Without hesitation or consideration, Xifa almost instinctively took Helen's hand and drew the mature woman to her side.

  The power of a hunter is irresistible to a woman, not to mention that Helen is unprepared, so she suddenly came to Xifa's side and leaned on the opponent's body.

   Just by touching, Helen heard the powerful heartbeat in the chest of the man in front of him, and felt that this body, which did not look particularly strong, seemed to contain endless power.

  If this force acts on other places...

  Helen's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and then whispered: "There is no one at home today, if you like to be in the living room..."

   Xifa didn't hear what she was talking about at all. His other hand was already in his arms and placed on the handle of the'blood salute'.

   But he doesn't know whether this magical item can deal with something similar to the resentful soul.

   In the occult, Anilu once taught him that some creatures still have spirituality after death, and they will become water ghosts, grievances and even evil spirits.

   Dealing with them requires some special items or extraordinary abilities in some ways.

   Xifa hasn't faced anything like this before, and now it's the first time that he encountered it, only to realize that he was not prepared for this.

   Fortunately, the group of dark shadows did not move further. After extending their arms, they did not move closer, but slowly dissipated like morning fog in the sun.

   Xifa only breathed a sigh of relief when he discovered that Helen was hugging herself. Also, the body is slightly warm.

She's ill?

   Xifa subconsciously put her hand on her forehead, her temperature is normal.

   At this time, the musician Richard's face appeared in his mind, worried that a certain man didn't know where to hide now, and Sifa quickly pushed Helen away.

"never mind."

   Helen was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

   Xifa sighed in his heart, and unconsciously, he spoke out again.

   quickly remedy.

   "Just now I thought that someone was watching you. It turned out to be just a cat jumping over the window sill. It seems that I was too worried. By the way, this is what a friend of yours entrusted me to give you."

   Xifa quickly took out the musician's letter and put it on the cabinet next to it: "I have something else to do. Let me say goodbye. Goodbye."


   The woman who had turned into a chunshui was too late to stay, so she watched Xifa resolutely leave, and she stomped her feet with anger.

   She glanced at the envelope on the cabinet, picked it up and threw it into the trash can next to it.

   Leaving Green Emerald Street, Xifa went to the Elk Bar and left a message for Richard in the club. Tell him that something is wrong with Helen, and describe the dark shadow.

   As for how Richard handles it, Sifa doesn't care anymore. He has finished his work.


   Wearing a half-height silk top hat, glamorous formal wear, and carrying a delicate walking stick, Xifa walked out of the Violet Hotel, got into the carriage, and went to the Kasbah restaurant accompanied by the bodyguard and the manservant.

   Since McGonagall didn't host a banquet at home, Xifa did not abide by the unwritten rule of late arrival. Before the sun had completely fallen to the horizon, Sifa arrived at the restaurant designated by the banker.

   This restaurant is located near the Tussock River, but different from the dock area on the east side, it is located in the west side here in a quiet environment.

   Xifa looked at his pocket watch, and it was only 5 minutes until 7 o'clock. He got out of the carriage with satisfaction and walked into the restaurant's door surrounded by bodyguards and male servants.

After    reported the name of ‘Megwin’, the waiter in a tuxedo led Sifa to the VIP room.

   As we walked through the restaurant, a man came to meet him. I'm not young anymore, my skin is loose, and there are lines blooming around my eyes. The formal wear on his body was round and swollen because of the bloated waist.

  He has a very eye-catching gray beard, which has been carefully trimmed to enhance his sense of majesty.

   The man bit a pipe with gold flakes, but there are no cigarettes in the pipe. When he approached, Sifa smelled of perfume for a while.

  ‘Is this a blues perfume? ’

   As an aristocrat, West France also did a little research on perfume. He knew that the ‘blues’ perfume was specially designed for successful middle-aged men.

   Its scent is elegant and mellow, and the perfume on this gentleman's body is obviously in the end. If you don’t get closer, you won’t be able to smell it at all.

   Compared with style, he can throw the upstart Stephen out of eighteen streets.

When    passed by, Sifa saw that the gentleman had a golden cufflink in his hand holding the pipe. The simple and abstract horse pattern on the sleeve studs is a symbol of the equestrian club.

   The VIP room arrived in a blink of an eye.

   The waiter knocked on the door and opened it for Sifa after receiving instructions.

  Sifah walked in, and at first glance, he saw the banker McGovern.

   This gentleman is dressed in formal clothes, his hair is thin and his hairline is a bit dangerous. Perhaps because of the loss of his son, his expression was gloomy, even when he saw a customer with a smile on his face, he was reluctant.

   "Good evening, Mr. McGovern." Sifa took the initiative to say hello, and noticed that another man was standing behind McGovern.

   He is in his early thirties, with light blonde short hair and sturdy facial features, but because of his gold glasses, he looks gentle.

   is dressed in formal attire, not as a servant, which shows that this person should be a role like McGovern’s assistant.

"good evening."

   "Please sit down. The Tingen barbecue at Kasbah Restaurant is very authentic. You have come from afar. I think it is necessary for our guests from Dixie County to taste the flavors of different places."

   It can be seen that the banker is a very talkative person, even if the expression on his face still has nothing to do with cheerfulness, he can talk to Xifa freely.

   Xifa inserted a few words from time to time ~www.readwn.com~ to send his father's greetings, and in accordance with Bison's request, at a suitable time, instead of Bison, he put forward the wishes of commercial cooperation.

   McGovern responded with a smile: "Baron Bison is a discerning investor. I have worked with him many times and the results have been very smooth."

   "This time he has targeted the steel industry and believes that he will achieve great success..."

   He suddenly coughed a few times, as if he had suffered a cold. But for some reason, Sifa's inspiration was suddenly touched.

   Remaining calm, Xifa turned on'Lingsight', but almost didn't jump up.

   Through Lingshi, Xifa saw that McGovern coughed up a cloud of colorful smoke from his mouth. They were surging in the air, and from time to time, blurred faces appeared.

   This phenomenon, Xifa has seen it, is in the house of Senator Maynas!

   McGovern never noticed his own abnormality. He put down the napkin covering his mouth and continued: "Unfortunately, due to some personal affairs, I am afraid I cannot fully cooperate with your father's plan this time."

   "But you don't have to worry. This is Marjorie behind me. He is my right-hand man. He can provide loan services to your father. If you need a lawyer to draft a contract or conduct an industrial risk assessment, you can also find him."

   "He will cooperate fully..."

  PS: Great watchers, under your gaze, we have advanced again, and we have entered the category and pushed! To be able to score strong, honestly is quite unexpected, after all, the masters here are like clouds. Unexpectedly, a small idea at the beginning, to be able to come to this point, can communicate with so many old buddies who like secrets, the author feels that he is really lucky.

   In the coming week, please take care of those who are watching, don’t say much, rush!

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