Kavin, who was walking beside Mr. X, looked at a parade curiously. These tall people with blond hair held banners that clearly read: Oppose the indiscriminate hunting of beluga whales, we need sustainable development!

At this time, Mr. X continued to answer Xifa's questions. If it was not an insider, it would be difficult for people to connect him with Calvin, and it would be difficult for people to believe that Mr. X was just a marionette rather than a living person.

“The skin of the beluga can be used to make clothes, the meat can be used for food, and the fat can be used to make oil. As far as I know, the cooking of beluga whales has formed a unique culture in Nas and even in the Gargas Islands, and there are many famous here. There are all kinds of restaurants in the restaurant that are worth trying.”

"Sounds good, I like good food, but I hope people don't hunt and kill indiscriminately." Sifah glanced at the parade in the distance.

Then he asked: "Do you have any suggestions for this operation?"

Mr. X, who was wearing a mask, laughed: "I think intelligence is very important. It allows us to make as few mistakes as possible."

Xifa nodded slightly: "That's what I want to say too."

A freight wagon passed by them, the car had a strong fishy smell, and the car body had obvious grease, and it drove to a black smoke factory not far away, which is a common oil refining in the Gargas Islands. factory.

"They'll be refined into whale oil there, put into bottles or barrels, and become fuel and blood for some work." Calvin no longer manipulated Mr. X, but said in his own voice.

Sifa stopped and watched for a while, then turned to a street. They left the port and entered the city, where there were more parades, and bursts of noisy Feysac sounded in the streets.

"Whaling for survival, not pleasure!"

"Humans are no more noble than beluga whales!"

"The greedy demon leaves Nath!"

The banners of these parades were even more varied in content. Some people even set fire to a whaling dummy and were then expelled by the police.

The officers in gray uniforms pushed through the crowd with shields and blocked the march with long forks and sticks. There was an argument and the scene quickly spiraled out of control.

"Go away, you dogs raised by businessmen!" Some people shouted and threw out some kind of can, which immediately filled the street with an indescribable stench.

Sifa accidentally took a breath of air, and suddenly felt uncomfortable in his stomach and wanted to retching.

"It's canned wolf fish."

"Bastard, do you want to smoke us too?"

The indiscriminate attack sent the crowd and the police away first, and then marchers threw lit wine bottles stuffed with cloth strips, sending flames and black smoke on the street.

The police also rushed over, pushing with shields and beating with sticks.

Sypha raised his neckline, covered his mouth and nose, and the three quickly detoured, and finally found a hotel to stay.

When the night fell, the light in the house was bright, and the street had become quiet, the three people from West and France went to the restaurant to settle their dinner.

On the street, the street lights are sparse, but not dark, thanks to the bright lights on the houses on both sides, they chose a restaurant with a larger appearance, and tried fried whale steak, whale oil with skin, and grilled whale. different foods such as meat.

On the first night he came to Nas, Sifa was quite comfortable.

Two days later in the evening.

A merchant ship slowly entered the port, and on the sailboat was a flag painted with a beluga whale.

"Captain, we have reached Nath."

In the captain's room of the merchant ship, Lambert, who was disguised as the captain of the merchant ship, was in fact Colonel Feysac, who was smoking a pipe when he heard a report from a sailor outside the door.

"Understood, let Morton arrange for people to go ashore to purchase supplies, and we will leave tomorrow afternoon." Lambert took his pipe and called out the door.

Morton was the ship's first mate and a navy captain. He was smart and capable, and Lambert's right-hand man.

Lambert stood up, bit his pipe and left the captain's room. He got into the cabin, went deep into the passage, and knocked on the door of a room.

"Come in."

After getting a response, Lambert opened the door. Behind the door was a fairly spacious living room. On an easy chair by the window, sat a blond man with a high nose and blue eyes, a broad chin and a bushy beard. , The burly figure of more than two meters makes the living room seem a little narrow.

