"Okay, sir."

   Xifa took off the cheap top hat, which was not expensive and poor in materials and workmanship, pressed it on his chest and bowed slightly.

   His expression, his actions, and his clothes fit the role of the mayor’s secretary and bodyguard.

   Therefore, the surrounding soldiers just glanced at him, and then stopped paying attention. They whispered to discuss something.

  Sifah took the opportunity to look around. They are now at the entrance of the base. Although Linsk, the secretary of the mayor, concealed his identity, although Linsk allowed him to walk around at will, it was obviously impossible to go too deep into the base.

   The influence of the mayor’s secretary has not yet reached that level.

   As for the surrounding area.

  Sifah saw a row of stables, next to it was a small forest, and in the distance was a clearing of wood.

   After staying for 5 minutes, he put a smile on his face and walked over to the soldiers: "Sorry, sir. I have been in the carriage since I left the town in the morning. I mean, is there a bathroom nearby?"

   A few soldiers smiled, and kindly gave instructions on how to go to the bathroom near Sifa.

   After a while, Sifa came to a public bathroom.

   He took up one of them and patted his clothes lightly with his hands and said, "You can act, just as we said before. After finding the right target, we will meet in the small wood behind the stable."

   The coat on Sifa's body ‘squirmed’ like a black viscous liquid, which ‘flowed’ along Sifa’s body to the ground, turning into a black carpet, and drilling out through the gap in the bathroom wall.

   It was Kardashian who followed him into the base disguised as clothes. As she said, flesh and blood magic can transform her into any object.

   Xifa continued to stay in the bathroom, and soon he eavesdropped on the conversations of several soldiers, but unfortunately there was no nutrition and no value.

   This is normal. As soldiers at the bottom of the army, many of them will not know where they are going and what they are going to do until they start to act.

  Especially the possibility of military operations against the Kingdom of Ruen, the senior officials of the Fusac Empire will strictly keep secrets to prevent the leakage of information.

   Seeing that there was no information to collect, Sifa left the bathroom and walked around the base gate. After a while, he came to the small woods behind the stables and sat down in the shade.

   It’s not far from the gate, so even though there were soldiers passing by, they thought he was waiting for Linsk and didn’t care.

   It didn't take long for Xifa to see a man with the appearance of an officer approaching. His eyes were slightly blank and out of focus.

   He walked into the grove, passed directly by Sifa, then leaned against the tree, took out the notepad and pen, as if thinking about something.

  At this time, a mouth suddenly appeared on the clothing behind the officer, and Kardashian's voice rang from that mouth: "He is Coker, a major who is responsible for revising the route."

   "I have hypnotized him, you can ask any questions you want to know, as long as he knows, he won't hide anything."

Major    is already a middle-level officer in the army and the backbone of the army. They have more information than the soldiers at the bottom. Of course, if high-level generals such as generals or commanders can be found, Xifa will obtain more information.

   But that kind of high-level army must be Extraordinary, and it may be half-human and half-god. Kardashian can't hypnotize existence like that.

   Xifa does not have the habit of'picky eaters', he coughed dryly, did not turn around, did not look back, still looking in the direction of the stables and said: "Mr. Cocker, why is the Fusac Empire's navy assembled here?"

   Koker's eyes were blank and out of focus. He replied mechanically: "There is going to be a war. We will attack Pritz Harbor, and we will hit Ruen's navy hard."

   Although he was prepared, Sifa's heart still beat violently when he heard the news.

   He said solemnly: "Be specific."

   "We will be divided into two groups. The navy secretly assembled in the Sunia Sea, attacked the Oak Island in Pritz Harbor, and severely damaged the naval base of the Kingdom of Ruen."

   "At the same time, our airship team will bomb Backlund at the same time. Through the sky and the sea, we will hit the Ruen country severely, and we will incorporate it into the empire's territory!"

  Western France breathed heavily, and the Fusac Empire was planning a war. They wanted to attack the Kingdom of Luen from the sea and the sky at the same time.

   This has a great chance of success.

  No one would have imagined that the Fusac Empire’s navy was secretly assembled in the Sunia Sea, but could use some means to directly cross the sea and appear in Pridzport.

   Coupled with the wind-like flying fleet launching air strikes, if all goes well, then Luen will immediately fall into the chaos of war and be in a passive posture...

  Sifah calmly asked, "What is your plan to attack Pritz Harbor?"

   "We have an item in control. I don't know the specific name. I heard that it is controlled by His Excellency Sevic."

   "Using that item, our army can be teleported to Pritz Harbor in a short time, creating opportunities for us to attack Oak Island." Mr. Major said without reservation.

   Your Excellency Sevic... That ‘Iron Knight’, Fosac got the ‘Clarence’s Gate’ as expected.

   Xifa blurted out and asked: "Sevich's current position?"

   "I don't know, that's not something I can know."

  Sifa nodded, and asked instead: "When does Fossack plan to attack Pridz Harbor?"

   "Next Wednesday morning."

So fast!

   Today is Saturday, that is to say, there are four days left before the Fusac Empire will take action!

  Sifa can't find more valuable information~www.readwn.com~ nodded and said: "Kardashian, let him go back, let him forget all this."

   Major Coker's mouth appeared again: "Listen well, go back to the office by yourself. After you go back dozens of times, you will wake up."

   "When you wake up, you will forget that you have been to the grove. You will only remember that you were tired in the office and took a nap."

   After finishing speaking, Major Cocker’s clothes kept ‘boiling’, and the ‘liquid’ made of flesh and blood escaped the officer, quickly passed through the grass, and covered Sifa’s body.

   The major stood up, left the grove with blank eyes, and returned to his office.

   Xifa did not leave immediately. After thinking for a while, he chanted in a low voice: "The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray mist, the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck."

   "Dear Mr. Fool, I have some information that the Fusac Empire has obtained an item that can be used for large-scale teleportation."

   "They are secretly assembling the navy in the Sunia Sea, and plan to use that item to transport the army to Pridz Harbor on the next Wednesday."

   "At the same time, they will send an air fleet to bomb Backlund. Please be sure to inform the members of the Loen Kingdom so that they can respond in time and avoid disaster..."


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