The conference room is noisy, and although the voice of the discussion is not loud, it will make people feel a little tinnitus and dizzy after listening to it for a long time, especially for the happy old man.

The third generation of Hokage frowned, followed by relaxation, it is good to talk about it, this matter can be regarded as the dust has settled, right? He tapped his finger on the table a few times, then coughed to signal everyone to be quiet.

In an instant, the conference room fell silent.

Picking up the content of the speech that had been prepared long ago, the three generations of Hokage glanced at it, and then continued: “Now I announce the punishment of the three initiators of embezzling the money of the deceased ninja…”

With the cold pronouncement of the three generations of Hokage, the breathing of everyone in the conference room was clearly audible, and the three were sentenced to death without accident.

Matsubara Mototai slumped in his chair with a desperate look, no one could understand the feeling of regret in his heart, he should not have wanted to go blind into the dark part in the first place. In this way, he will not enter the root and come into contact with Tuanzang and all this.

The faces of the other two ninjas of Konoha Savings Institute are also ugly, people who are already in their forties, they were actually pushed out to apologize, and the eyes and spit of the audience are really not a glorious thing, not only that, but now they have to put their lives in it.

But the two of them couldn’t help themselves.

After the verdict was read, no one spoke, and everyone was unanimously silent. The third generation of Hokage loosened his shoulders, thinking that the matter was finally over, and when he was about to say “disperse”, suddenly a white and tender hand was raised, and he looked up ~ to see that it was Yuxia.

Yuxia raised his hand, which did not look like a ten-year-old child at all, and he jumped out and said generously: “Three generations of adults, this time through the Konoha newspaper, as the president of the Konoha newspaper, I, I would like to ask you a few questions, of course, in order to write the press release in more detail. I don’t know if it’s okay-? ”

Although the third generation of Hokage really wanted to end this meeting, since Yuxia jumped out, and represented the Konoha newspaper, he smiled beneciously and said gently: “Yes, ask-.”

Turning the pen in his hand, Yuxia said in the eyes of everyone who was either surprised or strange: “The first question is very simple, I want to know the exact amount of money involved in this corruption case?”

While saying Yuxia, he took out a document, held it up for everyone to see, and said: “This is an estimate made after investigation and interview yesterday afternoon, the amount of embezzlement is at least 10 billion taels, and even many of them have not been investigated because of their age, and it may reach 20 billion.”

However, artificial estimates will always be biased, and I hope that the official will give a definite data. After all, the content of Konoha Daily has always been very concerned about accuracy and precision, and this time the matter is so big, we need more accurate and reliable data. ”

When I heard Yu Xia say “20 billion”, almost everyone was shocked and confused, what a sum of money this mother, described as a huge amount of money, it was idle and low-grade, and I didn’t dare to think about it!

Several masterminds heard that data, and it was also a state of one, especially Tuan Zang.

The money from each embezzlement was quickly used for the development of the roots, ninjas, inquiring for intelligence, as well as experiments on the first generation of cells, and the investment of Sharingan transplantation, the regiment also stretched very long, secretly carrying out countless actions on the table.

This writing is a bottomless pit of attracting money, and each project requires a lot of money. After more than ten years, they did not expect that they had embezzled a lot.


At the ninja school, in the teacher’s office, a group of people were also huddled together listening to the radio. Almost all of the teachers who worked as errands at the ninja school were Chūnin and were not qualified to attend the meeting, but they also wanted to know about the trial on this matter as soon as possible.

Especially Iruka, when he heard Yuxia say “20 billion”, he almost spewed out a dirty word, but he still forced himself to hold back at the end.

However, some people are not so good-tempered, Mizuki raised his elbow and touched Iruka gently, frowning and scolding: “These three are too much of a thing!” Right, Iruka? ”

“Ahhh… Hmm…”

Several other teachers also nodded quickly when they heard Mizuki’s words, a little bit of gritted teeth.

Of course, more than anger is sadness. So many people in the upper echelons of Konoha actually indulged these three people for such a long time! If it weren’t for the Konoha newspaper’s report, it’s hard to imagine how much more corruption this group of people would have…

···· Ask for flowers0······

Chihime went to the ninja school today, but instead of going out part-time as usual, Mrs. Matsumoto huddled around a telephone pole with a group of neighbors and listened to the live broadcast of the meeting.

When she heard about the embezzled amount, Mrs. Matsumoto covered her mouth in surprise, how could she not have imagined that the amount had reached 20 billion taels! This is still an estimate by the newspaper, but the amount is not clear …

With a long sigh, Mrs. Matsumoto’s face added a little sadness, thinking that her dead husband’s money should also be among them, and her heart was very clogged.


Putting down the hand covering her mouth and clenching it into a fist at the chest, if her husband’s money had not been embezzled, perhaps she and Qianji would not have lived such a tight and bitter life.


In the face of Yuxia’s questioning, Tuanzo coughed, and then explained: “Because of the suddenness of the incident, the three of Matsubara Mototai were also caught not long ago, and we have not specifically investigated and counted the total amount of their embezzlement…”

When Yuxia heard this, he immediately interrupted Tuan Zang with a word, pointed to the two stacks of accounts and said, “Isn’t all the accounts that Lord Jiraiya stolen from the Matsubara Gentai family there, why don’t you calculate them directly?”

The ninjas present nodded one after another, the account book is here, and it can be calculated immediately. For the matter of embezzled amounts, it is clear that everyone cares.

The three generations of Hokage saw that everyone was nodding in agreement, and in desperation, he could only wave his hand and let the dark department go to the financial officer to account. Because there were too many ledgers, ten financial officers came at once.

These ten financial personnel came directly and began to check the bills, and the two stacks of accounts were slowly reduced with time, because the project was not small, and the ten financial personnel each finished the accounts on hand, and then added them one by one, and after obtaining the final amount, it was half an hour later!

But all the ninjas in the room, in front of the TV and in front of the broadcast horn and radio, waited patiently.

“Count… Worked it out… Six “_

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