"Mr.'Chariot' is very active recently. First he provokes the Secret Order, and now he discovers the military operations of the Fusac Empire..."

The gray mist was filled, and it was located on the high-backed chair at the top of the long bronze table. Klein gently tapped the edge of the table with his hand: "The Fusac got an item that could be transported on a large scale. This should be very impressive. High-standard sealed artifacts, where did they get them?"

   "No, the question now is how to stop the Fusac plan..."

   "If I am a true god, there is no need to have a headache, but I am not."

   "Warning the members of the Ruen Kingdom...well, I will pass the news to Miss Justice. She should be able to do something."

   "There is also Mr. Hanged Man. He is a member of the Storm Church and he can do no less than Miss Justice."

   "Never mind Miss'Magician', she can't help much, but she still has to inform her, at least let her know..."

   "I myself can go to the vampire in Emlyn and see what their kinsmen can do. They live in Luen, so I don't want their life here to be ruined."

   "Well, as long as you are willing to act, there are still many things you can do."

When his fingers stopped tapping, Klein spread his spirituality, and slightly processed the image of the prayer of the'chariot', making Xifa's figure look a little fuzzy, and then cast this image into representing'justice' and ' Among the crimson stars of the Hanged Man and the Magician.

   Then he wrapped himself in spirituality again, simulating the feeling of falling, and left above the gray mist.


   Backlund, in Audrey’s study, the girl who is about to reach adulthood is reading books, immersed in the joy of pursuing knowledge.

   Suddenly, she saw the boundless gray fog, and saw a vague figure praying in the woods. Immediately afterwards, the words reached her ears.

The Fusac Empire...massive transport of items...Navy buildup...Attacks on Pridz Harbor next Wednesday...Flying Fleet...Bombing Backlund...Audrey quickly grasped these most critical words, and at the same time made it difficult for her to maintain her composure.

   The gray mist dissipated, and Audrey's vision returned to normal, but her mood was no longer as calm as before.

  From the voice just now, the person praying should be Mr. "Chariot". He has obtained such important information that the Frank Empire is about to take military action against us. They are going to start a war?

   The word ‘war’, Audrey thought it was far away from herself, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be so close to herself.

If nothing is done, in another four days, Backlund will be bombed, this beautiful and bustling city will be plunged into the flames of war, and tens of thousands of people will be displaced. Such a disaster, Audrey simply I dare not look alike.

   "What's wrong with you?" The big golden retriever dog lying next to him raised his head and looked at Audrey intently.

   took a breath, and for the first time Audrey felt that her shoulders were so heavy. She decides to do something, she must do something!

   Dad is in his study right now, I should go to him... No, how can I explain the source of the news to him?

   And now, the members of the House of Lords are also in the study.


   By the way, I can go to my mother!

   Gradually, Audrey had an idea and a decision.

   She caught Susie's head and said, "I'm going to save the world!"

   After finishing speaking, she had a serious expression and left the study with firm eyes. Soon, she arrived in the living room where the countess was. She knocked on the door without hesitation.

   In the living room, the countess Caitlin was sitting on the sofa, flipping through a magazine. When she heard a knock on the door, she asked the maid to open the door and saw her daughter Audrey approaching.

   "My little angel, do you have something on your mind?" Caitlin suddenly saw her daughter's expressions of hesitation.

   Of course, Audrey’s current expression was deliberately expressed, which was deliberately created in order to conform to what she said next.

   "Mom, I have something to tell you." Audrey swept to the maids in the room.

  The countess smiled slightly: "You go down first."

   Soon there were only the countess and her daughter in the living room, and Audrey deliberately said in a dull tone: "Mom, I have one thing, I don't know if I should tell you."

   "It is ridiculous, but I am worried that it will become a reality. I have hesitated for several days. Can you give me a suggestion."

   The countess, who is over fifty but radiant and looks only in her early thirties, smiled and said, "My dear, we are family, and family can say nothing."

   "And I believe that you are a child who has the ability to judge for yourself. Since you are worried that it may become a fact, then no matter how ridiculous it is, I am willing to listen to it."

   Audrey pursed her dry lips. Encouraged by her mother, she gently chins her head and speaks directly: "Mom, I must confess to you. Sometimes, I will quietly run out to attend some parties."

   "Well, some mysterious gatherings, but I promise, these gatherings are only mysterious and not evil."

   Well, I mean the Tarot Club...Audrey added in her heart.

   The countess covered her mouth and smiled: "I know, and your father knows too. We all know that you are interested in mysterious things, and we are not opposed to you pursuing and exploring what interests you."

   "Of course, the premise is that those things won't hurt you, and your father has the ability to guarantee this."

   Audrey lowered her head slightly, showing awe: "So you know..."

   She raised her head again, her eyes glowing with courage~www.readwn.com~ It seemed as if she had rallied her energy and said: "Mom, I heard a message at the party last time."

"It is said that the Fussacs obtained an item that can be teleported on a large scale. The person who came out of the news said that the Fussacs will use this item to attack Pridz Harbor and their air fleet Will cooperate with the navy to bomb Backlund!"

   Caitlin's smile froze on her face, and she whispered: "How is this possible?"

   Audrey followed her tone and said: "Yes, many people laughed at him at the time, but that person said that the answer will be announced next Wednesday."

   "I thought it was ridiculous, but I was afraid that it would become a reality. I hesitated for several days. In the end, I decided to tell you. It's up to you to tell Dad."

   "But Mom, if you want to tell Dad, can you help me hide it? I'm worried that Dad won't allow me to go out to the party in the future." Audrey naturally caused emotions such as worry and guilty conscience to surface on her face.

   Caitlin touched her daughter's head and said: "I know how to do it, but Audrey, you are doing it right. Whether this news is true or not, since there is such a rumor, then we should be prepared."

   "When it comes to war, no matter how careful it is, it is right."

   "I will go find your father now..."


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