The boss nodded, accustomed to it.

After all, Konoha Village is much safer in the entire Hokage world than other places, and the salary level and living standard are also top-notch. Everyone wants to live a stable life, so many people from other villages have the idea of settling in Konoha.

After glancing at Tayuya, the boss carefully explained to her: “If you are looking for a job in Konoha, the first is to go to the door of the store to see if there is a job posting at the door, but this is too troublesome, I don’t mind if you look for a job like this.”

The second is to go to shopping streets or squares, most of which will have some bulletin boards, and some of the recruitment information will be marked on the bulletin board.

The third way is to go directly to the Naruto Building, some people who recruit workers will go directly to the Naruto Building to release information, and the ninja in the first window on the right side of the first floor is responsible for this matter, and his work there can also be taken by non-ninjas.

Of course, if you are a ninja, you can go directly to the Naruto Building to take the task, and the reward is relatively high. However, if you are from an outer village, Konoha will take a cut, and the commission is quite a lot. ”

Tapping his finger on the countertop, the boss leaned forward and continued to say: “Konoha Village has too many foreign populations, mixed fish and dragons, and needs a large number of ninjas to monitor and maintain law and order, so if 293 is stranded in the village, the deposit to be paid is very high.

And if you want to join the village, it is very troublesome to be recommended by no one to be a guarantee, the village needs to conduct various investigations on you, and you have to stay in Konoha for more than a year.

In addition, if you want to join Konoha Village, you have to pay a huge amount of money, and most of the people earn money every month is not enough to pay the security deposit. If I were to say, you might as well go to the towns around Konoha to work first, and the security in those places is also very good. ”

After listening to the boss carefully, he said: “Thank you boss for explaining so much to me, I am just looking to see if I can find a suitable job.” ”

“Well, come on!”

The boss nodded, then looked at the newspaper again.

Tayuya left the hotel, so he went to the shopping arcade to look for the bulletin board to see if there was a newspaper or a job near the newspaper.

There is still a distance from the hotel to the shopping street, and after asking for directions, she decides to take a short cut.

When Tayu was also cutting the road, he stepped into a very quiet (bifi) residential alley, and there were few people on the whole street, and a gust of wind blew through, blowing off a few yellow leaves, floating in the air for a while, and then sticking to the ground, there was a feeling of quiet years.

While walking, when Tayu was also turning an intersection, he suddenly found that not far ahead, a cute little girl with blue hair was carefully standing on one, trying to walk on a branch, and at the end of the branch, there was a little milk cat, who was “meowing” softly, which made people love.

That’s right, the blue-haired kawaii girl standing on the branch is the eldest daughter of Hinata, Hinata!

The kitten standing on the branch appeared at the school some time ago, small and skinny, looking like it had just been born, and its mother was not nearby.

This kitten was discovered when Hinata hid behind a tree Naruto, and Hinata saw that it was pitiful and had been taking care of it. Although Hinata desperately wanted to take the kitten back to take care of it, her father said that he was “a plaything”, so he did not dare to take it home and took time to take care of it at the ninja school.

At lunch today, Hinata brought her own bento as usual to feed the kitten, and she squatted and held her face in her hands to watch the little milk cat eat gently, and she was very happy.

Unexpectedly, there were many wild cats in the school, and when the little milk cat was eating in the group, a black green-eyed wild cat suddenly ran out to grab food, and “meowed” fiercely at the little milk cat, and then bumped into it.

The little milk cat received a frightened and did not even dare to eat the rice balls, so he quickly spread out four small paws that had not yet developed and began to run.

“Hey?” When Hinata reacted, the kitten had already run out of ten meters, she immediately stood up, and before she even had time to clean up the lunch box, she ran up with the little milk cat and shouted in a low voice: “You… Don’t you run…”

Frightened little milk cat, where can take care of Hinata, don’t look at the first few days of birth, the thief who ran fast, ran and ran, and arrived at the place of the school wall, the milk cat kicked on its hind legs, and then went directly out of the ninja school, Hinata was stunned.

Her hands were slightly clenched into small fists, and without the permission of the teacher, she could not leave the school at will during the school day, but she was really worried, and after a while of entanglement, she chased it out over the wall.

Chasing and chasing, Hinata came to the residential area, and after seeing the little milk cat get up the tree, he stood at a loss and ran up the branch, so there was this scene now.

Tayuya looked at the little blue-haired girl trembling on the tree and raised her eyebrows. Obviously he was afraid that he could not do it, but he had to climb the tree, and he did not dare to go forward on the branch.

Indeed, Hinata is only about ten years old, even if she has been trained by the family early, her chakra, physical skills are not higher than her peers, just ran all the way to chakra, physical exertion is terrible, so after going up the tree, she found that she couldn’t use chakra to stick to the branches, plus she was a little unstable for a while.


The kitten cried out again in fear, and his whole body trembled terribly.

Gritting her teeth, Hinata looked at the kitten and took the first step, the branches under her feet trembled, and after she stabilized her body, she took the second step. Suddenly, at this time, the branch broke!



Tayuya has come to him at this time, immediately caught the kitten, and protected it in his arms, for furry little animals, where do girls have resistance.

The smile on her face just floated, and Tayuya was just about to touch the little kitten’s hair, but at this time, Hinata happened to fall on her body and pounced on her!

“Meow~” The little milk cat was startled, and shrewdly jumped off Tayuya, so that he was not squashed by the falling Hinata!

The impact of Hinata’s fall could not hurt Tayuya, who had been training for a long time, but she was shocked, because Tayuya felt that a soft thing suddenly touched her lips, and violently pushed the person on her body away, but she saw Hinata’s face.

What did you just come across? It should be just the cheeks, right? Right! It’s the cheeks!

Hinata’s face turned red with a “bang”, she quickly braced herself up, and said a little helplessly: “I… I…” _

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