Episode 46-Culture Shock

What laws govern this world?

Eison was curious about everything in the world.

Why did it rain?

Why do seeds planted in the ground bear the same kind of seed?

Why do humans need to eat?

Everything in the world was filled with curiosity.

It was believed that in the other world created by Lemfra, there would be a perfect theory that could explain all phenomena in the world, although humans did not know it.

Thanks to this, Aison has been attached to philosophers since childhood.

“Do you want to see this?”

An old philosopher dropped a heavy object and a light object at the same time, and they hit the floor at exactly the same moment.


Upon seeing the scene, Ison could only open his mouth wide.

He naturally thought that the big objects would fall first, but when he tried it himself, they fell at the same time.

At Aison’s reaction, the philosopher smiled with satisfaction.

Eison reflected.

He naturally thought that the big stuff would fall first and didn’t doubt that.

Then we went one step further.

“Why are the two objects hitting the ground at the same time?”

“That’s because the size affects the rate at which energy inside an object is consumed.”

This is what the philosopher said.

All objects have energy corresponding to their size, and that energy is consumed when moving to another place.

At this time, a larger object consumes more energy, so as a result, it takes the same amount of time to fall to the ground.

‘Is something strange?’

He didn’t say that out of his mouth.

The philosopher in front seemed to believe that thoroughly, and he himself did not have a good theory to refute the philosopher’s words.

“Brother! Are you here?”

As soon as Eyson’s sister, Elena, saw him and shouted, Eison couldn’t help but sigh.

“Mom asked to see you for a second.”

“Can’t we wait a little longer?”

Elena shook her head resolutely despite Eison’s bleak expression.

“Mom is long, fast.”


After a short greeting with the philosophers, Aison followed Erena.

“Mom! I brought you brother!”

Erena approached Lempria and hugged her.

“Good job.”

Lempria hugged Elena tightly and looked at Aison.

She was Lempria, busy with work every day, but she couldn’t hide her smile when she looked at her children.

“Welcome, son.”

“Yes, I’m here.”

Ison picked up his spear in his corner.

“I’m sorry, but physical art is one of the things that must be practiced.”

“It’s okay. I can understand.”

Eison was dignified for his age.

When Lem Pria was Aison’s age, he said he didn’t want to do philosophy and only did what he wanted to do, but Eison liked philosophy but also respected Lem Pria’s opinion that he should learn physical arts.

‘Who the hell does he resemble?’

It doesn’t seem like he resembles the Isaac I saw at the meeting… And now he doesn’t seem to resemble his deceased mother and father, so he was a mutant.


Unlike Aison, who is like a mutant, Erena was Lempria’s daughter no matter who sees it.

Her appearance is exactly like Lem Pria’s childhood, and she prefers to use her body rather than philosophy.

The child, who was only 7 years old, was half a head taller than her older brother, and her young body was starting to gain muscle.

Perhaps because she was her younger sister, unlike Lem Pria, who was her older sister, she was a bit picky and full of confidence.

‘Grow only healthy.’

If Aison rises to the position of emperor and Elena rises to the position of general, the empire will flourish.

“Mom! Can I go now?”

Ison fired right after finishing his quota of training today.

‘Is that kind of philosophy good?’

“Okay, you can go now. Are you going to meet Izun today?”

“Yes! He’s a good friend to talk to.”

Ison left the spear, wiped the sweat off his body with a leaf, and ran.

To explore the laws of the world.

It was a hobby for a boy who was only 8 years old.


“An important guest is coming today.”

Isaac dressed Aison and Elena.

Clothes made from the hair of animals that only live in the northern part were hot to wear in the summer, but warm in the winter and also nice to look at because they have pure white color.

“What guest are you?”

“Guests from the next country must be coming.”

During the 10 years that passed after dealing with Gat, he began to have some degree of exchange with other forces around him.

Like when I first met the other faction, I couldn’t force myself to believe in Lemfra.

It was clear that if the Lempria Empire was not completely unified and they tried to conquer other countries, problems would arise in Aison’s generation.

The neighboring countries had a much smaller power than the Lempria Empire, so the effect of bending over first was also great.

Since the reason the surrounding forces were able to attach the concept of a nation in the first place was because they imitated the Lempria Empire, the Lempria Empire’s view of faith slowly penetrated into other countries as well.

No country acknowledged that he was a creator god, but many countries accepted him as a very, very powerful god.

“As expected, my son is smart.”

“Which country are the guests coming from?”

“There will be guests coming from the frozen kingdom in the east. Friends your age will come too, so maybe we can play together.”


Elena raised her hand in joy when she heard that she could meet a friend her age.

“A friend?”

Aison’s eyes also widened.

‘A friend…’

In Aison’s head, a picture of a friend having fun while talking about philosophy was drawn.

It did not take long for Eison to meet the friend he had imagined.

“Nice to meet you, King Frozen.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Since the national power of the Prison Kingdom is weaker, the King of the Frozen Kingdom got down on his knees and treated Lem Pria.

“You don’t have to kneel. Under God Lemfra, we’re all equal.”

“Sorry, but I knelt not as a sign of submission, but as a sign of respect.”

King Frozen of the Frozen Kingdom slowly raised his knees and faced Lempria.

Since the first country to be created in the area was the Lempria Empire, the small countries in the area were all named the same way.

While Frozen and Lempria were having a light conversation to relieve tension, his children, Pia Frozen and Allen Frozen, were tightly tensed behind him.

‘I have to look good unconditionally.’

My older sister, Pia Frozen, was only 11 years old, and my younger sister, Allen Frozen, was only 8 years old.

From noble mtl dot com

‘Let’s calm down, Pia! No matter how much the opponent is the prince of the Lempria Empire, he is a child the same age as his younger brother! You are bigger and stronger! And the hair is good too.’

Thinking that, the tension began to ease.

As they held their hearts together, the queen standing behind them caressed Pia’s shoulder.

“Why don’t you let the heirs talk among themselves?”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

Lempria said while stroking the heads of Aison and Elena.

“Shall we play with friends now?”


Aison and Elena approached Pia.

She was obviously told that they were her brother and sister, and although it was embarrassing that her sister was bigger, her sister seemed more interested in Allen than Pia.

“My name is Elena Lempria. What is your name?”

“My name is Allen Frozen.”

As Allen naturally tried to kneel, Erena grabbed Allen by the shoulders and pulled her up.

“I heard you’re older than me, so why are you trying to kneel? And it’s okay if you talk comfortably.”

Hearing Elena’s words, Allen looked at Pia while looking at her.

Pia nodded cautiously.

“Then shall I call you Elena?”

“Okay. Then let’s go sparring.”

“Huh? Dalian?”

As he looked at Allen with her bewildered expression, Elena dragged him away with her bright expression.

Seeing her younger brother’s disappearance in an instant, she looked at Ison, worried that she might end up like that too, and saw a cute little boy looking up at her.

She is obviously the same age as Allen, so how can she be so cute?

Unknowingly, he managed to stop a smile from forming.

“Shall we talk?”

“Of course.”

She looked down at Ison, grateful that he hadn’t been taken to sparring like Allen.

“One of our empire’s philosophers figured out that two objects, regardless of size or weight, fall to the ground at the same time. I wondered why, so I thought about it. As they fall, they accelerate… “

Pia couldn’t do anything about the many stories that came out of Aison’s mouth.

‘Is this what a conversation is like?’

“What’s wrong, Pia?”

The culture shock that Pia felt couldn’t be broken by her cute voice calling her sister.

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