In the evening, Sifa disguised as a ‘Duke’, carrying a large suitcase, and came to the house he rented.

   He opened the door and entered the house, checked the simple mechanism set up before leaving last time, and found that there were no traces of being touched. It seems that the law and order of this block is not bad.

  Sifah lit up the lights in the house, trying to create a breath of life as much as possible, so as not to arouse suspicion.

   He brought the big suitcase to the bedroom, opened the closet, and put all the clothes bought in the box one by one.

   Just in case, he chose cheap clothes. After these things filled the closet, the house finally gained some popularity.

   Xifa deliberately took out a few home clothes and threw them on the bed, which fits the personality of a bachelor. He also plans to invite a female housekeeping worker to clean up every week, so as to avoid dust everywhere in the safe house.

   Before leaving, Sifa also bought a bunch of flowers in a nearby flower shop and put them in a vase in the living room. Finally, without turning off the lights, he left from the back alley of the house.

   Elk Bar.

  Walking into the club hall, Xifa saw the three Grizzlies at a glance, and Nephi stood up, waving his arms and screaming vigorously.

   "Duke boss, here."

   Xifa changed a mask tonight, it only blocked the part above the nose, revealing the mouth and two disguised moustaches.

   When facing an enemy like this, his provocation is not limited to words, even a smile can make the opponent lose his mind.

   Moreover, Xifa also designed a custom action for himself to strengthen the character of "Duke".

   Just like now, when he heard Nafie's yelling, he smiled slightly, stroked his beard lightly with his hand, and walked over.

  As soon as he took his seat, he saw Mole take out a small wooden box and opened it. There were ten money bags inside.

"this is?"

  Sifah looked at the short, thin man with large front teeth.

   Mole chuckled softly: "Boss Duke, I sold those jewels. I sold a total of 1300 pounds. Here is the receipt."

   He took out a receipt and handed it to Sifa to show that he did not fill his pockets.

   Xifa didn't look at it, so he threw it aside to show his trust in the mole.

   Mole's eyes flickered, and continued: "Together with the original 300 pounds of gold coins, I have made ten copies of the money, each of which is 150 pounds."

   turned out to be "dividing the spoils".

   Xifa nodded: "Then according to our previous agreement, I will take four copies, and you will divide the rest by yourself."

   He unceremoniously fished out four purses from the box, feeling a little heavy, and there was the sound of gold coins colliding, Xifa was a little surprised: "You changed all into gold coins?"

   The grizzly bear laughed: "Although it is convenient to carry banknotes, gold coins are more attractive, especially when they are clanging, they are simply the most beautiful sound in the world."

   Xifa chuckled lightly, took out three envelopes from his pockets, and handed them to them separately: "This is reward for action, so I won't give you extra reward."

   Nafi took the envelope and picked up two more money bags. His eyes turned red: "This is the first time I have made so much money since I came to Luen."

   "Of course, the boss gave me a lot last time."

   "I made 700 pounds in just two missions. I can finally rent a house for myself and eat white bread and milk every day!"

   My God, girl, how bad you were before.

  Sifah put away a few money bags: "You will earn more in the future."

   The grizzly nodded vigorously: "Follow the Duke boss, maybe next year, we will all be rich!"

   The other two people also booed, the atmosphere was warm, and they suddenly became the focus of the hall.

   At this time, Xifa was touched, and when he raised his head, he saw Cromwell, the arbitrator.

   This man hasn't seen much recently. He appeared tonight with a haggard expression. His pale blond hair was dull and his eyes were slightly black.

   "Can you please do me a favor?"

   he said straightforwardly.

   Xifa didn’t agree, "What does it depend on?"

   "Let's talk over there, I'll buy you a drink." Cromwell looked towards the bar.

   Xifa nodded and stood up.

   Coming to the bar, Cromwell tapped on the table lightly: "Mr. Parker, give me and the Duke a drink, um, it's a good time."

   The old man glanced at them, said nothing, took out several bottles of wine from the cabinet, and began to make them.

   Cromwell seemed to be organizing the words, and Xifa did not urge them, and the two sat quietly.

   After a while, the arbitrator said: "I used to be an official official. At that time, I was very energetic, thinking that I had caught the tail of fate and could have a bright and desirable future."

   "I have a fiancee, her name is Mia, and we are planning to get married in the summer of the next year, and then go to Dixie Bay for a vacation."

   "But not long after, I took part in an operation. There was an error in that operation, which caused several important prisoners to escape the hunt."

   "Then in the next less than a week, the people who had participated in the action, UU Reading, died one after another, in a strange way."

   "Although I am not dead, but my fiancee..."

   At this point, Cromwell stopped. At this time, Mr. Parker put the two glasses of mixed wine in front of them, and the arbitrator grabbed the glass and drank it in one fell swoop.

   Xifa whispered, "Give him another drink, Mr. Parker."

   After a moment of silence, Cromwell continued: "That incident completely changed my life. I abandoned my original identity. I became a hunter and an avenger at the same time."

   "I continue to track this matter, and recently, I finally have a clue. I found the person who killed Mia, but I am not strong enough, so I want to ask you for help."

Cromwell looked at Xifa suddenly, his eyes seemed to be burning: "As long as I can kill that guy, I am willing to pay any price! I can give you all my property, including two properties, and 300 pounds deposit!"

   Xifa slowly drank the strong wine in the glass, only to feel a line of fire extending from his throat to his body.

   He breathed out a breath of alcohol and shook his head: "You don't need to pay that much."

   "As long as you can extend a helping hand when I'm in trouble, it's enough."

Cromwell's breathing became heavy. He looked serious and solemnly said: "If one day, you need my help. No matter where you are, no matter who your opponent is. As long as you tell me, I will rush. arrive!"

   Looking into the eyes of the arbitrator, Xifa knew that this man would spend his entire life to keep this promise.

  He firmly believes this.

   patted Cromwell on the shoulder, and Sifa said, "Now you can tell me, who is our opponent?"


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