A huge vortex is being generated.

At the center of vortex are hundreds of powerful anti-virus counterparts, who are using shock waves to forcibly break through mechanical dust clouds with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers.

This method is very good. Facts have proved that this is the best way to deal with mechanical dust clouds.

The only thing that makes people anxious is that they have been inside the mechanical dust cloud for an hour, but they still haven't caught the damn crab.

That guy is playing hide-and-seek with them in a cloud of mechanical dust?

Too much!

"The area covered by the mechanical dust cloud is too large, and the number of sasser launchers in their hands is too small to be enough to catch the coward. Our team of layouters and historical retrospective monitoring team Is there any new progress?"

At this moment, in the real dimension, a celestial body as large as a planet is spinning, but this is actually an extremely important signal transit star that can cover two diameters. Light-year area.

It is a well-deserved command center!

But now this signal transfer star that originally belonged to the virus camp has temporarily changed hands and is taken over by an organization called the "Destiny Hunter Alliance".

The specifications of this organization are extremely high, and they have already exceeded the specifications of the virus camp and the Allied Forces of Mystery Rock.

For example, because of the emergence of this organization, the exchange of fire between the virus camp and the Allied Forces of Mystery Rock has been suspended.

The tens of thousands of powerful space fleets of the virus camp are all arranged in the airspace around this signal transit star.

The same is true for all space fleets of the Mysterious Rockmen Alliance.

Even a team of 500,000 planners in the virus camp, as well as the SmartBrain matrix of the Mystery Rock Alliance Army, have been transferred to serve as the combat staff of the "Destiny Hunter Alliance"!

After all, the real power of high-level Heavenly God is strength, not wisdom.

So in the kind of super-dimensional complex calculations that are thousands of absolutely trillion times per second, no high-level Heavenly God is willing to ask for trouble.

But in addition to the layout of the team and SmartBrain matrix, the real core of the "Destiny Hunter Alliance" is the nineteen high-level Heavenly God.

In addition to the top 18 high-level Heavenly God, the newly added high-level Heavenly God is called Jiu Er.

In fact, that kind of shock wave launcher was developed by Jiu Er personally, plus the hatred between him and Crab that can’t be washed away, so you can be eligible to join This alliance.

At the moment on the information transfer star, the "Destiny Hunter Alliance" is waiting. Various intelligence and information and a large number of forecast reports are continuously being aggregated.

In the end, the 19 high-level Heavenly Gods of the "Destiny Hunter Alliance" will get an analysis and prediction about what the crab wants to do next.

I have to say, this lineup is too luxurious.

"Reporting to you Lords of Heavenly God, the layout team has summarized and analyzed 159,632 possibilities, and finally came to three conclusions and three suggestions."

A representative of the layout person respectfully stepped forward, and Shen Shenghui reported.

"The first conclusion, we judged that there should be more than one hole cards in the Crab’s hand that are strong enough to continue to turn over, because according to our analysis, the Crab had a chance to escape from the solidification of history at first, but he But I chose to stay."

"Then the second conclusion, that is the reaction of the crab at the moment. We believe that he is deliberately seducing and trying to focus all our attention on the mechanical dust cloud. Therefore, we can basically think that in this solidified history, there must be hidden heels and feet that crabs care about."

"Finally is the third conclusion. We have reason to believe that crabs are in Planning a terrifying plan, for which he even put away the War God flag, so that we can observe his actions with historical retrospect without any obstacles."

"But there is a question here, as we all know, The mechanical dust cloud can affect 50% of the historical backtracking accuracy. Within the dust cloud, we could have reached the historical backtrack predicted 30 minutes in advance, but now it is only five minutes. This will also affect our judgment and prediction."

"So our suggestions are as follows. First, immediately withdraw the anti-virus hunters used as bait. Before the mechanical dust cloud is completely dispelled, their sacrifices will not provide us with much information."

"Second, give up searching for mechanical dust clouds for the time being, and instead focus on investigating other clues. Because so far, we have not obtained accurate information on the innate talent of mechanical Heavenly God. Starting from other angles, it may be effective Better."

"Third, we recommend a strong attack. This is the best way to get the maximum profit ratio in the shortest time and with the least cost."

The layout After finishing speaking, the representative stood there quietly waiting for inquiries, and behind him, there were twenty layouters, who would also be responsible for answering.


A high-level Heavenly God sitting in the corner laughed playfully, "If it can be attacked, I think everyone here will definitely not be battered. and exhausted appears here, Mr. Layout, please describe the reason you want to attack!"

The representative of the layout did not speak, but a layout behind him stood up, Shen He said: "Master Heavenly God, there is no reason, just intuition. I analyzed all the behavior records of that crab since it appeared, and then my intuition told me that the best way is to quick sword cuts through tangled hemp! Because that crab is very good. Trouble!"

"hehe! It's more than trouble, my friend, your instincts are good, but unfortunately, you still underestimate the seriousness of the incident."

Heavenly God waved with a wry smile, they have not forgotten their fear of being dominated by infinite doom not long ago!


What a joke!

The Universe Principle of 1.7 billion units has been invested, oh no, it has now increased to 3 billion.

For such a large investment, what they want is not only the head of the crab, but the expected profit.

There is not enough profit, what do you say to me in a daze?

"Let’s talk about the first two suggestions. I think they are feasible. In my opinion at the moment, those antivirus hunters are indeed being tricked."

At this time, another one The high-level Heavenly God opened the mouth and said, but his tone barely fell, a Demi-God who was responsible for monitoring the history backtracking suddenly rushed in.

"My lord, the latest history backtracking, about five minutes later , Crab suddenly shot and used 360,000 space cruise missiles to kill our 296 anti-virus hunters, including two high-level Heavenly Gods. Now we have transmitted the information to the frontline troops immediately, but we have been exposed to mechanical dust. Influenced by the cloud, this message will have an unknown delay."


Before the voice fell, three high-level Heavenly Gods rushed up and pressed their fingers there. On a solidified sphere of history.

In this sphere is the historical world that they are deliberately dealing with.

But a few seconds later, a high-level Heavenly God roared ferociously, "Didn’t that guy’s War God flag be put away? Why is the information transmission delayed?"

No one has time to answer, a calm voice has sounded, but it is the SmartBrain matrix provided by the Mysterious Rock Alliance.

"The latest calculation results show that the frequency of the shock wave transmitter provided by Heavenly God Nine Ears has been perfectly cracked by the enemy. The current vibration state of the mechanical dust cloud has caused 97% of the shielding effect on our information transmission. It is predicted that: The enemy-controlled mechanical dust cloud has completed a higher level of evolution. It is recommended that a stronger information transmission mode be replaced immediately. However, the SmartBrain matrix is ​​not optimistic about the fate of our current combat units on the front line."

(This chapter has been revised for a long time, it is really a hot children's day!)

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