‘Palladion: You should learn Xiaoke as if instinct cannot be stolen. Set up a series of instincts in advance and portray them in the subconscious. Don’t be too complicated, otherwise it will fail. ’

  ‘The cowardly pirate: The thief seems to have little ability to restrain him, isn’t the secret servant or the secret mage’s secret ability to restrain the thief? Let the clone of Amon below the angel level find it hard to find himself. Not touching it should be the best restraint...’

  ‘Actually, I feel like putting the oil painting in the treasure chest of the spirit world, using it now, and putting it back when it’s used up. In short, don't walk around with them, Amon has almost eaten up all the features of the same sequence, and his aggregation ability is too strong. ’


   Looking at the next message, Xifa couldn't help but rubbed his cheek. According to the comments of the watchers, the path of the thief seemed like a bug.

   There is no very good way to restrain, only the ability of the secret aspect can restrain a little.

   And Amon is absorbing the characteristics of the same sequence. In this case, "Mrs. Christie" will not be easy to run around. As the watcher said above, it will be stored in a treasure chest in the spirit world, and it will be better if it needs to be accessed again.

   is really a terrible guy. When the watchers mention Amon, they will emphasize the monocle. It seems that Amon has the habit of wearing monocles regardless of the body or the clone.

   You can pay attention to this point. In the future, people who wear monocles, whether they are humans or other creatures, still run as far as possible...

   At least a demigod or even an angel can try to fight. I hope that before this, I will not encounter such a terrible angel.

  ‘Black-clothed puppeteer: Amon, the bear child of the ancient sun god, the younger brother of **, one of the eight kings of angels. The title is angel. It's not that the bear child can't do the Amon family and the whole family is only Amon, and all family members are his clones. Participants will wear a monocle in the right eye and habitually pinch the eye socket. Honorable name: the pointer of time; the shadow of fate; the incarnation of fraud and mischief. ’

'Yun Yuran: The Amon family is composed of the parents and children of the creator of the Silver City [Ancient Sun God], and the clones of the angels. The later generations swallowed the exiled ancestor of Abraham.*** Become the true **** of both thieves and travellers, if you meet When it comes to the existence of the right eye wearing single crystal glasses, if you can’t open and shake the person in the first time, then eat something good, you have been surrounded by Amon, and you will soon become Amon, ps: He and Kemiao is an adjacent route~'

'Thirty-three days of opening the emperor: Amon is unique, can be cloned, can trap bugs, can accommodate lower characteristics of this sequence from above, can modify and delete the knowledge obtained by taking potions, half of the thieves sequence God was almost eaten by Amon. ’


   After reading three more messages, Xifa was shocked that his spirituality was consumed by most. You must know that now he has been promoted to Sequence 6, and his spirituality should be more and stronger than before.

   But now, but after reading a few comments, my spirituality is almost exhausted.

   Obviously this has something to do with ‘Amon’.

   He quickly finished the call, sat down on the single sofa at the window, rubbed his temples, and recalled the information about ‘Amon’.

   Amon turned out to be one of the kings of angels, and he was also a child of the ancient sun god. Judging from the message of the watcher, he also has an older brother.

   Such a terrible angel has an older brother, so he won’t let people live...

   In the later stage, Amon will become the true god, the true god...

   Xifa rubbed his cheek, and said sincerely: "Fortunately, I am not a ‘thief’ way, otherwise..."

   He didn't dare to think anymore.

   Generally speaking, Amon’s abilities seem to be full of ‘secret’ attributes. The ‘hunter’ approach happens to be mysterious and cryptic, almost blank.

   I don’t know if the later authorization of ‘Book of Mystery’ will liberate the new functions, otherwise I can only rely on my own words, I can only hope that I don’t encounter Amon.

   However, there are still a few symbols on the cover of the ‘Book of Mystery’ that are in a fuzzy state, that is to say, there are still several functions that have not been liberated.

   is still worth looking forward to.


   Night falls.

   Xifa changed into the appearance of a ‘duke’, wrapped in a cold-proof coat, and came to the ‘Wild Horse Bar’ on the east side of the town.

   Right at the entrance of the bar, Xifa saw a reward wall. On the top and most conspicuous position, seven or eight reward orders were posted.

   There is a portrait of an elderly gentleman on it, which is the "Mr. Morgan" incarnation of Xifa in the morning.

   "4000 pounds..." Sifa lightly smiled. It seems that the "Lord Sevic" still values ​​Mr. Morgan. After only playing once, he offered a price of 4000 pounds.

   However, ‘Mr. Morgan’ will not appear again for the time being. It is estimated that no one can get the 4,000 pounds.

   pushed open the heavy door of the ‘Wild Horse Bar’, and suddenly a huge sound wave hit Sifa’s ears. It turned out that there was a carnival in the bar at this time.

   On the stage in the distance, four or five Fossack beauties dressed in cool clothes, following the beat of the music, frantically twisting their limbs, stimulating the senses of the drinkers, and making them yell at the same time.

  Fusac’s women are mostly fair-skinned, strong and tall, and they are generally one size bigger than the Ruen women.

   They are enthusiastic, and when they actively invite, few men can refuse them.

   With the face of Ruen's Xifa, UU reading www.uukanshu.com knew that he was not very popular in the small town of Granville, and coupled with the task, he did not go to the dance floor to join in the fun.

  He came to the bar and saw a brown-haired and blue-eyed bartender behind the cabinet was wiping the glass. Sifa sat on the high chair and gently tapped the countertop: "Bring me a glass of Sunia blood."

  The bartender looked up at him and responded with a smile: "Wait a minute."

   I saw him take out the bottle and glass familiarly, quickly made a glass of wine, and put it in front of Sifa.

   Looking at the bubbling golden liquid, Xifa whispered: "This shouldn't be the Sunia Blood Bar?"

   The bartender chuckled lightly: "There is no Sunia blood in the Mustang Bar. People here prefer ‘Friedrich Liquor’, which is the glass in front of you, Duke."

   Xifa laughed: "Cyrillic?"

"it's me."

   Xifa nodded: "So, where's the treasure map?"

   "It's not on me, to be precise, it's lost."

   When the bartender uttered these words, Xifa was stunned for a second before saying: "Lost?"

   "Yes, I lost it."

Cyril, who was wiping his glass, lowered his voice and said, "Just the day before you burned my manor, I noticed that the danger was approaching. Without notifying anyone, I took the treasure map and left the Champagne Manor. ."

   "I'm in town, and there are several other safe places on Sunia Island. When I arrived at one of them, I found that the treasure map was missing..."

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