Even though Jodson had lowered his voice, many pirates in the restaurant heard it. They showed deep thought, and some nodded directly.

   Danitz frowned his scorched brow, and wanted to step forward to say something, but when the captain turned around, Edwina's eyes were calm, she swept the surrounding pirates, and said slowly.

   "Reilly assisted us in destroying Admiral Blood's plan in Bayam..."

   "He rescued Danitz..."

   "He participated in the breakout operation that morning and assisted Danitz in hunting Ma Gao."

   "He contributed a compass that can help us find the "Death Treasure"..."

   "He took back "A Journey to the Sea"..."

   "So... he is my crew member, and I will not kick him off the boat just because the crew is in trouble."

   Lieutenant General Bingberg looked at Jodson: "I can understand your thoughts, but don't mention it again."

   "Yes, Captain." Yodson lowered his head and smiled helplessly.

   Danitz sighed, looking at the captain and Edwina, the fourth sailor’s eyes were full of smiles.

   This is the captain I know!

   After a while, Xifa arrived with the second half of "A Journey to the Sea", seeing the atmosphere different, could not help asking: "What happened?"


   "This is the second half of "A Journey to the Sea"?"

   Taking the booklet, Edwina nodded and said, "You have done a good job, Raleigh. Go and rest, you should be tired too."

   Regarding the captain's arrangement, Xifa had no opinion and chose to obey.


   The capital of the Rosed Islands, Bayam.

   In Hailang Church, the diocese bishop with gray hair but in good spirits was reading some files. At this time, a priest came in and saluted: "Your Excellency Chogori, there is your telegram."

   The old man raised his head, his eyes fell on the telegram in the priest's hand, and nodded.

   He took the telegram and read it. After reading it, he was slightly taken aback, and then asked, "Is there a'captain' near here recently?"

   Pastor thought for a while and said: "There is one, Captain Alger is nearby."

   A man with his hair messed up like seaweed swayed in his mind, and he said imperceptibly: "Inform Captain Alger and let him go to Yedga Island in secret."

   "There is evil activity there, let him investigate it."

   "Okay." The priest went down immediately.

   Chogori looked out the window and the sky in the distance. After a while, he continued to flip through his files.


  Tingen, 36 Zotland Street.

  Blackthorn Security Company.

   Pedal Pedal!

   Brown hair is slightly curly, and the shy-looking Warren pushed open the door nervously, and saw the classical sofa, soft-faced armchair and wood-colored coffee table for reception in the room.

   His gaze swam, he looked at a table directly opposite, and behind the table, with his head drooping, he was holding a copy of "Tingen City Honest News", a brown-haired girl who looked vigorously.

   "Roshan, is the captain here?"

   "...In order to welcome the coming New Year, the city government has issued a series of welcome policies, including but not limited to improving the sanitation in the urban area, combating crime, and rectifying illegal operations..."

   The girl reading the newspaper heard Warren’s voice and quickly raised her head. Today she was wearing a light yellow roon-style dress with lace in many places, making her look feminine and beautiful.

   "Captain...Yeah, I just made him coffee, and he complained that I added too much sugar, but he forgot that he asked me not to add too much sugar..."

   While Roshan's mouth kept spitting out, Warren had already entered the inner room through the door beside her. She made a face and continued to pick up the newspaper and look.

   In the captain's office, Lewis took off his black-rimmed glasses and rubbed his sore eyes.

   Suddenly heard the door open, and then Warren's voice rang: "It's not good, Captain."

   "Willis is dead!"

  Willis was the member of the Aurora Society they had caught two days ago. After the night watcher captured him, he was sent to the St. Serena Church, where the personnel were in charge of interrogation and investigation.

   Upon hearing the news, the captain with brown hair and blue eyes put on his glasses and said, "How did you die?"

   "Suspect is out of control..."

   "I listened to the people at the church, and Willis, who had always been quiet, suddenly laughed wildly and cursed everyone present with vicious words."

Warren said as he gestured, "It didn't take long for him to grow dense granulation on his face and hands, and then his head exploded. I heard it was terrifying at the scene, and I saw many people still vomiting. ."

   Lewis tapped the table with his fingers lightly: "Originally, we wanted to get the information of other members of the Aurora Society and their whereabouts from Willis's mouth."

   "In this way, the clue is broken again, and he refused to say a word before."

   "He is a listener and can directly hear the whispers of the creator they believe in. He may have prayed to that creator, so he lost control..."

   Lewis raised his head. This action suddenly aggravated the lines on his forehead: "Call Martha here."

   It didn’t take long for a fortune-teller with passionate red hair to walk in: "Captain, are you looking for me?"

   Lewis nodded and said: "Regarding the investigation of the people who have contacted Moretti's family in recent months, what is the current progress?"

   "It has been sorted out, but it is unlikely that the person in contact with that family will be the Aurora Society."

   At this point, Martha paused, and then laughed: "However, among those personnel, there is an old friend we all know. Captain, guess who he is?"

   Lewis had deep eyes, no smile on his face, no expression, so he looked at Martha.

   "Well, I admit, I shouldn't ask you this kind of question."

Martha clenched her fist and coughed dryly: "It's Sifa, yes, the young master of Enqi Town. He had been to Tingen in August and didn't leave until September ~ www.readwn.com~ During this time, he I have visited Moretti's house."

   Lewis said, his expression unchanged, and said: "How did he and Moretti meet?"

   "I know what you are thinking, Captain, don't worry, I have checked it."

   Martha chewed on the candy and said: "The young master made an investment in Tingen, and cooperated with the carrier pigeon telegraph company to invest in the development of a new type of communication technology."

   "The University of Tingen was responsible for the development of this technology. At that time, there was a student on the development team, her name was Melissa, Melissa Moretti."

   "She is Klein Moretti's younger sister."

   Lewis was relieved: "I see."

   "Unfortunately, we only transferred to Tingen in late September. Otherwise, we can meet the young master."

   Martha covered her mouth lightly and looked at Lewis with a smile: "Although he is a little younger, he is very handsome, don't you think he is? Captain."

   Lewis said blankly: "Continue to investigate other people who have been in contact with Moretti's house. We must not let go of any possibility, and we must not let Aurora have another chance."

   "Okay, okay." The red-haired girl shook her head, twisted her waist, and left the captain's office.


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