On the second floor of the small building across the street from the 'Blue Wind' Hotel, someone was standing at the window. He opened the window, bit a cigarette, and put his hands on the windowsill, as if enjoying the evening breeze.

In the process, he looked at the door of the hotel opposite, and saw a figure walking out not long after. It was a young man dressed like a Loen gentleman. The other party quickly found a rental carriage on the street and disappeared at the intersection.

"Major Sifa went out alone, without any crew members following him."

After writing down this line of information in a log book, the 'Black Sail' intelligence officer drew the curtains, and it is extremely unethical to spy on a Navy major. If discovered, it will affect the target's perception of the 'Black Sail'. 's loyalty.

But for the major, it is now a more important node, so Black Sail still dispatched intelligence personnel to monitor and record it.

In order not to attract the attention of the target, ordinary people without any ability are invested, and people like this, some of them are passengers on the Bayam, some are hawkers, and some are street girls.

They were scattered all over the place, and it is no exaggeration to say that the major was already known to Black Sail when he boarded the pier.

Loen inhabited area.

In front of an ordinary-looking garden house, on the street, a carriage stopped, and a passenger got under it. After the man paid the fare, he raised his head slightly. Under the street light, he could see a faint scar under his left eye.

In the study room on the second floor of the bungalow, a middle-aged man wearing a long trench coat with a black sailboat pin on his neckline turned around and said to another figure deep in the study, "Sir, Major Xifa is here."

The man had dark hair, a formal suit, golden eyes, and a mask on his face.

He nodded and walked silently into the dark room between the two bookcases. Then the bookcase was closed, and the man in the long trench coat took off his coat, revealing the shirt and vest inside. He came to a chair in front of the bookcase and sat down, smiling and waiting.

Soon there was a knock on the door, and then someone said outside: "Sir, Major Sifa is here."

"Please come in."

The door opened, and a handsome young major walked in. He stood up leisurely and introduced himself: "I'm Miley Joe Peter, the head of the third room of the Intelligence Section of the 'Black Sail'."

The major took off his hat and smiled, "Good evening, Mr. Milley."

Miley Jobid nodded lightly, stretched out and pressed down, motioning the young major to sit down, and then said, "I'll test your mastery of potions first."

"You mentioned that you have completely mastered the potion of the 'conspirator'."

The young major smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Mi Lai smiled and took out an item. It was like a crystal ball, but the whole body was pitch black, like a deep night, and there were gleams of light in it, like stars dotted.

He lightly pressed his hands on this item, and the light in the room was dim and quickly disappeared, as if being swallowed up by the darkness, and the darkness was still strong, covering the young major at once.

Mi Lai saw that the young major's eyes were alert at first, then in a trance, and then entered a state of 'quiet'. At the same time, the crystal ball in Mi Lai's hand changed to a certain extent.

He observed the item, and got the information that the potion has been fully mastered. When he left the sphere with his hands, the room returned to normal, and the young major woke up suddenly, as if he had taken a nap for a while.


Mi Lai covered the crystal ball with a black cloth and smiled: "Congratulations, Major Sifa, you have indeed completely mastered your potion."

"I will ask you some questions next, but I have to explain in advance that when asking these questions, I will use some abilities at the same time to ensure that what you say is the truth."

"I'm sorry that it is difficult for us to trust you without reservations without this important examination, and I hope you can understand."

The young major nodded. "I can understand."

"Very well, then, I'll start." Miley said, his eyes darkened.

At the same time, the expression of the major over there changed immediately, he began to tremble, and his body swayed, as if he was suffering from some invisible whiplash.

"Major Sifa, you declared in your report that because of your assistance with the ghost ship in Celeste, you obtained information on the potion formula and ritual of the 'Iron Knight'. In this matter, did you do anything about it? reserved?"

Mi Lai asked solemnly. At this moment, he was like a high-ranking judge, interrogating prisoners.

"No, I have written everything I know in the report." The major on the other side of the desk replied with difficulty. Sweat appeared on his forehead, and his body trembled even more.

Mi Lai didn't stop, and continued to ask: "According to your records, your speed in mastering potions is outstanding. I want to know, how did you do it? Are you aware of the existence of the 'playing method'?"

The major, whose sweat began to drip down his face, bit his lip and nodded lightly: "Yes, I know. I got this knowledge from the 'Golden Dream' and from 'Lieutenant Admiral Iceberg' Edwina."

Mi Lai asked with cold eyes, "Have you concealed your state from the upper echelons, your level?"

"No, no."


"It is absolutely true. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Miley said solemnly: "Major Sifa, can I trust you? Can the kingdom trust you? Can you swear that you will always be loyal to the Loen Kingdom?"

The major smiled bitterly: "My father is a baron of the kingdom, and my mother is a believer of the Church of the Evernight. I never thought of betraying the kingdom."

"Yes, you can trust me, sir."

"I swear that I will always be loyal to the kingdom."

Mi Lai looked at him quietly. After a while, the lines on his face softened. At the same time, the major's whole body relaxed, and the tense muscles were relaxed, as if the pain he was fighting had quietly disappeared.

During this process, his face was covered in sweat, and his clothes were already wet with sweat.

Mi Lai smiled and got up, handed a handkerchief over and said, "I'm sorry, Major Sifa, I'm not doubting you, it's just that this is a necessary procedure."

"Then congratulations, from this moment on, you are Lieutenant Colonel Sifa."

The young man raised his head, smiled wearily, and wiped the sweat from his face with a handkerchief.

Mi Lai continued: "You should have received the news that we are going to deal with the 'Dark Emperor'. You proposed to use the high-rank items of the 'Dark Emperor' pathway to attract the target. After our research, we believe that this has a certain degree of success. feasibility.”

"Next, we will officially take action. Please don't stay away from the waters of the Rhosid Islands during the recent period. Captain Ken Angus will join you later, and you will carry out the mission together."

"As for the potion of the 'Reaper', we have prepared the materials for you, can you make it yourself?" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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