“Trouble pack a bouquet of carnations, her favorite in her life is your flowers here, I want to see her.”

Sunset Red smiled gently at Mrs. Yamanaka, and under the makeup of the flaming red lips, a little brightness was added. In his expression, he didn’t mean to be half sentimental.

Mrs. Yamanaka has been in this flower shop for decades, and Sunset Red is half a regular customer for her. Listening to her words, I understood who she was going to bring, and quickly went to pack carnations for people.

When the bouquet of flowers was delivered to the red eyes of the setting sun, the layers of carnations had water droplets on the buds, and in order to maintain their delicateness, Mrs. Yamanaka had just spilled the water, which could be said to be enough details.

After taking the carnation and handing the money to Mrs. Yamanaka, Sunset watched her return to the counter, eagerly picked up the pocket book, and began to flip through it.

This strange move made Xi Rihong very curious. After all, Mrs. Yamanaka runs a flower shop and is a woman raised by a large family, so she usually does not have such a “faux pas” move. Could it be that the pocket book in her hand is so attractive?

“Lady Yamanaka, what are you looking at? Look, you’re all hooked. Sunset Hong asked curiously.

Mrs. Yamanaka casually pointed to the wooden shelf at the door and said: “”Konoha Love Story”, 98 taels, Maruzendo’s latest pocket book, super good-looking, do you want to buy a copy and take a look?”

“Okay.” Xi Rihong nodded decisively and agreed, put another 98 taels on the counter, then went to the door to take a pocket book, turned around and said: “That lady Yamanaka, we’ll see you next time~”


No one expected that it would only be a few hours after the two met again, and this time the “meeting” was not only the two of them, from a distance, there were many “acquaintances” of thieves.

Mrs. Yamanaka closed the door of the flower shop early in the afternoon, because after reading the first chapter of “Konoha Love Story”, she was really not too enjoyable, and she planned to go to Maruzendo and ask when the next pocket book would come out.

Before she reached the door of Maruzendo, she saw a large group of people gathered there, almost twenty or thirty people, including Nara Yoshino who she was more familiar with, calamus from Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant, and Sunset Red, of course, the most eye-catching was the “standing out” like Izumo and Tetsutetsu, the two were mixed in the crowd, a little inexplicably embarrassed.

As a housewife, Yoshino Nara came to the early wave, and she relied on eating meals bought outside for lunch, and after the nap, her heart was “itchy”, eager to know the plot behind, and then she thought of going to Iwanami Shoten to ask.

As for Calamus, he found an excuse to send ramen to customers, and secretly ran out, naturally for the later part of “Konoha Love Story”.

The sunset red did not come particularly early, standing on the outermost periphery.

The most funny thing is Izumo and Tetsutetsu, the two of them agreed to eat together after the shift handover at noon, and after entering the restaurant, they saw a wooden shelf standing on the side of the door, with more than twenty pocket books of “Konoha Love Story” on it.

The two of them also despised this kind of love book very much, and then when they were waiting for the meal to be served, they bought one by one, intending to see how funny the author’s brain was and write this kind of book.

As a result, well, what a fragrance! This is not on duty in the afternoon, and he and the two of them rushed over to ask follow-up questions for the next chapter of “Konoha Love Story”.

Momoko stood at the door of Maruzendo, facing the “menacing” customers, with a trace of panic on her face, all of which were here to urge the manuscript! And she doesn’t have the content of the second chapter here, obviously not enough confidence….

“When will the second chapter of Konoha Love Story come out?” I’m done with the first chapter! ”

“Faster! If you want to know the direction of Miss Lixiang’s relationship with Wanzhi, please reveal it. ”


A drop of cold sweat gradually flowed down her cheeks, and Peach waved her hand at the customers, fixed her mind, and then said: “Please everyone quiet down first, listen to me say two words, okay?”

In an instant, the noisy scene was controlled, after all, it was the woman who controlled the follow-up plot of “Konoha Love Story”! At this time, Mrs. Yamanaka just walked to the periphery of the crowd and listened carefully.

“It’s like this, the author of this book is temporarily out, the manuscript of the second chapter is not in my hand, when she returns, it will be printed immediately, everyone is in a hurry, it is useless, first disperse, we will definitely get in touch with the author as soon as possible.”

Momoko’s words also directly showed that the manuscript was not in her hands, and it was not a matter of Maruzendo’s efficiency. After listening to the explanation, everyone complained a few words and left, after all, it is not interesting to block the door of the publishing house, after all, the content of the next chapter is still in the author’s hands.

After greeting a few people who knew each other, Mrs. Yamanaka also went back a little disappointed.

In this way, the name of “Konoha Love Story” slowly spread, and many onlookers directly bought a copy to find out, is this book really so good?


In the blink of an eye, the most prosperous area of Konoha Village is a pedestrian street, with all kinds of clothing and decorations, food and snacks, household necessities, and it is also the favorite place for girls to stroll after school.

Yomi Sato touched her silky long hair and said to the two girls next to her: “Yorugi, Miryoko, you see that my hair is not like Miss Rika in “Konoha Love Story”, long and very soft~”

The girl with short hair, that is, Night City, nodded affirmatively, and said excitedly: “That’s right! I’m going to have long hair too, and Miss Li Xiang is now my idol! ”

Meilingzi tightened the straps of her schoolbag and was silent. Because she can’t interject at all, she really has no interest in romance novels. Along the way, the two people around her chatted hotly, and she was as if she was “isolated”, and her heart was very uncomfortable.

It is obviously three people shopping, but he is lonely.

In order to be able to have a common topic to talk about with Milingko and Yoshimi Sato, Miyoko bought a copy of “Konoha Love Story” when passing by the store before going home, intending to “delve” it well, what is worth being so obsessed with her two partners!

You know, Night City is a short-haired person, and this time it is incredible that a character in the book has long hair!

Yue Xiyan loves to read very much, she was short of books some time ago, and because of the tasks for a month in a row, she has not visited a bookstore for a long time. That night, I went to a bookstore I frequented, intending to find a book of poetry to see.

When I went to the bookstore today, the boss happened to be absent, it was the proprietress who was at the cashier, and the two could be considered acquainted. She was still reading the pocket book when Yueyue Xiyan checked out, and after collecting the money, she directly took the same pocket book from the wooden shelf and handed it to Xiyan, strongly recommended her to buy a copy to see, today this book has caused a lot of people to block the door to urge the draft.

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