I am a zombie

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Sorting out the harvest!

"Ding, complete the final mission · Corpse Frenzy: A Corpse Frenzy is about to hit, please survive it! Get reward: 5000 points! Random draw once!"

At the edge of Zhuangwang City, Saeko Dokujima looked into the distance. Her strength was too weak to join this final battle. She could only watch from afar, which made her very unhappy!

And now hearing this voice, Saeko Dokujima's face suddenly bloomed with a smile like a crabapple flower. The completion of this mission also means that this Corpse Frenzy is over!

This also means that her man succeeded, successfully completed the hidden mission, and defeated the terrible monster!

On the side, Yuriko Takagi and Saya Takagi also woke up slowly at this moment, but because of the heavy blood loss before, their faces were pale. As for Little Alice and Shizuka Marikawa, they were still sleeping!


Just then, a figure appeared here, and Busujima Saeko walked over with a smile!

"This is a gift for you at this time!"

Liu Hongyuan turned his hand, and a knife with an ominous aura appeared in Liu Hongyuan's hand. The moment she saw the knife, Busujima Saeko liked it. This knife was calling her!

Without saying anything, Busujima Saeko reached out and took the Sandai Kitetsu. Then, Busujima Saeko could feel that the knife in her hand seemed to be happy and catering to her!

"This is, a demon sword?"

Busujima Saeko looked at Liu Hongyuan in confusion!

"That's right, the Sandai Kitetsu is a demon sword, and it's the reward for my mission this time. However, I already have the Demon Sword Thousand Blades, so it doesn't make much sense, so I'll give it to you!"

Liu Hongyuan said with a smile. Now that he has awakened his superpowers, he will definitely specialize in superpowers in the future. It's impossible for him to specialize in swordsmanship. How can this be as powerful as superpowers!

"Then I'll take it!"

Busujima Saeko said with a smile. On the one hand, she really liked this knife, and on the other hand, with her current relationship with Liu Hongyuan, there was no need to say"thank you"!

"By the way, a dungeon in the guild has been opened now, you can try it later!"

Liu Hongyuan said with a smile, and Saeko Dokujima nodded. She believed that Liu Hongyuan would not lie to her!

Guild dungeons are just like dungeons in online games, with four levels: [Easy], [Difficult], [Nightmare], and [Hell]!

In the easy difficulty, you will appear among a thousand dead bodies. The standard for passing the level is to kill all of the thousand dead bodies to pass the level!

In the difficult difficulty, there will be three thousand dead bodies and one hundred lickers! In the nightmare difficulty, there will be five thousand dead bodies and five hundred lickers!

In the hell difficulty, there will be ten thousand dead bodies, one thousand lickers, plus a Titan beast that was killed by Liu Hongyuan before!

Of course, each guild member can challenge twice a day. Guild copies, after clearing the level, the clearance time will be engraved on the stone tablet in the guild area. Of course, only the top three will be recorded!

It can be said that this is also a very practical function. Only fighting and killing can give birth to the most powerful warriors. This is an eternal truth!

Liu Hongyuan smiled at Saeko Busujima, who was familiar with the third generation of Kitetsu, and turned to look at the car on the side. At this time, Takagi Yuriko had already walked down!

Looking at Liu Hongyuan, Takagi Yuriko's eyes were full of fear and resentment. She didn't have the slightest good impression of Liu Hongyuan, but completely disgusted him. However, ironically, she was like a bird in a building, controlled by the other party!

"Takagi Yuriko, soon, everything about you will belong to me completely, just like Saya!"

Liu Hongyuan smiled faintly, looking at the woman in front of him and said teasingly!

Takagi Yuriko's face froze slightly when she heard this. She had no doubt about the truth of Liu Hongyuan's words, just like Takagi Saya at this moment, she completely belonged to Liu Hongyuan!

Takagi Yuriko herself knew very well that not long ago, she was also sucked blood by the man in front of her, and like her daughter, she was branded with his mark!

"I only have one question, where does Saya stand to you!"

Takagi Yuriko took a deep breath, looked at Liu Hongyuan and said slowly, for Takagi Saya, she gave up the happiness she could have gotten, just to give her a happy childhood!

"What position? It depends on my mood. When I'm in a good mood, she's my concubine. When I'm in a bad mood, she's just a slave!"

Without disguising her thoughts, in this world of"High School of the Dead", only Busujima Saeko can catch Liu Hongyuan's eye. No one else is qualified!

Listening to Liu Hongyuan's words, Takagi Yuriko subconsciously clenched her fists, but in the end, she let them go helplessly, because neither she nor Takagi Saya had any other way!

Looking at Liu Hongyuan, she wanted to explode, but reason made her suppress all her impulses!

"Master, Master!"

Takagi Yuriko, the former queen of Chinatown and former mistress of the Takagi family, threw aside her pride and lowered her head in front of Liu Hongyuan!

At the same time, Takagi Saya in the car heard all the words without missing a word. She knew that it was all because of her!

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