“Hmph! Who is afraid of whom? Sasuke-kun, it’s our Class S! Ino said unconvinced, his right leg retreated, and after the clogs knocked on the ground to stand firm, his legs bent slightly and his weight moved down, his hands were clenched into fists, and he also made a preparation for battle.

Chihime and Yumiko did not show weakness, and at the same time made a step back, making a posture that they were about to attack.

Sakura looked at Ino about to fight with someone, and worry flashed in her eyes, but she didn’t stop it. Sasuke was like a fish bone between their throats, uncomfortably tight.

However, it was possible to successfully enter Class S. Haruno Sakura does not rely on the back of the family, but on her intelligent mind and delicate compared to other ordinary children.

There were three people on the opposite side, even if Ino was stronger than the students of Class A, but it was only in a one-on-one situation. If you add her, you will definitely fall behind. In matters related to Sasuke and Class S’s honor, she will definitely stand on the united front with the pig in Ino!

Raising his hand and gently touching the bruises on his forehead, Sakura was between the electric flints and suddenly shouted, “Wait a minute!” ”

“What, Sakura, what’s going on with you? Suddenly, it stopped! As soon as she was about to strike, Ino was about to make a move, but she didn’t want Sakura next to her to shout directly, which startled her.

Chihime, Yumiko, and Reiko on the opposite side were also taken aback, and their gazes at Sakura gradually became unkind. Qianji habitually raised her sleeves to cover her mouth and said, “How, wide forehead? Do you want to go along too? But it’s up to you, dare you? ”

“So are you going to go one-on-three? What a shame. Sakura clenched her fists tightly together, and said with a fierce look in her eyes: “Since it is a duel between ninjas, it will be one-on-one!” What are you like that? ”

Chihime, Yumiko, and Reiko listened, and couldn’t help but laugh “hahahaha”, feeling that what Sakura said was very ironic. Yumiko gently wiped away the tears that welled up from the fierce laughter with her fingers, then straightened up and glanced at Ino with disdain, and said: “In that case, let me alone have a ninja absolute!” What can be so powerful about a person who can enter Class S by relying on his family? ”

Listening to Yumiko’s bold words, Sakura immediately answered: “Good! Don’t regret it! ”

Ino listened to all this in his heart, looking at Sakura’s side, his heart warmed, but he still reached out and directly protected Sakura behind him, muttering, “It’s really nosy…”

Since it was a one-on-one PK, Chihime, Reiko, and Sakura all took a few steps back, leaving the clearing to Ino and Yumiko, and a battle between two “women” about “Sasuke-kun” and “honor between classes” officially began!



Between the electric flint, between Ino and Reiko, you come and go, and the fight is “inseparable”. Of course, Yuxia still yawned boredly.

Standing around the corner, Yu Xia did not have the consciousness to go out and pull the frame at all. In the end, the reason for the conflict between Ino and Sakura and Reiko, Yumiko, and Chihime from Class A is because of Sasuke’s stunned son.

This is completely a childish plot of a group of little girls fighting for a handsome young man, the key is that the handsome young man who is the “male protagonist”, Sasuke the second stunned, does not care about you troublesome little girls at all!

Two stunned, but for the existence of revenge. Therefore, the battle between Ino and Yumiko is like a family in Yunatsu’s eyes. Two little girls who can’t even put Chakra out, and the destruction they can accomplish is limited.

As long as he keeps an eye on it here, there shouldn’t be any problems. Moreover, in the case of 1v1, Ino does not lose to anyone in any other class at all. Even though Ino is the eldest lady of the Yamanaka family, she usually looks a little petty, but she is really cultivating and working hard to grow.

In comparison, Reiko, Yumiko, and Chihime are much worse. Because there is some unbridgeable gap between Class A and Class S.

Touching his chin, Yuxia thought about it, and remembered that the entire ninja school was divided into six grades, each grade was divided into S, A, B, and C, and there were 24 people in each class, all with a fixed amount.

Class S is the top presence in every grade. Whether it is the teachers or other treatment, they are equipped with the best. It’s like in the class where 12 Xiaoqiang is, and the homeroom teacher is Iruka. You know, Iruka is considered to be the top class in the middle of the ninja, and he is an excellent young teacher in the ninja school! In other classes, it was more miserable, and even class C had a class teacher who was forbearing.

And there is also a situation that completely distinguishes Class S from Class A, Class B, and Class C. In the ninja school training process, graduation – Shinobu is undoubtedly the most important stage. At this stage, the children in the class will be divided into groups of 3 and form small classes to assign instructors.

Class S students, regardless of their qualifications, are all Shinobi as instructors, and some are even elite ninjas! For example, the instructor of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura in the future is Kakashi! The instructor of Tiantian, Xiao Li and Ning Ci is Metkay!

If it is another ordinary class, it will only be equipped with Naka Shinobu as an instructor. If there are good seedlings in the ordinary class, then there may be upper Shinobi to guide. However, those upper Shinobi are generally not willing to take over. After all, the students are in ordinary classes, and it is also very faceless for Shangnin.

The tilt of resources and the importance of the school have made Class S the top existence of the ninja school, and the people in the village want their children to be able to enter Class S, but it is not easy to enter Class S.

The first case: descendants of the large family of Konoha Village. Like the Hyuga clan, the Yamanaka family, and the Akimichi clan, these are the backbone of guarding the village and have made outstanding contributions to the village, so as long as the family does not fall for a day, then the gate of Class S will always be open for the descendants of these families. Both Ino and Sasuke entered the S class because of the family behind them, and of course, they also fully have the ability to enter the S class.

The second case: those with excellent ability. When Class S has less than 25 students, it will recruit potential children from the ordinary villagers’ children, who account for more than half of the 24 people. For example, Rock Lee, Haruno Sakura.

As for the third case, the corner of Yuxia’s mouth twitched. The two mother and son immediately appeared in his mind: Uzumaki Shinnai, Uzumaki Naruto… This kind of is specially approved by the Hokage of the past generations, and naturally no one will violate the will of the shadow.

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