"It’s like a dream, it’s too unreal..."

Standing on the edge of the battlefield, Xiao Wuwang kept breathing in the air-conditioning. It's not that he doesn't understand when he recovers. It's that the world is changing fast. When can Mu Shaoan stand up to the violent attack of nine five-star Demi-Gods without losing any blood?

That's nine 5-Star level Demi-Gods, the strongest under Heavenly God.

In fact, this doubt also exists in the hearts of Old Fourth and Tangning, because in Mu Shaoan’s own eyes, the battle just now was like a joke, but it’s not fun at all. Good cut.

Even if they both reduce the enemy's offensive and increase our offensive, it shouldn't be that simple.

"Tell you a very terrifying secret, that is, I have officially advanced to the low-level Heavenly God, what you just saw, is that I can move unhindered in the whole world, super powerful His Heavenly God skill, Seven Star Hammer!"

I couldn’t keep looking at it anymore. After all, Old Fourth, Tangning, and Xiao Wuwang didn’t look stupid, and the fighting effect he had just tossed about was also good. It's too scary. The five-star Heavenly God skill won't break the defense when hitting the body. Alas, it's not that I didn't work hard, but the enemy was too rubbish.

"Damn the seven-star hammer, I still have a seven-star sword, Lao Mu, tell the truth." Old Fourth's eyes are like fire like ghosts. Don't be fooled.

"Ai, this is the end of the matter, then I won't hide it from you, yes, the name of my Heavenly God skill is called Eight Star Hammer! It means that the hammer is comparable to an eight-star brother! "Mu Shaoan said solemnly, and then seeing the three people who are going to run away, he swiped it and pulled out an attribute template. This is evidence. You love Believing or Not.

"Lao Mu, can you be more reliable, you are obviously a six-star Heavenly God skill Void Roar, what is it called Seven-Star Hammer and Eight-Star Hammer."

Old Fourth taunted, this time, they reluctantly believed it, because the attribute template that Mu Shaoan pulled out said all the'true' things, and he hid the fake ones.

"che, please be jealous. If you are unwilling to believe the truth because of jealousy, then I can't help it." Mu Shaoan smiled and said, a low-level Heavenly God, or an ordinary low-level Heavenly God This is easier for people to accept. After all, the Mount Tai civilization is best at hiding clumsiness. He doesn't say the twelve old farts that have been hidden for an unknown number of years.

"Lao Mu, the growth potential of your low-level Heavenly God is not so high!"

At this time, after a brief shock, Xiao Wuwang also began to make comments.

"Minato, you are a Samsung Demi-God, who can't even get on the battlefield, what do you know?" Mu Shaoan happily looked back.

"Hey, you don’t understand this matter. Although I am low-powered, but Arthur's bastard has imprisoned me for three hundred years. That kid's conscience can't get through, but he told me specifically A lot of myriad realms starry strength evaluation, tell you, based on my experience, your low-level Heavenly God belongs to the most rateless kind."

"Let me tell you, Demi- God is divided into five stars, and low-level Heavenly God is divided into Grade 3. Five stars refers to the level that can grow up, and Grade 3 refers to the quality after growth. Grade 1 emphasizes that the law affinity must reach 100%; Grade 2 The law affinity of Grade 3 must reach 80%; the law affinity of Grade 3 must reach 60%. If you don’t meet this standard, you can only do a five-star Demi-God. If you exceed this standard, you will be a low-level Heavenly God."

"Unfortunately, Laomu, although you boast that you have advanced to the low-level Heavenly God, your affinity for this Void Roar is at most about 70%, and it can only be reduced to Grade 3, so it’s rateless."

Listening to Xiao Wuzuo's humorous conversation, Mu Shaoan blinked, and while cleaning the battlefield with Old Fourth and Tangning, and reclaiming the Law of Cohesion, he said with a smile: "So what, at least I am a low-level Heavenly God."

Xiao Wuwang just suffocated and wanted to continue to say something, but he was afraid that Mu Shaoan would keep repeating that sentence' I’m a low-level Heavenly God.’ That’s not fun. At this stage, it’s really incomprehensible. He is a clever man, and clever talents will not be routine, especially the boss who is recognized as low in IQ. Give routines.

So Xiao Wuwang obediently went to clean the battlefield.

It was abrupt, I heard Mu Shaoan yelling proudly in a loud voice from behind: "Sorry, Old Xiao, I really am an authentic low-level Heavenly God! If you don’t believe me, come and see. "


There are thousands of roads, whether it is dirt road, highway, railway, giraffe, sika deer, the nature is the same.

Xiao Wuwang was not really fooled by Arthur’s heavenly demon. Demi-God was awarded five stars, the low-level Heavenly God was divided into Grade 3, and the high-level Heavenly God was divided into old ones. It's just a statement describing objective facts.

Is there any difference between'I have eaten' and'I have eaten'?

So in the end, whether it is Heavenly Demon Arthur's law affinity, or Antivirus Hunter Association's Heavenly God technical optimization, or Mu Shaoan's rumination optimization of the red sun.

They are all describing the same thing.

