Yunatsu sat at her desk and thought for a while, and finally decided to write according to the original plot of “Tokyo Love Story”. “Unexpected and reasonable” ending, after all, he sat in front of so much foreshadowing.

The combination of Nagao Yuji and Satomi Sekiguchi may seem like an imperfect ending, but it is more likely to arouse discussion. There was another reason, it was too troublesome to rethink the ending, and he didn’t want to use that brain at all….

When Yunatsu sends the last chapter to Maruzendo Momoko’s office, Azuki is also there. The two were discussing something and looked very happy.

“Sister Hongdou, Sister Peach, what are you two discussing? So much fun to chat. Yuxia pushed the door in and asked with a curious look.

“Ah, Yunatsu!” After seeing Yuxia come in, Hongdou jumped up with excitement, and then ran in front of Yuxia, stretched out his hand and said: “Draft draft, I want to see the finale!” Hurry up and give it to me~”

“Hey!” Slowly took out the manuscript of the last chapter and handed it to Hongdou’s hand, Yuxia raised his eyebrows and said: “If the ending is not the same as you think, don’t hit me.”

Waving his hand, Hongdou took the manuscript to the opposite side of Peach, and said with a look of indifference: “I accept the fact that Miss Satomi is with Maruko.” Miss Lixiang of my family, deserves a better man to love her, Maruko is not worthy of her! ”

The corner of Youxia’s mouth twitched, and the idea of red beans was also quite strange. By the way, it’s called Ah Q spirit! He turned to Peach’s side and said, “Sister Peach, this is the last chapter.”

Peach took a sip of tea, then winked at Yuxia and said, “When will you open the second book?”

“Poof…” Yuxia couldn’t help but be happy, looking at Peach’s impatient look, and laughed: “You still won’t give me a vacation?” I haven’t figured out what to write below yet, so I’ll have to wait a while. ”

Momoko sighed, directly took a financial statement to Yuxia, raised her head and said: “This is probably the estimated income of “Konoha Love Story”, including the last book after all sold, you can be regarded as saving Maruzendo’s life in a time of crisis.”

After sweeping the financial statements, Yuxia couldn’t help but be surprised, “Konoha Love Story” has a total of 11 copies, almost each of which can sell 300,000 copies, and some even more. In this way, he expects to earn about 40 million taels!

Feel like you’ve become a multi-millionaire in an instant?! Yuxia pointed to the final number in shock, still asking Peach in disbelief, “Is this true?”

“Hmm!” Peach smiled and nodded, “I didn’t expect that the revenue this time was so good, although it surpassed “Intimate Paradise”, it has become the second best-selling book on the market.” ”


After Yuxia had dinner outside, he still couldn’t believe it after returning home, and suddenly became a multi-millionaire, and he felt that he was rich overnight!

Before he left, Peach asked him to open the next book as soon as possible, he thought about it for half an hour, he really didn’t have a clue, so he put it aside. Now there is a question before him, with such huge funds, what can he do?

After turning around, Yuxia finally decided to invest! Because he observed a strange phenomenon, even if it is as powerful as Konoha Village, the main source of finance is actually relying on “missions”!

How to say, it feels like the ninja brain of this world can’t turn around, and the thinking mode is solidified. For example, if you don’t cut off the white, you are already a traitor, and you even go to take on private tasks with your eyes open, and directly rob Kaido, can’t you live a dashing life?

There is also Kakashi, as an elite Shinobi, he usually gets a lot of reward money when he goes out on missions, but in addition to eating and drinking, he usually buys a copy of “Intimate Paradise” for entertainment. By the way, there are red beans, I haven’t seen her do anything else except buy three-color balls….

Thinking of this, Yuxia couldn’t help but sigh, these rich ninja bigwigs really have no economic acumen, all the money is moldy at home, and the capital is completely out of circulation!

What’s the most lucrative? The first thing that crossed Yuxia’s mind was real estate, but it was immediately denied by himself. Although Konoha Village has gone through the Great Rebellion of the Nine-Tailed Fox and the destruction of the Uchiha clan, there is a large number of open spaces and empty houses, and there is a lot of room for operation. But if you hoard land now, in more than two years, Konoha Village will have to experience the first destruction – the invasion of the big snake pill, and in less than seven or eight years, it will also experience the invasion of Payne, if you do real estate, you will definitely lose money in the middle, and it is estimated that you will have to wait until Boruto is born when Boruto is born!

Squinted, the current tax situation in the Land of Fire is that the agricultural tax is higher than the commercial tax, and the commercial tax is directly outrageously low! And if he remembers correctly, cultural industries should be tax-free, such as: newspapers, publishing, bookstores…

Because in the entire Hokage world, most of the people engaged in business are the landlord class, scholars, etc., these are vested interests, the ruling class of the country, so there is less taxation. The targets of heavy taxes are generally farmers or ordinary people.

Lying in bed and tossing and turning, he finally decided to go into the cultural industry. After all, he is now writing a book, and he knows Momoko Kinomoto, so he can listen to her advice.

Early the next morning, Yunatsu went to Maruzendo.

When Peach saw Yuxia push the door in, she was taken aback, looked up at her watch, and then said a little strangely: “It’s only half past eight, why are you here?” Isn’t the manuscript finished? ”

“Hehe, I’m here today to discuss something with you.” Yunatsu walked in, put the pastry she had bought on Peach’s table, and then sat down across from her and explained the matter as it was.

“It’s a bit difficult to insert directly into the cultural industry…” Peach frowned, thought for a while, suddenly patted the table, and said with some excitement: “By the way, I remembered!” My boss seems to be ready to sell all the shares of Konoha Newspaper, and he has recently had some problems with the capital chain and is raising money everywhere. ”

Yu Xia’s eyes lit up and said, “How much does it cost to have all the shares?”

Looking at Yu Xia’s enthusiastic appearance, Peach shook her head and said: “200 million taels, your total manuscript fee is now 40 million taels, there is some gap!”

“It’s okay, you give me your contact information, as for the money, I’ll figure it out.” Yunatsu said to Momoko.

Taking out a piece of paper, Peach quickly wrote an address on it, and then handed it to Yuxia, saying: “How good it is to write a book honestly, the money earned is enough to spend, I really don’t understand you.”

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