After dinner, Cattleya returned to the captain's room and, as usual, picked up the book she was reading recently, and continued the unfinished work.

It all happened so unexpectedly.

One second she was still reading books calmly, and the next second she heard layers and layers of unbearable crazy ravings.

These whispers were more subtle, then manic, sometimes sharp, sometimes illusory, and they brought a lot of knowledge, whether Cattleya wanted to accept it or not, instilled in her brain one after another.

The 'Admiral Star' groaned in pain, only to feel a severe pain in her head, as if a red-hot steel drill had been inserted, and it was violently stirred in her brain!

She knew exactly what it was, but she was powerless to stop it, and even the thought of wanting to stop it was interrupted by the flood of knowledge that had been poured into her mind.

In front of that torrent, the will of the individual is so insignificant that even a wave cannot be stirred up, it is washed away, and it has sunk!

At this time, the muscles of her cheeks began to crack, and the flesh and blood inside wriggled and coagulated, turning into eyeballs.

Her ears stretched out uncontrollably like horns...

She fell to the floor, her fingers scratching the ground one after another with distinct bloodstains.

I can't die!

I can't die!

Cattleya knew that she was starting to lose control. She squeezed a rather ordinary-looking planetarium with all her might, and in the other hand she held a short scepter no longer than her forearm.

With the help of these two things, she reluctantly used a secret technique, which could ease the loss of control, heal the body, prevent the mutation from becoming serious all the time, and cause the repeated tug of war between loss of control and return to normal.

Cattleya knew that this was the only way she could help herself survive, but tonight's out-of-control phenomenon was particularly serious, and the flood of knowledge had no meaning to be interrupted. Just when she thought she couldn't survive this time, she glanced at her. black.

When she could see things again, she found that she had come to a towering palace with a towering dome, and beneath her feet was an endless and endless quiet gray fog.

She was stunned, and then she found a leisurely figure sitting at the head of a long mottled table in front of her.

Through the permeating gray fog, she saw that the other party was wearing a tuxedo suit, a white shirt, and no bow tie. He was wearing black trousers, his leather boots were shiny, and his hair was dark. Because of the gray fog, his appearance was a little blurry and he couldn't see clearly. In general, the man is like a young gentleman.

"Is this the underworld?" Cattleya asked carefully.

At the top of the long bronze table, a chuckle sounded behind the permeating gray fog: "You are not dead."

Cattleya was startled.

I'm not dead, so where is this?

She also found that the figure hidden behind the gray fog was holding a milky white scepter in her hand. There are countless light spots around it, giving people a sense of sacred majesty.


Cattleya easily recognized that it was a demigod scepter, and such a thing, like a toy in the hands of that figure, didn't seem to care at all!

Cattleya's pupils contracted immediately, making her voice a little respectful: "What should I call you?"

The figure behind the gray fog said lightly, "You can call me Mr. Fool."


The sun was warm on Monday morning.

Sifa was sitting by the window of the captain's room, bathed in bright sunlight, he took out the diary that Cattleya kept in the frame, took the yellowed paper, and read it.

"On October 5th, several 'primitive moon' believers were captured by the men in black organization that I established, and they failed to complete the corresponding sacrifice ceremony."

"Some of the things they showed that made me curious, the power they got really seemed to come directly from the Crimson Moon."

"Unfortunately, a lot of data shows that this red moon is really a satellite and is really revolving around our planet. So, how does it combine physics and mystery?"

"With my current ability, it is not impossible to go to the red moon. At most, it is more troublesome and difficult, but it seems that it is not necessary."

"On October 7th, I finally made up my mind..."

After reading the entire diary, Xifa learned that the emperor finally turned to the 'secret peeping person' path. No wonder his daughter Bernadette was also a 'secret peeping person'.

Through the entrusted diary published by Viscount Yelis before, Xifa knew that Bernadette was taking the 'secret peeping person' path, but he didn't know at the time that the emperor had turned to this same path in the end, and he was still doubting the emperor. Why not let his daughter become a 'craftsman', after all, he is also an Extraordinary in this path, so he can make his daughter less detours.

It was not until he saw this diary that he knew that the Great Emperor later turned into a 'secret spy'.

"But in this way, doesn't the Great Emperor have to break with the Steam Church? No wonder he was enemies all over the world but couldn't find a helper..."

"Secret peeps will be instilled with knowledge by 'hidden sages', and UU reading will be chased by knowledge. This is really scary, and it reminds me of the scene when the head teacher chased me in the third year of high school and wanted to give me extra lessons... …”

Xifa rubbed his brows, feeling a little "unforgettable".

He shook his head, memorized the contents of the diary, and planned to give it to Mr. Fool in the afternoon to accumulate contributions.

"I hope that Admiral Star will have more notes, so that I will not be short of contributions in the future. As for answering her doubts, this is not difficult to deal with. If it is mentioned in the diary, I can naturally answer it for her."

"If you don't mention it, just tell her that the diary hasn't been cracked yet. She can't understand it anyway. When and how to answer it is up to me."

Putting away the diary, Xifa walked out of the captain's room.

It's time for breakfast.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Xifa appeared above the gray fog on time. He saw the ancient and mysterious palace, saw crimson flickering next to him and on the other side of the long table, and saw lines between clear and blurry figures appearing in the sky. in the palace.

Suddenly, Xifa discovered that there were more figures beside Miss Magician.

And until then, that spot was vacant.

new member?

Sifa looked carefully and found that this was a woman wearing a black robe. There were many patterns on the robe, which seemed to be some symbols and magic signs.

Black hair, slightly purple eyes.


Is this 'Admiral of the Stars' Cattleya?

Although Xifa couldn't see the woman's face clearly, but through the clothes and other features, he suddenly overlapped the image of the captain's lady, and determined that the other party was the 'Admiral of the Stars'.

After all, the watchers had said that this pirate general would join the Tarot Club, but Cifa did not expect that she would join so soon!

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