Law Power is currently the most powerful, cost-effective, long-lasting, and most value-preserving power in the Myriad Realms starry sky. It is second only to the wisdom of the old YB power.

So as long as there is a great fearless, I want a stronger spirit and motivation, and I have to deal with the law.

Under the Universe Principle, countless kinds of Laws of Grand Dao are hidden in the starry sky of Myriad Realms. As long as you catch one, you can live forever and become strong, except that there is no guarantee that you will not be interfered by others. Death, or being laid out by the old YB, basically satisfies the ultimate pursuit of innumerable living beings for the universe.

S-Rank represents the first contact with this mysterious and cruel world from a weak little bunny with a longing look. At this time, the laws mastered by the creatures are only in a relative sense. , The food scraps chewed countless times by my parents.

Because the law of the wild is not easy to tame, it requires generations of development, generations of exploration, generations of improvement, and the use of civilization to improve, and the pure Law Power, even if it is only a little bit, It is enough to burst S-Rank's small body.

So in a sense, it is not so much that weak creatures entering S-Rank are equivalent to stepping into the temple of God. It is better to say that the stage from S-Rank to SSS-Rank is a baby. Of god.

Then Demi-God.

Demi-God’s statement is not abrupt, it has a specific meaning, in the Dahe civilization, in the Mount Tai civilization, and even in most civilizations controlled by the Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association. The system from S-Rank to SSS-Rank is used, but in more civilized races, such as the civilization system of Heavenly God, the system that is still used is the straightforward spirit, child, Demi-God, Heavenly God, The rule Heavenly God is such a setting.

Well, this is really not funny.

At the stage below S-Rank, the spirit of spirit, oh, the affinity to the law is only about zero percent. Only those guys with strong bloodline will have a high level at birth. The law of affinity.

In the stage of the son of God, the affinity for the law fluctuates between 0.1% and 1%.

Then I arrived at Demi-God. Many people might think why they looked at someone with SSS+ yesterday and suddenly became a Demi-God star today. This is very unscientific. The reason is actually very simple. God’s advancement to Demi-God has nothing like heavenly thunder or earth fire, and there is nothing to make a big fight, life and death, etc., these all are not necessary.

There is only one real element, the law of affinity.

But this process does not necessarily require comprehend. The affinity of many laws has nothing to do with perception, it is so simple and rude.

In theory, as long as there are enough Universe Principles, an unlimited one-star Demi-God can be born.

Think of the 500,000 black-eyed destroyers that Mu Shaoan created for the Mount Tai civilization at the beginning. This is actually the way.

However, one-star Demi-God can give birth indefinitely, and two-star Demi-God can give birth in a small amount, and it can basically not give birth to Samsung Demi-God.

What is involved here is rule affinity or Heavenly God technical optimization.

The affinity of the law is closely related to the Heavenly God technique.

Heavenly God skills are not considered skills in the sense of principle, but just a method and means to control and use Law Power. This method will be divided into one star to nine stars according to strength and weakness, and then to Ultra Grade.

The higher the law affinity, the stronger the means to control Law Power, so naturally, it will become a low-level Heavenly God.

According to Myriad Realms Starry Sky’s long-established regulations, any five-star Demi-God that can spur the release of six-star Heavenly God skills is a low-level Heavenly God.

The low-level Heavenly God that can spur the release of eight-star Heavenly God skills is the high-level Heavenly God.

And the high-level Heavenly God that can spur the release of nine-star Heavenly God skills and even Ultra Grade Heavenly God skills, that-still high-level Heavenly God, such a guy is very dangerous, just mix with ordinary Heavenly In God, fan the flames, play the pig to eat the tiger, the conscience is too bad.

But those heavenly demons are even worse.

Heavenly demon in the conventional sense is the transformation of Heavenly God after death, like Lin Yuan, like Arthur, like a monk, like that hurricane Prince.

But some evil Heavenly God will automatically choose to reincarnate as a heavenly demon. In this way, it is a god or demon, or a demon god.

The point is that these guys are nothing special from the outside. They won’t yell everywhere that I am a heavenly demon, but hiding behind my back is playing tricks, playing layouts, and playing with dark arrows to hurt people. Wait a minute.

So, power and wisdom, these two distinct things, are really hard to describe in one word.

The thing that can override power and wisdom is the law of Heavenly God.

Of course, this sentence itself is very controversial, but at least most of the time, a powerful Heavenly God who can’t do it by himself and knows the law of keeping a low profile and biding time can be ignored. Most conspiracies and traps.

However, for the law of Heavenly God, there are also domestic and wild ones.

The laws that are cultivated by civilization, such as the laws of war, mechanical laws, fairy magic, and various branches, all belong to the domestic laws; and the laws of destiny, space, time, these similar laws belong to the wild Of the law.

Occasionally, there will be a combination of domestic laws and wild laws to form new laws.

These Law Powers cannot determine who is the strongest, and there is no need to argue about who is the strongest.

Because these are meaningless in the Myriad Realms starry sky.

If you want to hear a suggestion from a senior traveller, it is-please keep a low profile, please keep a low profile, in the Myriad Realms starry sky, there are no long-winning players, no undefeated experts.

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