The color of the scene in the hotel bedroom became richer, and the color blocks were bright.

   Above the field of vision, there was a faint light falling, and Xifa lowered his head subconsciously, as if he was afraid of seeing something that shouldn't be seen.

   When he felt heaviness between his hands, he raised his head and watched the thick illusory book appear between his hands.

   The pages of the book opened on their own, and came to the picture of "Mystery Craftsman". There are already 433 dimensional crystals.

  ‘JokerClown said that your performance pleased him, and he was satisfied with the reward of 8,500 dimensional coins, which have been automatically converted into 85 dimensional crystals. ’

   ‘The City of Rhapsody thinks that you can be more frivolous, and rewarded 2000 dimensional coins.....’

  ‘Jiusuanzun said to you, cheer, and rewarded 500 dimensional coins again...’

   In addition, there were rewards from many watchers such as ‘Yun Sheng’, ‘nmvcxz6’, and ‘Qianyang Wind Kuang’. Without their rewards, Sifa’s dimensional crystals are probably not much left.

   In addition, Xifa noticed that the likes of the previous ‘tags’ have increased.

   Master of Trap: This tag has been liked more than 360 times, and your ability in traps has been improved by 13%.

  National Husband: This tag has been liked more than 230 times, and your attractiveness to the opposite **** has been increased by 7%.

   Crimson King: This tag has been liked more than 180 times. You have increased the effect and power of fire-related abilities and items by 6%.

  The Wolf of Loen: This tag has been liked more than 180 times. You will have a special impulse towards women in the Kingdom of Loen. There is a certain probability that you will make untimely actions when you come into close contact.

   You got a new label.

   Luen Gentleman: This tag has been liked more than 50 times, and your social charm in the Kingdom of Luen has been slightly improved.

   The watchers put me a new label again?

   Gentleman Ruen, it’s okay, it’s quite normal, and enhancing the charm of the domestic social circle will be of great help to my future career.

   Well, it turns out that the label "National Husband" has been liked more than two hundred times, so Ms. Helen would be extremely enthusiastic about me and she has a reasonable explanation.

   In addition, the abilities of ‘trap’ and ‘flame’ have also been significantly improved. Praise the watcher!

   Xifa, full of gratitude, was excited, and put his hand on the mirror he bought from Helen.

   He communicated with the ‘Book of Mystery’ and prepared to identify this item.

   The message appeared in writing: It takes 4 dimensional crystals to identify this item. Do you want to continue?

   only 4 pieces, of course there is no problem.

  The important thing is that it can be identified!

   After confirming the identification, Xifa suddenly became in a trance, and flew over a blurry, luminous scene in front of him. Those scenes are more of a bedroom-like room. From the perspective of furniture and decoration, it doesn't look like everything in this era.

   One thing in common in these scenes is the mirror in his hand.

   Some figures are constantly reflected in that mirror, but the most is a woman who can't see the eyebrows and only knows that there is a mole on the corner of her mouth.

   Sometimes, this woman wears an ancient robe. In many cases, she was wearing armor and looked like a female warrior.

   Soon Xifa came back to his senses, and there were obviously some identification information on the pages of the book.

  ‘This bronze mirror originated from the ancient Solomon Empire and was owned by a powerful female extraordinary person. Because of this, it has some special features, it will absorb surrounding souls and approach it unconsciously, but it is not a magical item in itself, and its characteristics will completely disappear within a year or two. ’

   Well, so, it's just a special item.

   But, it doesn’t matter.

  The important thing is that it is indeed an ancient item, and it is from the age of Solomon's Empire!

   I remember that in the original work, Miss Justice also had a similar bronze mirror. By contacting the bronze mirror, Klein was dragged onto the gray fog!

   Xifa quickly lifted the call, holding this bronze mirror, his heart beating.

   "Try it, maybe it can also attract Klein's attention."

   Xifa hung the mirror on the wall, thinking hard.

   directly recite those three-stage honorific names? It doesn't seem appropriate, I have not been able to explain, where did I learn his honorable name.

   Or, use generic terms? In this case, it's okay if there is no response. In case there is a response, how can I determine whether the one opposite is Klein.

   What if it's a Cthulhu?

  Sifa thought for a while, and finally decided to make some simple changes to Klein's honorable name from the ‘Book of Mystery’.

   He took a deep breath, clasped his hands, and prayed in front of the mirror: "God above the gray mist, please listen to my prayers, please bring me good luck..."

   He repeated the prayer, and after doing this a dozen times, he stopped.

   There is no abnormality.

  Sifah looked in the mirror, feeling a little unsure, and didn't know if this would cause Klein's attention.

   "Anyway, I pray every few days. If it doesn't work, I can only try to go to Backlund to see if I can see Miss Justice or the female author."

   "If you can get in touch with these two young ladies, you should have a chance to get Klein's honorable name."

   After making a decision, Xifa then opened the bathroom and took out the depressed macaw.

   At this moment.

   Above the boundless gray mist, in a palace like a giant king's court. Behind a gray mist, a high-backed chair was faintly visible.

   On the high-back chair, there was a mysterious figure shrouded in mist.

   In the diffuse gray fog, there are dotted with crimson "stars", large and small, everywhere.

   At this time, there was a "star" in the gray mist with a slight red light, and the figure on the high-backed chair made a sound.

   "Vague prayers, only the words'God' and'Good Luck' can be heard clearly. Is this a gambler?"

   "The scene is not clear, it seems to be disturbed to some extent, it looks like a bedroom-like layout."

   "This man... can't see his appearance, but judging from his clothes, he should be a man from Roen's own country."

   "How could his prayers reach me?"

   "Do you want to pull him?"

   "Forget it, let's get the boy up first."

   "As for him, let's put it first..."

   looked at the mysterious figure of the crimson star, leaned back, and then the figure dissipated in the gray mist, as if it had never existed.

   Above the gray mist, the hall is silent.

   At 9 o'clock in the evening, Sifa opened the door of the Hunter Club and walked into the lobby.

   "Duke boss!"

   "Let’s have a few cups together. UU reading www.uukā"

  Only when I entered the hall, I saw the grizzly bear, mole and Nephi. They gathered together and were drinking beer. Xifa slightly chins his head, and after greeting them, he looks for Richard.

   He wanted to tell the musicians that he had completed the task, and even more wanted to get a letter of recommendation from Richard for the Extraordinary gathering.

   But the musicians didn't seem to be here tonight, and Xifa, who was a little disappointed, came to the bar.

   was trying to find old Parker to find out about the recent commission, the old man put a thick envelope on the table: "Your letter."


   Xifa opened the envelope, and there were two letters in it.

   He opened one of them first. On the white letter paper, there were lines of Luen written in a beautiful fancy style.

  ‘Dear Duke, when you read this letter, I should have embarked on a journey to pursue art and music. Yes, I have left Tingen, my destiny is wandering, so please don't miss me, and don't try to keep me. ’

  ‘I also believe that you will be able to handle Helen’s affairs well. You should have discovered that Helen has a great affection for you. If you are willing to accept her, I will sincerely bless you. ’

  ‘I have handed over the recommendation letter for the Extraordinary gathering together with this letter to Mr. Parker. You see, I am quite trustworthy. ’

  ‘Okay, let’s stop here, I hope I have a chance to meet again in the future. Your friend, Richard, a real musician! ’

   The muscles of Xifa's cheek twitched slightly, shook his head, and muttered in his heart: I am not a picker if I want to be beautiful!

  PS: Thank you for your reward and monthly ticket support from the boss of "Orange Eat"!

  PS2: Set the bowl late at night to ask for votes~


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