It’s too late to say, it’s fast then.

The feeling of coldness suddenly disappeared.

As if nothing happened, Mu Shaoan still maintained that roaring posture.

Well, nothing really happened.

Yewu's soul is thawing, and his body is waking up, but it is as sad, depressed, sad, and angry as a dead ancestor, because the god of stars is indeed its ancestor.

But, is this okay?

The curse that even Heavenly God can't escape, just fooled it?

"Sure enough, I can't fool it."

Mu Shaoan knew it in his heart, and then watched a black handprint on his wrist flash by, the one who was so powerful Qinghe, who doesn't know what it is, really came to this world, and descended with Yanwen's portrayal, as if he could really strangle him once.

However, his judgment is also correct. Heavenly God starry sky is the culprit that led to the fall of Qinghe civilization, so if you cut the head of Heavenly God starry sky, you can really win the friendship of Qinghe. If he couldn't, he had to escape.

"It's so cool, is it Sword Immortal? I didn't even leave a word, and I left without taking photos of my face. Don't worry, I have always done what I said!"

Mu Shaoan muttered to the air, then opened his attribute template.

When it comes to his level, whether there is an attribute template or not is actually not important anymore. This thing is no longer a built-in anti-virus software program.

The reason why it is still retained is purely habit or because of laziness.

Because it is as powerful as Heavenly God, you can completely look at the details of the cells in your body at the genetic level. In other words, how many cells you have in your body and the changes in the amplitude of your brain waves are all obvious at a glance.

Furthermore, many data-based bodies are actually not that mysterious. If a body is digitized, the pain can be weakened. There is nothing like that at all. The truth is that you will be given a small operation. A tiny monitoring software is built into your body.

This monitoring software has a cultivation version, a magic version, a Battle Qi version, a technology version, a virus version, and an antivirus hunter version.

The name is myriad, but the core is the same.

With this software, you can calculate your gender, height, weight, predict lifespan, body strength, bloodline genes, skills and so on.

In addition, there are attributes that sound gamified, such as strength, agility, intelligence, endurance, defense, etc.

It looks very awkward, but they are all used to reflect the various indicators of your body. It is no different from the physical examination items performed by the doctor in the hospital, but it is more detailed.

So it's not that you are digitized, but you are digitized.

In addition, the pain is weakened. In addition to the built-in monitoring software, a machine that can be fine-tuned is installed in your body to simultaneously control your blood pressure, nerves, adrenaline, body fluids, etc. Wait.

In turn, it makes you feel less painful. This kind of behavior actually has great repercussions on the human body. Because this kind of machine that can fine-tune pain needs to interface with human neurons and brain cells.

As for what repercussions will be, you can guess.

If you can fine-tune your pain, can't you control your body?

Mu Shaoan's current attribute template is actually reset by himself on the template provided by the red sun, and the model adopted is the projection copy mode.

It means that all the data of his body are projected out, and then copied, and finally sent to the software program for calculating the attribute. This results in the final result, which is a kind of capable Being lazy can be fun for entertainment.


The obvious at a glance sweeps through all the attributes, Mu Shaoan is a little bit more surprised, because in the attribute template, his basic HP is actually 50 less Ten thousand points, what happened?

With a slight movement in his mind, Mu Shaoan counted the active cells in his body by himself, and it only took three seconds to finish the count.

"Strange, no more, no less? It's still 50 million health points, damn, this calculation program has a bug again, saying that I just want to be lazy, it's not easy."


Mu Shaoan murmured and started to revise the calculation program. Although he calculated by himself, at most one minute can fix the state of the whole body, but he can be lazy about one minute, which is also one minute, OK?

The so-called time is money, time is life!

Then Mu Shaoan spent a full 32 hours, and finally it was brow beaded with sweat to correct the built-in attribute template calculation program, which was really refreshing in his heart.

Open it again, and it feels refreshing to see the rows of attributes appear clearly and accurately.

Name: Mu Shaoan

Gender: Male

Occupation: Lord of Destiny Machinery Heavenly God Doom Chaser Hell Sabrewielder? ? ?

Title: Savage Lawbreaker Crab

Level: Low-level Law Heavenly God

Base HP: 50 million points

Mechanical Exclusive HP: 1.5 billion points

Passivation spirit strength: 200,000 points

Mechanical spirit strength: 9000 absolutely trillion points

Fate Yoke Line: 5921

Destiny points: 15 points (0 points have been used, every time you activate a little destiny point, you can change the destiny for yourself or someone for a period of time in the future, the effect is random, the best luck +10, the worst luck -10, a friendly reminder, this skill is best not to be used on yourself.)

The number of summon immortal heroes: 500,000 ordinary immortal heroes (battle strength approximately equal to A-Rank); elite immortal heroic 2000 Name (battle strength approximately equal to S-Rank); 500 Legendary immortal heroes (battle strength approximately equal to SS-Rank); 50 Epic Grade immortal heroes (battle strength approximately equal to SSS-Rank); Demi-God Level Immortal Heroes 2 Name (battle strength approximately equal to five-star Demi-God); Heavenly God Level immortal hero 0 name (battle strength approximately equal to low-level Heavenly God or high-level Heavenly God, the details are unknown)

Currently owns the Universe Principle: 200,000 units (250 million units)

Currently owns the law of destiny: 100 units

Currently owns Space Law: 210 units

Currently owns Time Law: 92 units

Currently possesses the secret technique of God: 15 units

Currently possesses the laws of war: 5000 units

Currently possesses the laws of machinery: 5 million units

Currently possesses the fairy magic rule: 19 units

Heavenly God skill: all pass under the mechanical law

Heavenly God skill: destiny (not advanced)

Heavenly God Skill: Immortality (Unawakened)

Heavenly God Skill: War (Unawakened)

Heavenly God Skill: Breaking Seven Stars (opened, effect increased by 200%)

Heavenly God Skill: Life Eye of Fortune

Heavenly God Skill: War God Flag

Current Status: Cursed

Currently has passive ability: because of unknown strong Grand Law Heavenly God wraith Curse, everything you do will become extremely bad, and this effect will even continue to anyone connected with you, whether it is a friend or an enemy.

"Good friend, forever!"

Mu Shaoan yelled to the sky, and immediately took out a beautiful bronze coffin again, lifted the lid, and climbed in. He also I have to hide from disasters. Originally, the War God banner could be exempted from the effects of breaking the Heavenly God technique to injure others and self, but now he is cursed by Qinghe, so throwing the War God banner again will not work.

So what else are you talking about now, let him sleep before talking.

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