Drinking beer, Mole added: "Maggie Thea, this woman who calls herself the'princess' is suspected to be from the southern continent. She has seven or eight subordinates. Her subordinates change all the time, but no matter how they change, these men are right. The princess is always loyal."

   "What is the character of this princess?" Xifa asked immediately.

   Mole laughed: "Suspicious, irritable, and cruel. Oh, yes, she is very concerned about her appearance. Because of this, she killed at least two women and one man."

   The grizzly bear came over: "I heard that she has a lot of hair and dense, and some people even say that she is actually a monster, a monster in human skin."

   "A dangerous person like this, hasn't the government troubled him?" Sifa raised his own question.

   Mole chuckled, "Why didn't, even, on two occasions, they dared to robbery and they were found by the police. But the police couldn't find evidence, so they couldn't help it."

   "Well, where is the position of the princess now?"

   "In a farm on the outskirts."

  Sifah thought for a while, and said, "If you find someone to report to the police station, you said that you saw Maggie at the farm in the suburbs and saw her turning into a hairy monster."

   "Of course, you don't need to say her specific name, you just need to describe it, and you can highlight her characteristics."

   Mole did not ask why, but said: "I will do it at once."

  Sifah likes him. As for why he did it, it is because after the last time the Sea Snake Party's actions tasted the sweetness, Sifah hopes that this time, someone will step on the thunder for himself to test the risks.

   He thinks Maggie should be an Extraordinary, and even though she has not yet been caught by the police, she should already have a record in the official Extraordinary organization.

   Xifa remembers that it was mentioned in the original work that if a wild Extraordinary is found and confirmed to be dangerous, the official Extraordinary will intervene and act.

   If the location is in the suburbs, the person responsible should not be the night watcher. Although Xifa can't remember which area Klein's team is responsible for, in the original work, they usually move in the city.

   In this way, there is no need to worry about attracting night watchers and encountering Klein.

   The Mole came back soon and gave Xifa a "finish" gesture. Xifa drank the wine in his glass, jumped down and said, "Go, let's stare at the "Princess" first."

On the outskirts of Tingen, on a high slope, Sifa poked a head out of the dense grass. Beside him, the grizzly bear is screaming to drive away the mosquitoes around, while the Mole and Nephi are looking for a place to hide, and it seems that they don't have the grizzly's distress.

   Using the hunter's eyesight, Sifa stared at the farm below.

  The farm is built with a circle of walls. In addition to a two-story building, there are also bullpens, pig pens, and large open spaces.

   Under the crimson moonlight, Xifa couldn't see half of the animal. The bullpen and pigsty were empty, and the clearing was full of tall weeds.

   The lights were on in the two-story building, and from time to time I heard bursts of laughter and the sound of wine glasses colliding.

  Sifa made a gesture to Nephi: "We walked around behind the farm to watch."

   He did not forget to say to the two grizzly bears: "If an official person shows up, you should come together too, so as not to be caught as an accomplice."

   After getting the reply from the two, Sifa moved to the back of the farm with the beautiful ‘big’ Nafi, hiding in a small forest. At this distance, Sifa could even see the figure in the window.

   I saw a black, thin woman with thick black hair, and her dress really didn't look like the style of the Kingdom of Loen.

   She was decorated with feathers and gold flakes, and she was dancing a weird dance on the table. Seven men cheered loudly on four and six.

   That should be Maggie.

  I haven’t taken any action yet, Xifa leaned on a tree and asked casually: "Nefy, you are not from Luen, are you?"

   The girl who tried to hide herself in a tree said ‘um’: "I come from the other side of the sea, an island that everyone has never heard of."

   Xifa glanced at her: "So far? Then what are you doing in Luen?"

"Find someone."

  Nife added: "In addition, I heard that the Kingdom of Loen is very prosperous. Maybe here, I can find a potion for promotion."

   "Which way did you go?"


Nafi said with a proud face: "In ancient times, we were called'superior warriors', and I was a born warrior! When I was 13 years old, no one of my age on the island was taller than me. More powerful, more agile than me!"

   A born warrior? Genetic?

  Her parents are Extraordinary, and they are through the way of warriors?

   While thinking about these questions, Xifa heard some sounds, and then flames and floating soil suddenly exploded in the farm, as if hit by a cannonball!

   The sound of footsteps came from the other side of the forest, and Xifa saw that the grizzly bear and the mole rushed over.

   "Duke boss, here comes the official people. But not the police, but a bunch of guys with strange equipment."

   The grizzly bear said excitedly: "Those guys put together some wonderful machines, and they can fire things like cannonballs like a cannon."

The Mole’s description is more detailed: "I saw ~www.readwn.com~ they took out a black long box, which contained iron-black cannon tubes. In addition to the barrels, there were strange guns. There is a bullet chain stuck in it."

   "Those people used such barrels and guns to launch a fierce attack on the manor."

   is indeed an onslaught.

   After the first shell exploded, the explosion and gunfire did not stop for a moment.

   At this time, Neffiy whispered, "Look at the grass."

   The tall girl pointed to the weedy area in the manor, where the grass shook, and under the moonlight, silhouettes appeared.

   seems to be human.

  Sifah’s pupils were slightly enlarged to accommodate more light and to see the faces of those people clearly.

   These people have numb expressions, hollow eyes, blue and white faces, and suspicious patches.

   On them, Xifa couldn't feel the breath of a living person. Suddenly, he saw one of them, with an eyeball in his left eye hanging on his face, connected only by some nerves.

   He saw again that the muscles of the other person's cheeks had rotted, exposing gray gums in the moonlight.

   Sifa suddenly thought of something.

   Living corpse!

   These movable corpses seem to have received some kind of invisible call, moving in the direction of the front yard. Then, the window of the small building shattered, and two figures rolled out.

   In the moonlight, the thin black woman with thick hair and strange attire clutched her abdomen and stood up. Xifa clearly saw that there was a terrible wound on her stomach, and even her intestines leaked out.

   But she stuffed her intestines back lightly and did not do first aid, but when she let go, her wound had healed!

   Xifa took a cold breath, but felt his scalp exploded. What kind of monster is this?

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