In a small room, white candles were lit on both sides, and the firelight illuminated two figures.

Tony Dunn with high nose and deep eye sockets and blue eyes.

Dean Wingris in red shirt, red pants and red hat.

They are discussing how to deal with the alliance between the Rose School and the Witch Cult.

The 'inextinguishable flame' mentioned by Tony Dunn is a powerful sealed item held by the 'Iron Cross Society'.

Moreover, Tony Dunn suspected more than once that this sealed artifact contained the Beyonder characteristics of the Sequence 1 of the Hunter pathway.

As a high-level organization, Dean Wengris naturally knew the existence of this Sealed Artifact.

Now, the corresponding information is naturally appearing in his mind.

"Name: The Unquenchable Flame."

"Danger level: '0'."

"Extremely dangerous, not to be inquired, not to be rumored, not to be described, not to be snooped on."

"Only when the organization faces life and death, it can be used at risk. It needs more than two, at least demigods can use it."

"Description: The shape is a seemingly ordinary flame, but it has been burning since the end of the Quaternary, and it has never been extinguished. It is preserved in an ancient wind lamp."

"The hood, grid and other structures of this wind lantern are made from the skin, flesh, bones and mixed metals of some kind of creature (suspected to be human)."

"The wind lantern itself has the effect of preserving and sealing the 'immortal flame'."

"This item originates from a vanished, completely destroyed ancient city that has a proven record of destroying more than one country and killing a large number of lives."

"The people of our organization were in the process of carrying it back after they found it in the ancient city that had been completely destroyed."

"All personnel were affected, and they couldn't resist falling into some kind of frenzy, and frantically attacked all living things around, not limited to humans."

"And this is still under the seal of the wind lamp."

"After many studies and experiments, I finally came to the conclusion that only with divinity can we resist the release of the 'immortal flame', which affects the surrounding creatures regardless of whether it is enemy or foe."

"This effect, we call 'war mania'."

"It will turn every creature, including animals, into war-obsessed fanatics."

"Only those with divine nature can resist this influence."

"But even demigods are affected if they are used for more than a minute."

"It's just that this affects a different 'war frenzy', but it's just as terrifying."

"Demigods will gradually be conquered by this item, and eventually both body and mind will become the 'trophies' of this item, and their divinity is to become a kind of fire, an 'immortal flame' that will continue to burn and continue to grow."

Dean Wengris shook his head and concentrated his thoughts to the present. He said in a heavy tone: "In the 100 years since we obtained this item, several of our demigod companions have become 'fire seeds'."

"This item allows us to fight against other organizations and have the qualifications to stand on the Northern Continent."

"But at the same time, it also makes our talents wither, and the number of people who have more than half gods at the same time is very rare."

Tony Dunn said solemnly: "One day, I will think of a way to extract Sequence 1 characteristics from this item and become a 'conqueror'!"

"By that time, it won't affect us anymore."

The two exchanged some details, and Dean Wengris left the room.

Sifa also returned to the room.

But his mind was full of information about that Sealed Artifact.

"From what Tony Dunn said, this item should contain Sequence 1 Extraordinary characteristics."

"And judging from their descriptions and the negative effects of this sealed artifact, this is very likely."

"This item must be stored in the underground area, the area with the fallen power."

"I can break in, but I don't know which item is the 'immortal flame'."

"So the safest way should be for Tony Dunn to take out the sealed artifact and use it, and then I'll grab it from him."

"Right now, the only ones who can force him to take out the Sealed Artifact are the Rose School and the Witch Cult, but they probably won't find this place for a while."

"It's time to give them warmth."



Inside the House of Senator Chapman.

The black-haired and brown-eyed Mei Li blushed, got up from Catherine's bed, put on her clothes and said, "Your Highness, I'll go prepare food for you."

Catherine with blonde hair and green eyes stood up, walked to the window, and enjoyed the crimson moonlight: "No need, I'm not hungry."

"Now I hope even more that I can find the headquarters of the Iron Cross Society as soon as possible."

"This time, they will definitely not be allowed to escape."

"Is there any news from the Rose School?"

Mei Li, who was already dressed, tidied her hair and said, "Not yet."

at this time.

Catherine suddenly looked at the table not far away.

On the table, a round belly pen suddenly jumped up, like a cheerful elf, quickly writing on the blank page of a note.

Mei Li's eyes widened, and when the pen was put down, she walked over and saw that it was written: Laver Town, Northwest Side, Old Castle.

"His Royal Highness Catherine." Mei Li immediately looked at the 'Saint of Black'.

Catherine put on her hat: "It's time to go."

Also on this night.

Inside a rental house in the Trier factory area.

The demigods Toma and Hobbes of the Rose School looked at the **** altar and said nothing.

"Even Lord Siah can't reach the headquarters of the Iron Cross Society."

"It seems that the 'True Creator' is secretly interfering."

Toma held the black bone flute and said, "The last two 'hunters' our people tracked down seem to be heading towards Ejikor City."


"But we have already searched where, and have not found the whereabouts of the other party."

"Instead, there are some clues at the steam train station."

"The two hunters seem to have left on the steam train."

Hobbs frowned. "Where are they going?"

at this time.

Their inspiration was touched at the same time, and UU looked at a mirror in the room at the same time.

The mirror was becoming deep and dark, and then a light lit up in the mirror, outlining the words: Leif Town, Northwest Side, Old Castle.

The light flickered on the mirror for a few seconds before it was declared to disappear, and there was no longer that deep and dark feeling in the mirror.

Toma smiled dryly and said, "Those 'witches' still have a way to find out so quickly."

Hobbs came out of the room and said, "I'll go tell the others, and leave now!"

In a hotel room in Trier.

Sifa, who had recovered his original appearance, stood at the window and saw the projections of Sharon and Triss of the 'Puppets' appear successively.

He smiled and said, "Have the news been sent out?"

Both women nodded.


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