don’t understand how the girls in the class are obsessed with this kind of thing all day. Ding Ci on the side interjected, he really couldn’t understand, it was better to eat more when he had this time.

“Women are troublesome creatures!” When this happened, Shikamaru didn’t know how to comfort his friend, so he could only look at the sky speechlessly.

“Girl Huaichun, it will be fine in a few years.” The girls in the Hokage are generally precocious, and they began to commit idiots at the age of seven or eight, and Ino and Sakura, a pair of good Himeyou, just to grab Sasuke’s quarrel, and they were angry for several years, but their thoughts matured quickly, and they began to be alone at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

In Yuxia’s impression, Ino didn’t stick to Sasuke for too long, and for a period of time in the later stage, he continued to pester Sasuke completely for the sake of gambling with Sakura. After reconciling with Sakura, he didn’t even mention the second pillar much.

“Is it really good for you to be so close to me to discuss this? I can hear it! I don’t know when, Ino was already standing behind them, pinching Yunatsu and Shikamaru’s shoulders with both hands, with a look of anger!

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