"Your Excellency Sevich, we have arrived in Nas. Look, do you want to get off the boat and take a walk?" Lambert took his pipe and asked respectfully.

It was Admiral Sevich who put down the newspaper he was reading and raised his head to look at the captain: "I got off the ship, who is watching him?"

Sevich pointed to the door of one of the bedrooms in the room.

Lambert hit a nail and could only laugh at the two of them: "Then I'll let the chef prepare dinner for you."

Sevich said "um" and continued to read the newspaper.

But after hearing the sound of the door closing, he put the newspaper down, got up, and went to the window.

Looking at the sea water dyed red by the setting sun outside the window, some familiar pictures slipped through Sevich's mind, that is the burning ship, that is the Admiral Amyrius of the Loen Kingdom...

Sevich clenched his fist, hammered lightly against the window sill, and snorted from his nostrils.

Although it has been almost half a year, those things are still vivid to Sevitch. Originally, he discovered that the Rose School was active on Sunia Island, and through this clue, he found an Abraham and got the 'Clarence Gate' ', thus allowing the Empire to formulate a surprise attack plan.

All of this has pushed Sevich to an unprecedented political height. If the surprise attack plan goes smoothly and Pritz Harbor is knocked down, Sevich believes that he will definitely be able to obtain the next stage of the potion.

But just when he was about to succeed, he was destroyed by the Loen people. In the process, in order to make merit, Sevitch disobeyed the order of the military department, and after the surprise attack plan failed, he has been sitting on the bench in the naval base.

It was only recently that the Navy decided to **** Abraham, who was detained at the base, back to his country, so that Sevich, who had been idle for half a year, was reassigned to a new task.

Sevich knew that, as a military demigod, he still had value.

After returning to China this time, the empire will have new arrangements, but it is far less beautiful than leading a fleet before.

However, he still has the opportunity to regain reuse.

Sevich glanced at the room where Morse Abraham was closed. The opportunity was with the Abraham inside. The Empire wanted to get in touch with the Abraham family through that man and establish a channel.

So Morse is important.

If it weren't for this, the Empire would not let him be a demigod personally responsible for escorting, and would temporarily hand over two magical items to him and Lambert for use.

Gu Xing

Because of the importance of the empire, Sevich saw an opportunity.

He wants to become the representative of the empire and the person who comes into contact with the Abraham family, and to do this, he undoubtedly needs to win Abraham and Morse's favor.

The corners of Sevich's mouth turned up slightly: "Wait and see, Yegor, sooner or later I will get my fleet back!"


Nass Pier.

"Hurry up for me, don't say I didn't take care of you, the captain said, we can stay until noon tomorrow."

"So at night, you can do whatever you want to your heart's content, but remember one thing, you are not allowed to have any conflicts with the locals and the pirates on the island!"

A man who was not tall, with fair skin and blond hair waved his arms to emphasize his tone.

He was Morton, first mate of the Moby-Dick, Captain Feysack.

At the same time, he is also the 'Weapon Master' of Sequence 7.

Soon Morton and the sailors entered the city, and they dispersed, looking for restaurants or bars.

Morton came to a bar, and a huge sign was erected outside the bar with the words 'Lordal' written on it.

He and the two sailors pushed open the heavy door, looked around habitually, and then walked to the bar.

There are many adventurers gathered here, they asked for smoked fish and oily soup, with bread and spirits, and they ate quite happily.

Going to the bar and sitting in the corner, Morton tapped the wooden board and said loudly, "Bring us some toast with red sausage, three more smoked whale meat, and three glasses of Glass beer."

Morton said to the other two sailors: "Let's drink Nebos later, my treat!"

After paying the money, Morton turned around and looked at the bar, looking for a young and beautiful girl to have a fragrant encounter. At this moment, a black-haired, amber-colored, very exotic beauty walked over and came to Morton's side.

She whispered something in Morton's ear, then smiled and turned away.

