I was robbed!

No, it is a hundred times worse than robbery!

This is an insult to my IQ.

For a moment, Mu Shaoan's anger rose like a ten thousand zhang-he would never admit that he kind of fly into a rage out of humiliation, yes, that shadow It's not a red sun, but he didn't even notice it before!

ao ao ao, extraordinary shame and humiliation, he now not only represents Hammer, but also represents the identity of Heavenly God and the three reserve rules Heavenly God, but he didn’t realize that anyone was making a ghost , This is really tolerable or unbearable!

But Mu Shaoan still bears it. As a promising young man who reads the classic book "The Self-cultivation of Old Coins" day and night, he knows that Barbarian's set cannot continue to shine, at least not forever. To go on savagely, you must know how to be subtle. The bigger the world and the more background, the more you need to be cautious.

So the correct way is to be implicit once, be cautious once, then be subtle, be cautious again, be more subtle, be more cautious, wait until you have fully grasped everything, or when you have a complete grasp of the overall situation, then come to Barbarian. Super assault!

Well, the above is the reading experience that Mu Shaoan has mastered from "The Self-cultivation of Old Coins".

By the way, he has felt that his spirit has improved a lot since then.

So at this moment, Mu Shaoan forcibly froze himself for 0.1 second, then punched out, the fist wind instantly turned into a golden Law Energy storm, with no difficulty leveled a mountain, but Could not touch the tail of the dark shadow.


Brother Hammer is very angry, and the consequences are serious.

Fucking the building-like fist of the sixth layer, Mu Shaoan slammed into the ground with a vent, one after another golden brilliance burst out from time to time, and the entire area of ​​thousands of kilometers in diameter was all in He smashed countless big pits in a blink of an eye.

Finally, he roared at the sky, and his whole body flashed with golden light, and the body of hundred zhang high resembled a frustrated ball and became Mu Shaoan's body again.

As for the black shadow that flashes away, it seems that it has never appeared before.

Old Fourth and Tangning were stunned from behind, what are they going crazy?

At this time, Mu Shaoan's heart moved slightly, and he saw a hexagonal light curtain appeared high in the sky, and then a mist-like silhouette emerged, making it hard to see Is it a male or female? Even, this is simply a projection of nothingness, and the other party is equally cautious.

Mu Shaoan stared at his eyes without speaking, but he was constantly thinking about the other party’s intentions. First of all, the other party’s impossible is a virus, otherwise it has been killed by this time, but the other party’s unscrupulous robbery also means that the other party Just belong to the category of non-enemies.

In addition, if you don’t run away after the robbery, you dare to come out. This is either showing off martial power, or there are other factors.

At this time, a very clear woman's voice sounded in the gray fog projection. The syllable is very strange, but it can be understood. It roughly means, adventurer, you are too weak, why not join our team, Barabara.

So Mu Shaoan immediately knew where the problem was. It was the two Heavenly God skills that Old Fourth and Tangning had just released, "Quiet" and "Politics". These two Heavenly God skills have huge potential. And for the team, it is simply a god skill, and it is rare for anyone to see it.

So the other party wants to prove their strength through the method just now, so as to increase their persuasive power. What kind of logic is this?

"Who are you?"

Mu Shaoan asked in the language of Tinno.

"The enemy of Angor Olsen, the defender of justice, the unyielding alliance, the anti-virus Hunter Union, the creator of the North Wadlow Charter-Starscar 29, directly under the Council of the Sages The Great Knight of the Knight regiment, the saint red-clothed expedition to the Legion Corps Head Silver Star!"

It’s a long list of titles, which sounds prestigious, but Mu Shaoan just said, "So you are an Illegal immigrants. !"

Isn’t this obvious? Although the Starscar Council always boasted of the righteous camp, they really are not together with the Anti-Virus Hunter Association, even more how one is the Anti-Virus Hunter Association, and the other is Anti-virus Hunter Union, bully the IQ of the people who eat melons?

Therefore, there is only one possibility for the people who appeared in the Starscar Council in this war in the Tianlong civilization.

"Even if I am an Illegal immigrants, that is not something you can refuse." The voice of the expeditionary army Corps Head with a series of titles was cold, and the next moment Mu Shaoan heard Xiao Wuwang The sound of screaming, this guy was really unlucky, watching the battle from behind, but he was taken hostage by the captives.

"Well, you are right, Honorable Corps Head, what is your order? Is it too strict? The little life of our companion is not worth the price."


Mu Shaoan blinked.

"I need your squad to heal my subordinates. Their—the Heavenly God technique is amazing, very amazing!" The gray mist projection still said lightly, with a kind of aloof and remote arrogance. , And then paused again: "It only takes one Tianlong Cosmic Day, and the reward is three times the Law Fragment you lost before, and my friendship!"

"Is it three times the Law Fragment? It sounds a bit small, but since everyone is all friendly-wait, first prove that you are not a virus!"

Mu Shaoan has a proud face and is very proud of his wit.

So next moment, the gray in the sky seemed to have been torn open, and a huge ship full of wounds and battle scars came out, but it was the most eye-catching. It was not the mark belonging to the Starscar Council on the huge ship, but the green flame still burning on the front half of the huge ship, which would never go out.

As for the second half of the giant ship, it is already nihilistic and transparent, very weird, as if the front belongs to the reality and the back belongs to the dimensional world.

It can fall into Mu Shaoan's eyes. At a glance, he knows that this is the architecture of Heavenly God. This huge ship should have escaped under the technique of the architecture of Heavenly God.

So there is no better proof of identity than this.

"Okay, no problem, the deal!"

Mu Shaoan agreed very happily, and almost the moment his voice fell, the huge ship slammed its head. After it got down, it slid on the ground for nearly a hundred kilometers before stopping, stirring up smoke and dust in the sky.

Mu Shaoan's face twitched, pei pei pei spit out a few mouthfuls of sand, stomped his feet suddenly, turned into the brother hammer of hundred zhang, and rushed to the side of the half of the giant ship with a stride. Smash it down.

"For the granddaughter of your second grandma's grandma, tell you to dare to snatch Lao Tzu's spoils of war! Tell you to threaten me! Is the Starscar Council really great? There is a series of golden light glittering titles. Is it amazing? Is it amazing if you can tell a very cute story? I just hammered you to death!"

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