“Yes!” Kai also shook his head and said disapprovingly: “A few of us adults, no matter how we say it, we can’t let you suffer losses, let’s start with a way of sharing.”

Red beans also mean this, “For business, the three of us don’t know anything, the rest depends on you, you should take more.” ”

Looking at the serious eyes of the three people, Yuxia couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: The ninja world is really simple! Or in other words, the personalities of Azuki, Kakashi, and Kai really don’t care about the amount of money. Such a large investment, if it is someone else, will definitely break the blood because of this!

Coughing a little, Yuxia planned to give way, glanced at the three of them, and then said sincerely: “Kakashi-senpai, Brother Kai, and Sister Azuki, the three of you are figures with heads and faces in Konoha Village, and when you three were pulled into the shares, it was already an intangible property, and it will be easier to do things in the future!” How can I take more? You guys say yes! ”

After saying this, Yuxia paused slightly, touched his head, and continued with some “embarrassment”: “On the contrary, my division just now is a little inappropriate, you should take more shares.”

In the face of Yuxia’s invisible praise, Kakashi, Azuki and Kai were slightly overwhelmed! Although the three people are not the kind of people who chase fame and profit, but Yuxia’s words poke people’s hearts invisibly, which is indeed comfortable, and for a while, the three of them are a little fluttering.

And as a character with a head and a face in Youxia’s mouth, they naturally can’t be too calculating and stingy! Kakashi took the lead in the exit: “Yunatsu, I think it’s better for you to take a little more, this matter is still your head!”

“I think Kakashi is right!” Kai slapped the table, clenched his fists, his eyes were about to burst into tears, and he said to Yuxia excitedly: “You take a little more, there is no harm to a few of us, listen to Brother Kai, it’s probably right!”

Red Bean nodded in agreement.

“No, no, no!” Yu Xia quickly waved his hand, looking sincerely scared, and said on his mouth: “The three of them are all seniors, and they should do more things.”


For a while, this dinner inexplicably became very “polite”, and really no one could convince anyone. During the conversation, the delicacies on the store were all cold, and several people had dry tongues before they had time to eat a bite!

Red beans are acute, listening to it is also annoying, obviously said that it is good to come out to eat, but now there is nothing in the stomach, slammed the table, made a “bang” sound, the plates on the table were shaken.

Waving his hand impatiently, Red Bean said decisively: “You three still can’t eat?” Let’s follow the first division method Yuxia said, I’m going to starve to death!” ”

The three men immediately nodded in agreement, and no one wanted to continue this stalemate. The Ancient Tea Bureau is a famous tea house on this side of Konoha Commercial Street, and the meals are also well done, and after a few people are full, they plan to go to the Konoha newspaper office to take a look, which is regarded as a simple walk.

Because in addition to doing tasks not in the village, Kai spent the rest of his time doing special training, the streets and alleys of the entire Konoha Village had left this green figure, among the four people, he was the most familiar with the structure of Konoha Village, so he led the way in front.

If it weren’t for Red Bean and Yunatsu pulling Kai, he still wanted to have a “battle between men” with Kakashi!

The Konoha newspaper office is different from the printing “factory” such as Maruzendo and Iwanami Shoten, overtime and the like will not disturb the people, plus the entire Konoha village itself is a newspaper, which is considered official, so the location is in the middle of the village, not far from the ancient Ming Bureau.

The four of them were very unanimous and walked along the street to the Konoha newspaper office. This way, all the fallen leaves have drifted, and there is a little more autumn.

Kai walked ahead, and nearly half an hour later, he happened to come to an intersection, he stopped, pointed to the right front and said, “Oh, it’s already here, that’s the Konoha newspaper!”

Yunatsu looked in the direction of Kai and saw a two-story building, which was nothing surprising from the outside, except for the sign with four large characters “Konoha Newspaper Office” hanging on the gate of the first floor.

Ryosuke Yamada, the editor-in-chief of the Konoha newspaper, was staring sadly at the notice in his hand, which had been sent from above not long ago.

The Konoha newspaper has changed owners! The original chairman had a big problem with his funds, so he sold their newspaper, and the new boss was called “Yuxia”. To be honest, after so many years of rolling in the press, he has never heard of this person! The rich man of the entire Fire Nation almost always had his name on it. It’s Yuxia, he doesn’t know anything…

Just as Ryosuke Yamada was about to get up and ask his reporters to “inquire” who Yunatsu was, there was a sudden knock on the door.

“President, Kidki-sama, Metkai-sama, Mitarai-sama, and Yunatsu-sama are visiting you on something.” A muffled voice came from outside the door, it was his assistant.

Yamada Ryosuke gasped, not because the three famous shinobi in the village came to him, but the name “Yuxia”, he immediately got up, ran to the door in three steps and two steps, personally opened the door, and said: “Four adults, please come in!”

The assistant expressed surprise that the editor-in-chief personally came to open the door, but when he thought of the status of Kakashi, Kai, and Red Bean behind him in the village, he also slightly understood, he gave way to the road, and then silently retreated.

After Yunatsu, Kakashi, Azuki, and Kai walked into the office in turn, Ryosuke Yamada quickly closed the door and stood in front of several people with an embarrassed look. He knew Kakashi, Kai, and Red Bean, but this “Yunatsu”, he had never seen it.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Yamada Ryosuke looked at the cute “little man” among the four people with some confusion, and he said in disbelief: “You… Hello? Are you… Yunatsu-sama? ”

“Hmm! Right. Yunatsu nodded, handed the contract he brought with him and the “Konoha Newspaper Property Rights Transfer Certificate” to Yamada Ryosuke, and said: “The Konoha newspaper has been resold to the four of us, so we are currently the owners of the Konoha newspaper.”

At this moment, Yunatsu also explained the identities of Kakashi, Azuki and Kai to Ryosuke Yamada.

Receiving the two documents, Ryosuke Yamada quickly swept through, and finally accepted the fact that Yunatsu was just a child. He quickly returned the document to Yuxia with both hands, and bowed and shouted: “Lord Yuxia, Lord Qimu, Lord Matkai, and Lord Hongdou are good!” I am the editor-in-chief of the Konoha newspaper – Ryosuke Yamada! ”

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