But during the whole process, not only did Morton not notice the abnormality, but even the two sailors beside him turned a blind eye to the beautiful girl who would have let them whistle.

Just when the food they asked for came up, Morton stood up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

The sailors didn't care. They had been attracted by the food and beer in front of them. They didn't pay attention to their first mate and didn't go to the bathroom, but left the bar and went to a hotel not far away.

Morton naturally came to the second floor of the hotel and knocked on the door of a room at the end of the corridor.

The door opened, and a black-haired man wearing a half-top hat, a formal suit, and a faint scar under his left eye smiled and said, "Welcome, Captain Morton."

Morton walked in without feeling unusual at all, and then saw the black-haired man raised his head, turned a ring towards him, and then spit out Hermes.


After the word sounded, Morton suddenly fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at the captain who had already slept, Xifa clapped his hands and said to Calvin on the side, "It's up to you next."

Calvin nodded and set up a 'psychic' ceremony, letting the charming scent of "Amanda" pure dew and "Eye of Spirit" potion drift around.

Xifa stepped aside and said in a voice that he could only hear: "After the channeling is over, please enter his dream and kill him, so that he can wake up."

"Then make him forget where he's been, what he's done, and make him behave normally."

The clothes behind Sifa undulated slightly.

How could Sifa, who arrived in Nas two days in advance, not notice the arrival of the Moby-Dick? He had already made several preparations in order to obtain relevant information.

Just when he discovered that the first mate of the Moby-Dick was on the dock, Sifa couldn't help but praise the gods, because this was the safest and easiest opportunity for them to obtain information on the merchant ship.

Xifa had imagined such a situation, but he did not expect that he was so lucky that he would encounter such a rare opportunity.

After all, compared with his other plans, it is obviously much safer to pass a first mate's spirit in the urban area of ​​Nass.

Inside the house, Calvin used the Tranquility Elixir on himself, which kept him calm and sane while channeling. After making all the preparations, Calvin began to channel. He passed through the starry sky and the thinking storm that belonged to Morton, entered the mental level of the first officer, and saw an illusory figure floating in the air.

"Who are the powerful characters on the Moby Dick?" Calvin asked in a deep voice.

Morton, whose eyes were dull, replied mechanically: "There is Your Excellency Sherqi, he is an admiral, a demigod..."

With the first mate's answer, the light and shadow in his spiritual world also changed, showing the image of a man. This man has blond hair with comb back, a high nose bridge, green eyes, a wide chin, a thick beard, and a burly stature, over two meters, a typical Feysac appearance and stature.

"And Captain Lambert, he's a colonel and the 'Guardian' of Sequence 5."

The light and shadow changed again, this time it was a bearded man biting a pipe, his gray-green eyes looked indifferent, the same burly figure and rough skin created a tough guy's aura.

"Ms. Laura is our navigator and the wind-blesser of Sequence 6..."

This time, a woman in her thirties appeared, with a beautiful face, a hot body, rough blond hair, and angry eyes, as if she would beat someone at any time.

Cavin, who was already the Faceless Man, checked the remainder of his spirituality, and then asked, "Where is Morse imprisoned?"

Morton said calmly without hesitation: "He shares a room with Lord Sevich, and that room is on the first floor of the cabin, at the end of the corridor."

Calvin nodded lightly and continued to ask, "Are you carrying magical items or sealed items?"

The first mate replied calmly: "There are two, UU reading www.uukanshu.com one is a 'bad luck hourglass', the captain said that it can continuously extract the bad luck from the carrier, and once the accumulation is full, he will take the initiative to reverse the hourglass. , you can release bad luck indiscriminately, making everyone around you unlucky."

"But because it continues to extract bad luck from the carrier in the process. Therefore, this will make the holder relatively lucky."

When answering, the light and shadow change, showing a small hourglass made of brass. (Note 1)

"The other is the 'Pen of Disaster'..."

Note 1: This is an item provided by 'loogs' in the 'Magic Item Collection Building', thank you for your support~

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