The figure at the end of the long table introduced "Justice" and "The Hanged Man" in turn.

   Xifa smiled politely, and implicitly nodded to the three old and new members of the Tarot Society. He remembered that Miss Justice was a way for the audience, so she did not show excessive enthusiasm and kept a sense of distance, lest the lady found out that he seemed to have known the existence of her and the Hanged Man.

   Right in front of the West, ‘justice’ put up the skirt and responded politely. As for the ‘hanged man’, the old man said nothing and didn’t know what he was thinking.

   ‘Sun’ was very restrained, did not make any gestures to celebrate, and was a little nervous.

   After the members introduced, they took their seats.

  Sifah chose to stagger the position of the Hanged Man, and found a high-back chair to sit on. The backs of these chairs were all shining brightly and outlined strange constellations.

   is very high.

   Look, this is the protagonist, this is the golden finger.

   is not like me.

   There is only one book. Fortunately, there are countless watchers behind me.

   Maybe they are outside the dimension, watching this gathering!

   After sitting down, she heard the voice of Miss Justice, and she spoke with joy: "Mr. Fool, I have collected two pages of the diary of Emperor Roselle."

  As a newcomer, Xifa remained silent and listened to Klein’s communication with "Justice". From their exchanges, it was known that members of the Tarot Society provided Klein with notes from the Great, and then they could get paid from Klein.

   This is the so-called equivalent exchange.

  In the meeting, Miss Justice said that she needed a mind reader formula.

   "The formula of the'mind reader' potion? What follows is the'mind reader' of the psychoanalyst?"

   Suddenly "Sun" spoke up and promised to help "Justice" get the formula.

   It is indeed the Tarot Club.

   The recipe for Sequence 7 can be obtained casually, so there should be hope for my "arsonist".

   Xifa was in a happy mood, and almost forgot about being assassinated at noon. It can be seen from the exchanges of members that in addition to being able to exchange with Klein at an equivalent value, this rule also applies to members.

   This is the charm of the platform!

   At the party, the "Sun" and their exchanges quickly transferred to the "Silver City". It sounded that the "Sun" seemed to come from the Silver City.

   Judging from the reflections of Justice and The Hanged Man, they seem to be unaware of the existence of the "Silver City", which makes Xifa very puzzled. Could it be that this city exists in another space?

   If this is the case, Klein's golden fingers are too powerful, and he can pull people from other dimensions.

   After that, the topic turned back to the potion formula.

   "I will give'Sun' a formula of'Clarator', and'Sun' will give the formula of'Mind Reader' potion to Miss Justice as soon as possible..."

   The fuzzy figure at the head of the long table, with a relaxed and leisurely attitude, decided a transaction involving three parties in a few words.

   Here, the palace is temporarily calm. Xifa, who had never spoken, took the opportunity to speak.

   "Dear Mr. Fool, from your communication just now, I found that you seem to be quite interested in the notes of Emperor Roselle."

   "I just have a few such notes on hand. I don't know, how can I bring them up to you?"

The faint shadow leaned back and chuckled: "This is very simple. You can write down the words on it. When the next meeting, you can present them according to your wishes and give them to I."

   I can give it to you now!

   Of course, Sifa didn't do this. He restrained his impulse, knowing that he had to wait patiently until the next meeting before giving out his notes, so that he would not incur suspicion.

   "That's it... I remembered it. After I go back, I will try to write down those symbols. To be honest, those symbols are too complicated. I should be able to memorize one page. No, two pages!"

"I am looking forward."

   The figure behind the thick fog did not respond in a very caring tone.

   Then, Xifa saw a piece of parchment flashing out of the hand of "Sun", and "Justice" picked up the pen and "dazed" at the paper in front.

   Then the yellow robe-colored parchment disappeared in her hand, not knowing where it went.

   There was a long silence.

   When Xifa was a little confused, the "Justice" across the table whispered: "When Mr. Fool finishes reading the diary, we can communicate freely."

so it is.

   This is the standard procedure of the Tarot Club.

   waited patiently for a while, until Sifa felt a little heavy on his eyelids. After hearing the gray fog, the calm voice sounded again: "Actually, you don't have to wait for me."

   Then the Hanged Man, who was two seats away from Sifa, responded humbly: "This is our honor."

   Then the members began to communicate.

  What is the method of public examination for selecting officials, what about the king and the prime minister, the upper house and the lower house...

   During this process, Xifa noticed that the words'Psychological Alchemy Society' and'Aurora Society' sounded like the names of secret organizations.

   Then, at a certain node of the exchange, he seized the opportunity and said: "Everyone, I am looking for the formula of the ‘arsonist’. If you can provide it, I’m willing to pay any remuneration including money."

   "Of course, it must be within my abilities."

  With my ability, no matter money or other means, there should still be a way to pay for a recipe for ‘arsonists’.


   The Hanged Man looked to Xifa, but he couldn't see what Xifa looked like, he could only see that he was wearing a cheap shirt.

"I know an If I can meet him at sea, I might be able to find out this recipe for you, but I cannot guarantee that I will be able to give you what you want at the next gathering. "

   Xifa smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I don't know what kind of payment Mr. Hanged Man wants. I can prepare in advance."

  He paused, and looked up in a respectful manner: "Speaking of which, respectable Mr. Fool. I have a question, how do we pay and give other people what they seek?"

   The figure behind the thick fog responded calmly: "I will tell you about this after the meeting and give you the specific time for the meeting, so that you can prepare calmly before the next meeting."

   "Thank you for your notice." Xifa learned from the Hanged Man, and now he is now selling the land and responds in a humble tone.

   Taking advantage of the members’ focus for the time being on themselves, Xifa asked another question: “I don’t know if you have ever seen such a phenomenon. Several friends I know, they are all ordinary people.”

   "They have had cough symptoms recently. The strange thing is that when they cough, they will cough up a kind of gleaming smoke, and in the smoke, human faces will appear and disappear."

   "Oh yes, this kind of smoke can only be captured in the state of spiritual vision. I am worried about their health, so I want to ask everyone, do you know anything?"


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