Tayuya looked at Orochimaru’s strangely colored eyes, and had a momentary doubt.

Except for Junmaru, who was seriously ill and needed long-term treatment, the remaining Otono Five acted together. The purpose is simple, to protect Lord Orochimaru.

This time, she actually let Tayuya go on a mission, and she had never heard of that Konoha newspaper chief.

But since it was the order given by the big snake pill, Tayuya immediately took it, she looked into the eyes of the big snake pill, and then said: “Yes, Lord Big Snake Pill!”

Orochimaru had a gloomy face, and then took out the wooden box from his cuff, which was all over except for the disc.

After taking the wooden box, Tayuya immediately checked the contents inside, and when she finished reading it all, she knew in her heart why Orochimaru-sama had sent him to secretly investigate and remove the president of the Konoha newspaper.


The Land of Fire borders the Land of Wind, and there is occasional friction, so the relationship between Konoha Village and Sand Hidden Village is also slightly subtle.

The Land of Wind is a country that has been subjected to wind and sand for a long time, and Shayin Village is also such an environment, even the houses and buildings are made of yellow sand, which is extremely dry.

Temari is the only daughter of the fourth generation of Wind Shadow, thirteen years old, just at the age of Jinzhao, her yellow hair is tied into four beards, and her right hand is crossed at the waist, looking very dry and neat.

Kankuro, on the other hand, is the eldest son of the fourth generation of Kazekage, a puppeteer, wearing a black jumpsuit with purple-like patterns on his face, looking slightly scary.

Glancing at the puppet behind him, Kankuro raised his chin a little proudly towards his hand and said, “My performance today is not bad, right?”

“What crazy,” Temari snapped Kankuro, then smacked his head with his hand and said, “Isn’t it just a little devil who just graduated from ninja school!”

“Cut!” Touching the back of his head, Kankuro muttered in a dissatisfied whisper: “Aren’t you just a year after graduation.”

Dangerous smiled, Temari said, “Louder, I can’t hear it.”

Kankuro: “…”

The two people had just finished their task and returned to the Wind Studio to report. Temari went to knock on the door twice, pushed the door in without seeing anything outside, and said, “Kazekage-sama, I’m going back and forth with Kankuro…”

Kankuro also walked in, and just about to ask Temari why he didn’t speak, he was quietly pulled by her sleeve. Looking at it, it turned out that someone was reporting something to the fourth generation of wind shadows.

The fourth generation of Wind Shadow looked very serious, and his already somewhat stereotypical face made people look untouchable, and he glanced at Temari and Kankuro, signaling the two to wait.

The ninja who came to report naturally also saw just Juju and Kankuro, so he hurriedly ended and asked, “Kazekage-sama, what should we do now?”

After pondering for a long moment, the fourth generation of Feng Ying said: “Go down, invite a few high-ranking people, and say that there is something important to discuss.”


After the ninja went down, the fourth generation of Kazekage took the time to face Ju and Kankuro and said, “You two go home first, I have a very important meeting to have now.”

After speaking, the fourth generation of Hokage left in a hurry, leaving Temari and Kankuro inexplicable, and after only looking at each other, they shrugged helplessly, and then the two went home together.

The maids at home had already prepared the evening meal, and after slowly eating the meal, they went back to their rooms.

The fourth generation of Kazekage was so busy that he didn’t come home at night, and Temari and Kankuro were very confused about what their father was going to do.


The next morning, the fourth generation of Kazekage was still not at home, but Temari and Kankuro had long been used to it, after all, the head of the village, there were usually many things to deal with.

The two came to the training ground together, and then waited for the teacher Markey, today is the day he takes Temari and Kankuro to practice. But unexpectedly, after three poles in the day, Markey came over.

Temari looked at Markey, who was a little panting, frowned, and said, “Teacher, why did you come here so late today?” We obviously made an appointment yesterday to start training at nine o’clock. ”

“It is!” Kankuro patted the sand on his body, stood up and said, “Teacher, what did you do early in the morning?”

Markey looked at Temari and Kankuro, steadied his breathing, and then said after a moment of contemplation: “Anyway, it’s not some secret information, it is estimated that everyone will know in two days, so let’s tell you two first.”

As soon as the words fell, Markey took out several newspapers and handed them to the brothers and sisters Temari and Kankuro. After all, the merchant is an ordinary person, so it will be a few days before the newspaper reaches the village of Suna, and the copies he has in his hand were bought by the spies installed in Konoha Village, and then sealed in the scroll for Asuka to bring back.

Seeing Kankuro and Temari began to look down at the Konoha Daily, Markey spoke again: “I’ve been doing a lot lately, especially Konoha, and I need to be responsible for keeping an eye on it, so the two of you are temporarily training by yourself these days, right?”

Temari lifted his gaze from the newspaper, nodded and said, “Markey-sensei, you go and get busy first, I can do it with Kankuro.”

“Yes, yes,” Kankuro was also very considerate of Markey, and quickly said: “It just so happens that I have some new understanding of the puppet recently, and I plan to get it myself.”

Markey was busy with business, and after a few more words to Temari and Kankuro, he left in a hurry, but several newspapers remained.

“What’s the big deal?” Kankuro looked at Maji, who was quickly evacuated, shook his head and said, “Isn’t it just that there is a corruption case in Konoha Village, what does it have to do with our village?”

“Stupid!” Temari glanced at Kankuro with great contempt and said, “This is definitely not a simple corruption case, otherwise my father would not have come back yesterday, and Mr. Markey’s expression was not too right.”

The latest one of the newspapers that Markey gave them was only yesterday, and the news that the corruption had just been investigated was related to the savings office, that two advisers had been arrested, and that Tuan Zang had died in battle

Shrugging his shoulders, Kankuro said, “Then you go ahead and read these boring newspapers, I’m going to get my puppet.”

After speaking, Kankuro began to make his own puppet. But Temari is very interested in Konoha’s corruption case this time, and his mind is running wildly.

If it was just a corruption case, my father’s face would not have been so ugly yesterday, it must have involved “something”, but what is it?

After pondering for a while, Temari couldn’t guess even if he was smart. After being entangled for a while, she gave up, casually flipped through the “Konoha Daily” to see if there were any other clues in it, and then found “This killer is not too cold”! _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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