Matilda entered Leon’s house, and when the door closed, her heart was still pounding, as if it was about to break through her chest.

After putting the milk in the kitchen refrigerator, Matilda returned to the living room and sat down, the tears on her face were like beads of broken threads, and the whole person shrunk into a small ball.

Leon was worried that the group of ninjas would find out the identity of the little girl, and kept staring restlessly at the door, clutching a handful of kunai tightly in the hand behind him, ready to fight at any time.

Half an hour later, it was finally quiet outside, and the group was gone. Leon also relaxed, he walked to the living room, looked at the uncontrollable Matilda who was still crying, sat down, and said sullenly: “You hate your parents, why are you crying?”

“Yes, their life and death have nothing to do with me, but those damn people killed my brother! He was the only one who was nice to me, he was still so young! Matilda choked and said, hatred in her eyes.

Reading this, Xiao Nan’s heart was slightly touched and slightly distracted. No one is born to die, but the weak are passive at all times, and this is an immutable truth.

Pursing the corners of his lips, Xiao Nan’s eyes flashed with sadness, if they were strong enough, would the result be different?

Leon was silent, then went into the kitchen, and a few minutes later took out a simple meal, placed it on the living room table, poured two glasses of milk, put one in front of Matilda, and said sullenly: “Eat quickly, when you are full, you can leave here.”

Spreading her hands, Matilda said, “I have nowhere to go, you can’t drive me away.”

Leon took a sip of milk, looked down and said, “Are you not in other relatives?” I mean, you have to go. ”

“You let me go now to send me to death, you didn’t save me at all.” Matilda said.

The two men had a “fierce” discussion for a long time, and in the end Leon was defeated, and he agreed to let the little girl live here. The room was left to Matilda, who sat down on the couch to sleep.

When Matilda fell asleep, Leon suddenly stood up, he took out a short knife from his ninja box, gently pushed open the bedroom door, the blade of the short knife glowed cold in the moonlight, and he gently placed it under the little girl’s snow-white neck.

“What does Leon want to do?” After Xiao Nan read this, she couldn’t help but exclaim, and she frowned and said, “He shouldn’t kill Matilda.”

The truth is as Xiao Nan thought, Leon finally did not get a hand, he returned to the sofa in frustration, and “ravaged” his head fiercely, he is a killer, how can he leave a “stranger”? It would disrupt his life, but…

Early the next morning, Leon opened the curtains as usual, put his favorite plant on the balcony, and went to prepare today’s breakfast, and half an hour later, the two sat together to start today’s breakfast.

After finishing the meal, Matilda put her hands on her hands and said with a serious face: “Leon, teach me to kill, I want revenge.”

Glancing up at Matilda, Leon shook his head for a moment, and said, “No, you can’t.”

“I’m going to kill those people with my own hands, and they killed my brother.” Matilda leaned forward and said eagerly: “In exchange, I can help you wash and clean!” I can do anything. ”

Shaking his head again, Leon refused.

Matilda looked at Leon, suddenly took out a gun from Leon’s box, quickly got up and ran to the window, and began to shoot on the street.

“Bang”, “bang”, “bang”…

The second section, is over. Xiao Nan looked at the final “unfinished to continue” with some fascination, and couldn’t help but think: What is a gun?

After going back and carefully reading the author’s description of “gun” (bifi), Xiao Nan nodded clearly. The gun is a crossbow-like weapon, but it is not the ejection force that launches this “gun”, but the thrust generated by the explosion of gunpowder, and the same “bullet” should be an “arrow” without an arrow body.

There are fireworks in the world of Hokage, fireworks are a gunpowder wrapped into a ball, the gunpowder explosion pushes the ball into the sky, and then the ball explodes into fireworks, the principle between the two is similar. After thinking of fireworks, Xiao Nan immediately understood.

For the novel “This Killer Is Not Too Cold”, Xiao Nan liked it very much, so she wanted to see what interesting things would happen in the third verse.

Directly taking a bunch of books, Konan’s start to rummage through the Konoha Daily, but after reading them all, he didn’t find the latest issue of the newspaper.

Frowning, Xiao Nan took out the newspaper she had just read, and saw that the time turned out to be today’s date, that is, the latest issue of the Konoha Daily was held in her hand, if she wanted to continue to look down, she could only wait until tomorrow.

With two tapped fingers on the desk, Xiao Nan pondered for a while. According to her and Kakuto’s ability, it shouldn’t take too long to check someone in Konoha Village, and if you leave Konoha early, you need to find someone to bring the newspaper. “This killer is not too cold” There are still many sections that have not been written, and she finally found a book that she was interested in reading, and she really didn’t want to “break”

“Knock knock!”

Just when Xiao Nan was thinking about how to find someone to bring her a newspaper, there were suddenly three knocks at the door, and she immediately came to her senses and got up to open the door.

At this time, the one who knocked on her door should be Jiaodu.

Kakuto did not go back to his room immediately after checking in just now, but went out the door and went to a very hidden “casino” in Konoha Village

After so many years of development, the black market has become very powerful, and there are also secretly stationed branches in Konoha Village, but there is no rampant in other places, and most of them are engaged in collecting intelligence.

When he arrived at the black market, Kakuto went directly to the person in charge and gave him a sum of money to help inquire about a person named “Yuxia”.

The steward counted the money in his hand, nodded with satisfaction, and then sent the horns away. Yunatsu is not a famous ninja, he used to do errands, and the huge village of Konoha has millions of people, so it can’t attract the attention of the black market.

Although it is a little difficult to find the person “Yunatsu” among the millions of people, just now Kakuto provided them with a very important clue, that is, not long ago, this person named “Yunatsu” teamed up with Kakashi, Metkai, and Azuki on a mission, and the mission was to rescue the son of the big businessman Eiichiro Tsuruta.

As long as they start from this point, it will be easy for them to find “Yuxia”

……… The dividing line………

Give me some flowers, guys orz_

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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