I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 1131: Battle against the Red Angels

The young man is gone.

Catherine could finally have a quiet breakfast.

She doesn't actually like cheap cafe food.

It's just the things here that can make her reminisce about the taste of the past.

She remembered when she was a little boy.

My favorite thing is a bowl of hot potato stew with lamb.

It is a delicious food that can only be tasted every New Year's time.

Although in that dark bowl, all she could get was a few pieces of potatoes and a little bit of lamb.

But Catherine still remembered the scent.

I still remember my father, mother, and a group of siblings in a circle.

I still remember my father's hearty laughter.

I also remember the tenderness with which my mother touched her head.

But what they looked like, Catherine could not remember.

Finished the braised lamb little by little.

Catherine took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the juice from her lips.

Then sit in the sun.

For a moment, the sun was so dazzling that it drowned her figure.

Wait until the sun shifts slightly.

In the cafe, Catherine was no longer there.

It didn't take long.

The owner of the cafe, the staff in the kitchen, and the guests in the dining room all coughed violently or slightly.

But only a few coughs.

So they didn't take it to heart.

After a few days.

These people leave the world, either quickly or slowly, because of diseases of one kind or another.


Above the gray fog.

This is a small party.

In addition to Xifa, only Klein participated.

Of course, Klein attended as a 'world'.

As the initiator of the party, Sifa took the initiative to say hello: "Good morning, Mr. World."

"Good morning, Mr. Chariot." Klein nodded, politely, but sat down with a cold expression.

Sifa knew that he was just maintaining the character, didn't care, and said, "How is your state?"

After being promoted to Sequence 1, divinity will have a severe impact on human nature.

In severe cases, it can even lead to loss of control.


Westfa has this question, not a polite inquiry.

Klein nodded slightly: "There is no problem for the time being."

After being promoted to Sequence 1, he went to see the 'Goddess of the Night', and also took time to return to reality, to return to human society, to strengthen his humanity, and to initially stabilize his mental state.

Xifa said happily: "In that case, I want to discuss a question with you."

"For the smell of the 'Red Angel' evil spirit."

"As far as I know, he should have acquired the Sequence 1 'Conqueror' characteristic."

"This is what Amon gave him."

"He is likely to have become Sequence 1 by virtue of this characteristic, a 'conqueror'."

Klein was not very surprised.

As Gehrman Sparrow the World, he gently nodded and said, "In the matter of the return of Mr. Door, I have also noticed traces of the participation of the evil spirit of the Red Angel."

"He may cooperate with Amon, and their interests do not conflict."

Xifa said with an "um": "After I expelled the 'Rose School', I found an underground tomb below their headquarters."

"The tomb has three floors, and there is an extremely strong force of death in it."

"I explored to the third floor and found something."

"Among them, an evil spirit named 'Freeman' is included."

"That was the great noble of the ancient Balam Empire. After the fall of the 'Underworld Emperor' Salinger, he was designed to harm him."

"After death, he was restricted by a relic of Salinger, unable to leave, and could only serve as a guard there."

Klein was slightly surprised and said, "The items left by Salinger?"

"Yes, that's a scepter."

Xifa glanced at the top of the long bronze table: "Mr. Fool is not here, it's a pity I can't show it to you."

He then briefly described the 'Death Scepter'.

Then said: "I have initially controlled this item and can use it to a limited extent."

Klein spread his hands and said, "Does this scepter have anything to do with dealing with the Red Angel evil spirit?"

Xifa smiled and said, "Before I obtained this scepter, I learned from Freeman that the 'River of Eternal Darkness' flows in the depths of Calderon City."

"The fallen Salinger has a 'death brand' there."

"Freeman believes that the uniqueness of the 'Red Priest' can be contained in this 'Death Brand'."

"Therefore, I explored Calderon City and found the 'River of Eternal Darkness' in the depths of that city."

"In a tributary, I found the figure of 'Underworld' Salinger."

"As Freeman said, the figure of the 'Underworld Emperor' really lingers in that tributary."

The World Gehrman Sparrow's expression became solemn and said, "If this is the case, it may affect what I am going to do."

Sifa looked at the crazy adventurer.

Gehrman Sparrow said solemnly, "I turned to the goddess for some reasons and needs."

"Goddess of Evernight promised to help, but he needs some water from the 'River of Eternal Darkness'."

"But if, as you said, there is a figure of Salinger wandering in the 'River of Eternal Darkness', then it will not be easy to obtain the river water."

Sifa smiled and said, "If that's the case, then dealing with the evil spirit of the 'Red Angel' and fetching water should be able to be done at the same time."

Klein said with great interest, "Tell me about it."

Xifa nodded and said: "I forgot to say just now that the 'Death Scepter' is a sealed item formed by the combination of a part of Beyonder characteristics and a rib of Salinger."

"If we take this scepter near the 'River of Eternal Darkness', I think we can attract Salinger's figure to the river."

Klein immediately understood: "In this way, my water intake will not be disturbed."

He said: "But then, you will be attacked by Salinger, that is too dangerous."

"and many more..."

"You just said you were going to deal with the 'Red Angel' evil spirit."

"Do you want to lead the 'Red Angel' evil spirit to the vicinity of the 'River of Eternal Darkness', and let him bear Salinger's attack on your behalf?"

Xifa snorted: "This is exactly what I think."

"But for this to happen, two conditions need to be met."

"The first is to make the 'Red Angel' evil spirit willing to believe and enter Calderon City. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also close to the 'River of Eternal Darkness'."

"Secondly, the 'Death Scepter' needs to be taken out when it is close to the 'River of Eternal Darkness' and the evil spirit 'Red Angel' appears."

"Otherwise, if I bring the 'Death Scepter' into Calderon City, Salinger will probably feel the sensation immediately."

Klein agreed: "In that case, the evil spirit of the 'Red Angel' will not be able to take the place of us and withstand the attack of the 'Underworld Emperor'."

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