
As soon as I entered the store, a girl dressed in a pink cherry blossom kimono with her languid hair in a languid bun greeted her with a smile, bowing with respect.

This is the “welcome” that some grades of shops will have, and young and beautiful women with sweet smiles will do such work to add some subsidies to the family.

Looking at the shelves one by one, Yuxia’s final goal was set on the wine shelf. Choosing a gift is a very testing thing, and the middle-aged men in Konoha Village like to drink some wine after dinner, so he decided to use “wine” to find out the news.

There were three kinds of sake on the wine shelf, and Yuxia looked at it, took two bottles of shochu with a slightly better taste, and weighed them in his hand. Looking at the price again, it happened to be five thousand taels a bottle, and there was enough money in my hand, so I turned around and went to the counter to settle the bill.

As for sake, beer and the like, he believes that the uncle will not like it. Only strong soju can burn the exuberant flame in the uncle’s heart.

There is a street in the eastern business district of Konoha Village with a variety of shops, including a small and exquisite bookstore with a very comfortable decoration. Yuxia once did a lot of errand tasks released by the system in this bookstore, and became familiar with the bookstore owner after coming and going.

The owner of the bookstore is a ninja who has been on the battlefield. Seriously injured during a mission, he retreated. While recovering from his injuries in Konoha Hospital, he became a good story with the medical ninja who took care of him. Today, running a bookstore, the owner enjoys himself every day.

Pushing the door into the bookstore, Yuxia heard the phrase “Welcome, look at it casually”, the calm voice unique to the middle-aged man, mixed with a bit of laziness.

In order not to be dazzling, the lights in the bookstore are soft warm orange, and people have a comfortable and relaxed feeling when they enter here. Yuxia walked inside the store, and sure enough, he saw a slovenly middle-aged uncle wearing a navy blue kimono, his fists propped up on his chin, and he was leaning against the table with his eyes closed.

With a roll of his eyes, Yuxia quietly opened the cork of the wine bottle, and then raised the white porcelain bottle under the nose of the bookstore owner, and carefully fanned it with his right hand.

“Huh?” The bookstore owner opened his eyes sharply, grabbed the white porcelain bottle directly with his hand, and poured it into his mouth, and the spicy taste instantly burned his throat and burned his heart.

“Good wine!” Satisfied, smashing the bar and smashing the mouth, the bookstore owner looked up at the smiling and fishy cat-like Yuxia, raised his eyebrows and said: “Ah, little Yuxia? I haven’t seen you for almost a month, why did you come over tonight with soju? Nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall. ”

“Hehe…” Yuxia laughed twice, then lifted another bottle of soju in his hand, shook it in front of the bookstore owner, and then put it on the wooden table, making a dull sound, he said: “Boss, isn’t this missing you?” What’s the matter, you don’t want me if you don’t see me for a month? ”

Touching the beard on the side of his cheek, the bookstore owner also smiled and made a “please sit” gesture. After watching Yuxia kneel and sit down, he reached out and pinched Yuxia’s face and said: “I really miss you child, this month is not good, the meat on the face is a little less.” ”

Yuxia didn’t care about the actions of the bookstore owner, the two were old acquaintances, just an expression of the elders’ liking for the younger ones. For example, the lady of the flower shop, Mrs. Yamanaka, Kasan from Ino, likes to touch her hair. And the grandfather in the blade shop likes to pat himself on the shoulder.

Touching his head, he looked at the bookstore owner with sincere eyes, and humbly asked: “Boss, how is the publishing house in our village, can you introduce the situation to me?” ”

Taking another sip of soju, the bookstore owner stared at Yuxia with some suspicion, and asked puzzledly: “Publishing house, what are you asking this for?” Do you want to open a bookstore like me? ”

With a bitter smile, Yuxia shook his head and said a little pitifully: “Boss, are you ridiculing me?” You know, I even have to solve the problem of food and clothing by doing tasks, where can I have the money to open a bookstore? It’s just curious, just tell me about it. ”

Take people short, drink soft. The soju has been eaten, and this Yuxia inquired about no industry secrets, almost every bookstore is well-known, the bookstore owner told Yuxia all about the situation of the publishing house while drinking.

In the huge village of Konoha, there are two leaders in the publishing industry: Maruzendo and Iwanami Shoten. Other publishing houses are just small businesses, and the market is very small.

As the saying goes, “One mountain does not allow two tigers.” ”

This is also the publishing house of Konoha Village, it should be a fight between you and me, but this Maru Zedo and Iwanami Shoten can be said to be well water that does not violate river water.

After all, as the saying goes, “One mountain does not allow two tigers, except for one male and one female.” Although there is no distinction between “male and female” between this Maru Zedo and Iwanami Shoten, there are differences in publishing types.

Iwanami Shoten’s style is traditional, a little stodgy, and most of the books made are traditional literature, in modern terms: review the classics, inherit the culture, and realize the continuation of the fire in Konoha Village!

In contrast, Maruzendo is much more accessible, and the content published is also mixed and mixed, and Jiraiya’s “Intimate Paradise” is also published by Maruzendo, and other books such as manga are also published.

By the time the bookstore owner finished explaining, the bottle of wine was halfway down, and his cheeks were flushed with drunkenness, but his sanity was still sober.

Yu Xia let out a long sigh of relief after listening to it, and he could understand the situation of the publishing house in this Konoha Village. After thinking about it, he looked at the bookstore owner who was not yet confused, and quickly asked: “Boss, what do you think are the better books sold in the bookstore?” ”

“Hiccup~” The bookstore owner burped, pointed his right index finger at Yuxia, and said, “You are asking the right person!” The most popular book in the store is “Intimate Paradise” made by a great god! Hehe, I have a whole set at home! This is a book that all the men in the village love to read! That’s the first book in the sales department, and the second is far away! Xiao Youxia, do you want your uncle to give you a few copies? ”

“Ahem, boss, I’m still young! Don’t teach bad little kids! Yu Xia coughed twice, a serious nonsense. But what he thought in his heart was that just a “book” of the level of “Intimate Paradise” could not make his heart move.

After all….

“Oh, look at the memory of the uncle, I forgot that you are still young!” The bookstore owner patted his brain, took a sip of wine, and continued: “The other best-selling books, that is, a collection of poems from Iwanami Shoten, in addition to the ninja autobiography, the follow-up of “Intimate Paradise” is better to sell. After all, the author of “Intimate Paradise” is also a little slow to publish books. ”

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