
   Xifa felt in a trance, and then there were many pictures in front of him. He saw a variety of pictures that were clearer and more diverse than the ancient mirrors previously identified.

   In those pictures, he saw a man in a classical robe. This man was wearing a hood and couldn't see clearly. But you can see that his bare skin is strangely pale, like a corpse.

   There are some unobvious dark spots on his hands and cheeks. Looking at the strange plaques, Sifa thought of things like corpses.

   In many pictures, Xifa saw the most gloomy cemetery or other dim scenes.

   The man in the picture seems to hate being exposed to the sun.

   In some battle scenes, Sifa saw him driving the living corpse and controlling the ghost. Someone even took a gun against his forehead and shot him without killing him!

   Finally, in a picture, a brilliant light enveloped him. This caused Xifa to close his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, those pictures had disappeared, and identification information appeared on the pages of the book.

  The Flute of the Return of the Dead: This is a magical item formed by the characteristics of a ‘living corpse’. It can awaken dead bodies, allowing them to work and fight for users. Its negative effect is that if you use it for a long time, it will make you yearn for the warm flesh and blood of human beings, which is derived from the curse of the ‘living corpse’.


   really is a magical item!

   Maggie uses it to drive the dead. This method is quite convenient. But the weakness of the living corpse is also obvious, the extraordinary and spells of the solar path are its nemesis.

   Of course, if you use it well, you can also play an amazing role. For example, if I lead the prey to the cemetery, and then wake up the living corpses around, then I can use the human sea tactics.

   However, it needs a corpse to function, so the scenes that can be used are very limited, unless I first move the corpse to some place and make it into a trap?

   Xifa thought for a while, not to strengthen and seal this magical item for the time being, because it felt that its application range was not so extensive.

  Since he has summoned the ‘Book of Mystery’, he naturally does not want to waste the opportunity to read the comments of the watcher.

  ’Wind’s hesitation: Do an experiment to see if you can see a few core contents. ’

  ‘1, **** If you don’t see it, please don’t go into it. ’

  ‘2, the scp foundation has used it for reference, but it is not the same. The next few pieces of information are interesting. ’

  ’3, Klein’s original name is Zhou Mingrui, he likes to collect the notes of the great emperor, he will play a trumpet in the Tarot Club later, if there is a code name for the world, it is him. By the way, the original name of the emperor was Huang Tao.

4. Regarding assassins and witches and hunters, the high level of assassins is the witch, and the male assassin will be transformed into a female after being upgraded, and the necessary condition for a certain upgrade of the hunter way is to have a 404 relationship with a certain witch. The emperor said that the witch's taste is really good. ’

  ‘Finally, I will say a few basic theorems, I hope it will help you. 1. The law of immortality of extraordinary characteristics: extraordinary characteristics will not be destroyed or reduced, but transferred from one bearing to another. 2. The law of conservation of extraordinary characteristics within similar sequences: there are more high sequences, and fewer low sequences, and vice versa. ’


   The amount of information provided by this watcher is simply not too much!

   Except for the first piece of information that was blocked, all other information can be read completely.

  Well, what the Scp Foundation is talking about should be the description of the sealed object. At the time, I saw the original work and had this sense of sight.

   Klein’s original name, I know, it turns out that he will play a trumpet at the Tarot meeting in the future? This operation is very embarrassing...

   is the code name ‘world’, I remember it.

  The high-ranking assassin is a witch, which has already been hinted in the comments of some watchers. However, the hunter must have something to do with the witch for a certain upgrade.

   This is true, this is too...

   The final basic quantification is very practical.

   Extraordinary characteristics are immortal! Conservation of extraordinary characteristics!

   It turns out that this world still has certain rules to follow, and it's not all chaos and disorder.

   Xifa continued to look down.

  ‘Outsider player: Listen, provocation is only a means to an end, not to let your opponent lose the bottom line and do whatever he wants. Of course, if you want to digest the potion, dig a grave for your opponent, prepare a coffin, find a few incense sticks, and finally engrave the tombstone. It's best to get him here to fight. After death, he can also taunt his undead, and the grave will be ridiculed. ’

  ...This one, the one at the back is a bit cruel.

  ‘Su Liuchen: I saw chapter 48 or so yesterday, I don’t want to study today, I want to watch...’

   Chapter 48? So I did appear in a novel outside the dimension? The watcher has to learn too? Sure enough, it was not easy for everyone.

  'Sothoth: Klein has a ** (above the gray fog), and there are three broken cocoons, namely **, Roselle, and Klein. ’

  Cocoon? Three have been broken, two of which are the original protagonist and the emperor, and the other is blocked.

  What cocoon, Klein, that is, Zhou Mingrui, didn't he come here? How did the watcher say it as if they came out of the cocoon.

  ‘The Faceless Man: Let me give you some confidence, Xifa, you have already caught Klein’s attention, so work harder. However, I suggest that next time you pray, try to show your value and attract Klein's "value"! ’

   I have caught Klein’s attention?

  The watcher can even observe the situation above the gray fog!

   This is really good news. Klein did not respond. It should be out of caution, and it should be related to his being a ‘divider’. This watcher suggested that I show my worth, which I did ignore last time.

   is like applying for a job. If you have no value, the employer will be eye-catching.

   Well, Klein is collecting the diary of the great emperor, and I already have a copy.

   Next time you pray, you can bring up this matter, but you must bring it over naturally, not deliberately.

   When I read this, although spirituality has not yet called the police, Xifa has already felt mentally exhausted. UU reading ended the call.

   He sat on the sofa, closed his eyes, and recalled the information he had read before.

  The most useful information is the information given by the watcher called "Wind's Hesitation". In addition to the entangled relationship between the Hunter Path and the Witch Path, more importantly, there are two laws about extraordinary characteristics.

   After digesting the information, Sifa threw himself onto the bed and fell asleep with the quilt.

   On the afternoon of the 20th, Sifa took Kyle to the residence of the Telegraph company shareholder Luke Bruce, who also lived in Jinwutong District.

   Fortunately, it’s not on the same street as Maynard’s house, otherwise Xifa would probably ask Mr. Luke out like he did with Kyle and meet him somewhere else.

   When he arrived at the destination, Sifa heard the noise in the carriage. When Matthew opened the door, he got out of the car and found that Mr. Luke's house was very lively tonight.

   His servants are holding silver plates one by one, filled with fine wines and delicacies, and they are sending them in the direction of the back garden in an endless stream.

  Sifah walked towards the door and saw Luke greeted by a beautiful lady in her thirties holding her arms.

   "Welcome, Mr. Sifa. This is my wife, Glenn Dorena."

   Luke introduced with a smile, and the woman next to him raised her right hand slightly and looked at Xifa with a smile.

   "Good afternoon, Mr. Luke."

   After greeted the male host, in accordance with Luen's social etiquette, Xifa took a step forward, took the palm of Mrs. Gelin, and bends over to kiss.

   "Your light is brighter than the autumn sun."

   Received a compliment from a young and handsome man, Mrs. Greene smiled implicitly but hidden joy.


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